Has a worse looking update ever been made?

Has a worse looking update ever been made?

Let's wait for that new Predator trailer to drop

>Checks reddit comments
>See that people there are enjoying it
>So I will post the opposite on 4 chan.


get with the program op

just because you dont like FUN, doesnt mean it's bad

Believe it or not, some people come to the conclusion that things are shit without consulting reddit.

>implying anyone here thought this would be good

Jack Black really let himself go....

Honestly, plenty.

Look on the comments section of the trailer fucking idiot

looks like karen kino is back on the menu

of course reddit cucks are upset she isn't properly covered up

looks like another movie for the fans desu family
me and the crew will definitely see what #litty twist Rocky will add to this kino film. Will he play the exact same character? who cares, ima piss myself in either fear or laughter so i guess i'm the real winner, huh?



Karen is only for sexual when she's in full Nebula makeup and costume.

my nigga right here


It looks fun honestly


oh cool the only white man in the movie is a teenage girl. So fucking sick of the god damn Jews.

It's from a show called Selfie.



>lol i is short
>lol i is rock
>lol i is grill. SEX
>lol i is fat. fatty fall down!

Jack Black is a jew.


yeah, you when your dad updated hisself with a kid. #roasted. go home and take a nap now kid

>oy vey
what did the rock mean by this?



looks like a Blacked promo photo

Why don't you go back there, since you clearly don't fit in here?

I can feel the asspain already from Dwayne on this one.

Baywatch hardly had "fans" and he couldn't shut up about how it was for them.

This movie actually has some fans out there and it'll be a" #RAUNCHY comedy for the #REALFANS" and won't get the tone or anything right. That image alone shows what they're going for.

Black guy makes black guy jokes, The Rock is The Rock, sexy girl is sexy girl and is hot, and Jack Black makes dick and fart jokes.


giv pale gf

Nope. Looks shit

Sup Forums is reddit and there's a karenkino shill thread up





>Tfw lucky enough to have fallen in love with a 5'2 thin pale girl as a 6'2 dude

The one thing in my life that's gone right, she's perfect to me.

>hey I'm really a ditzy teenage hot girl but now I'm a fat middle aged dude
>woah look at my dick I can pee standing up now woah
>I can jerk my new dick off make myself cum and eat it and it's not gay because I'm a girl
Another predictable movie with predictable jokes.

>first movie had a dark tone balanced with Robin Williams comic relief

>new movie is some generic fish out of water comedy

Yeah just wait til she leaves you because she thinks the grass is greener


Yeah, your life


We've been together since high school, each other's first and only relationship. Been almost 10 years now.

And I say that exact same thing to myself every day. I'll probably never truly be happy, what with clinical depression and other shit.






It looks interesting, and its nice that they're going so different as to not ruin the original.

It might as well be a new entire IP really, they could have just called it Pitfall or something.

I think its just time to realize that you are getting older, Its a fucking kids movie made for kids today. There is no reason for someone over 15 to think it looks good. Grown people nowadays watch kids movies and get pissed when they feel like its not made for them. Stop watching movies made for children

it doesnt look so bad, its not like im gonna go see it, but still


I was surprised by how much I loved that flick. Never watched the TV show and normally can't stand the cast but it had a nice weird off-beat vibe and little non-sequitur jokes that it kept me amused!!!FACT!!!

I unironically thought it looked good. Obviously it's not winning any awards, but it's not trying to, it's trying to be a silly comedy adventure flick, which it looks like it is going to fully succeed at.
I was honestly really surprised, I was expecting to hate the trailer, and after watching it I was even more surprised by how much negativity it is getting.
What the fuck is wrong with people?
>Wow Jumanji is a video game now OMG SO DUMB
Who gives a shit? The movie looks funny as hell, like a new version of Tropic Thunder, which is a modern comedy masterpiece.

>Karen Gillan half naked
>kids movie

yea no

i'll wait till it comes out on dvd and rent...

roll for gillan prime

>>first movie had a dark tone balanced with Robin Williams comic relief
>>new movie is some generic fish out of water comedy

How many other movies can you name that are a cross between Tron and Tropic Thunder?
I'll wait...

Just change the film title to Tropic Thunder 2.

Problem solved.

>if there is a sexy woman in a movie it isn't for kids
I would start listing kids movies with sexy women, but it would literally take all night. It will be quicker to just call you a massive retard.


Is that Jack Black?

Hes always been fat idiot

>little jew boy who is probably some execs son is the main character.

jewish nepotism must end.

>having midget kids

Gee I wonder why Sup Forums doesn't like this