Cult of Chucky

new Chucky movie

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Looks good actually

Straight to VHS

I forgot this was going to be a thing, but this trailer actually got me pretty hyped.

hopefully better than Curse of Chucky. That was fucking awful

I couldn't even finish Curse, it was so boring.


nu-chucky looks lame

whatever happened to Jennifer Tilly and what's his face

looks way too glossy

I hate nu-Sup Forums's nu opinions

>biting women's nipples off

Well at least he's getting creative.

Better than that stupid stitched up face he had for a while.

Did anyone actually like Chucky back in the day?

All I remember is doll sex

Jennifer makes more money playing poker than she does acting

I thought it was a really interesting premise but a terribly executed flick.

The only good thing about that movie is the ending.

>also includes rated version


I liked it as a kid, in the pre-4 days. I thought he was going to reboot it and try to make it a serious horror movie again, or at least as serious as one can be with the premise.


Fuck you, faggot shitbag.

I enjoy the first two movies, but I've always thought they were held back by the voodoo element and Chucky talking way too much.

Curse was good you stupid cunt

Honestly the end of Curse would have been a perfect send off for the series but the low budget made back it's money so hard that they are trying to keep this going

>Just bought the Chucky bluray box


how much was it ?

>The DUM DUM dubsteb sound they use in all trailers

Well they were trying to make it seem somewhat plausible that a doll was killing people, being possessed by a psychopath and wanting to find a new host body. Now it's just "what if Chucky fucked another doll and smoked weed? XD"

Yeah, I know. They could have just made the doll haunted though.

I like that they got the original Andy, but Chucky's voice doesn't sound like Brad Dourif even though the credits say it is. The doll looks like shit, too. Too polished and too far from the original look. Hoepfully they're not CGI heavy, as well.

omg, his facial movements are terrible
worse than the first child's play which was made in the 80s

child's play 1,2 and 3 are worth a watch. don't bother with bride of chucky and all the movies after it

I love the Chucky series, but that was my least favorite.

I can't quite put my finger on why. It wasn't terribly written, and didn't seem like the budget was that awful (for horror at least.)

Maybe it taking place in almost entirely in one location had something to do with it? Maybe it was the fact that everything looked too polished, not like the gritty (visually, not in terms of edge-factor) nature of the other ones.

>Now it's just "what if Chucky fucked another doll and smoked weed? XD"
Bride and Seed of Chucky were like that but not the newest movie, or this one it seems.

what is Chucky even trying to accomplish in this one. Can't he only possess kids? And is that whole therapy group made of Chucky survivors?

Bride of Chucky is worth watching but it's crap compared to the first three.

How many of these movies have to get made until we get a realistic one about some neckbeard hunting Chucky down to make him his fuck doll?

All horror series inevitably falls victim to the comedy genre

I DARE you to name one horror series that doesnt have quips or slapstick


Halloween mostly stayed serious, aside from Resurrection.

The Omen.

I'd rather watch another of those self aware tongue in cheek chucky moves with Jennifer Tilly.

i swear if this guy shows up