Why cant you just admit you didnt understand the movie and move on?

Why cant you just admit you didnt understand the movie and move on?

Why can't you admit the movie has flaws?
Why can't you admit this is a bait thread?


Batman vs. Superman will be studied in film schools across the world 20 years from now for its brilliant cinematography, on point societal commentary, excellent acting, and fantastic direction by the great Zach Snyder who will be considered the greatest director of all time. The film is so underrated it literally hurts me. The film is unmatched in its scope and resonance. You will all see one day. I swear it. This film will go down as the single greatest piece of contemporary media.

Go away drone


Watched it today for the 2nd time, it was a good flick until right after SAVE MARTHA, then it went to shit, but it had flaws before then.

The whole Doomsday battle was dumb as fuck. Jesse Eisenberg was a shitty lex Luthor and overacted. The Wonder Woman insertion was lame, and the intro to Aquaman and Cyborg were useless. Outside of that it was solid.

MoS was much better.

People understood the film just fine. It's not this intellectual piece people keep trying to sell it has; it's just flawed in the extreme.

>the intro to Aquaman and Cyborg were useless

respectfully disagree, that scene gave us a glimpse into Snyder's level of meme-awareness

Careful, round here Snyder fans will call you a "Marlel shill" or some other derivative if you keep making excellent points like that.
I'm beginning to think it's the new TDKR is a good movie" meme. Don't get me wrong, the cinematography of the movie was great but it does have problems here and there. The extended cut addresses some of these issues but you can tell there was still studio meddling. MoS was better executed, that's for sure.

Why can't they just cut the shit and make an actual Dark Knight Returns movie?
Like, you remember when they did Sin City, and they didn't even have a script, they just shot the comic page for page? And then it cost very little and made a ton of money? Because it was a good story to begin with? Just do that for DKR. Then you can have thicc old batman with a good story that makes sense.

>this b8 is almost as disappointing as bvs

>the cinematography of the movie was great

It was very inconsistent. Some of it was great, recreating comic book-y shots like he did with Watchmen.
Other times, it was awful, too many closeups without establishing shots, very jarring and confusing.

That's what we thought we were getting. We were lied to.

I have admitted it though, and I will again. I simply can't understand how you could take a concept like batman vs superman and make such a shitty movie

Theatrical cut is a mess, Director's cut is pure kino

I like DC better than Marvel and I always will, but making BvS before a standalone Batman film and making half the plotlines have to do with introducing characters for the Justice league was a stupid idea

WB needed to catch up to the MCEU as soon as possible and WB instead of creating MoS2 and a Batman movie they opted to sandwhich it + introducing WW and the other JLs via emails.

>Batman brands criminals

No, ultimate edition barely improved on the theatrical. I honestly barely noticed a difference, maybe made sense of a few loose ends but it wasn't the DRASTIC improvement you guys make it out to be.

Marvel movies are shit too, don't get me wrong. Like I said Man of Steel was the best cape movie yet.

and it felt rushed and useless. Justice League better blow it out of the water.

That's the thing though. Where in the movie making handbook does it say you have to catch up with your rival? Make your own shit at your own pace and we wouldn't be where we are today with these 3 movies. In fact, I posit we'd probably get something better.

I wish they had just made a live action adaptation of TDKR part 1. Then they could have really gone in depth with the whole Punished Batfleck and had that movie end with the Superman vs Zod fight in Metropolis. Then they could have cut out like 2/3 of the flashbacks from BvS and people wouldn't have been blindsided by the version of Batman that Snyder was doing

The jews that run Hollywood said so.

It would have made more sense as to why Batman and Superman are fighting that's for sure.

Exhaustion. Everything has a phase. Remember high fantasy back in 2000s? Everything has an end and DC wants to time their JL2 at the same time Infinity war ends

You don't think the normies have reached that point yet? A couple weeks ago Bill Maher was talking about the saturated superhero market and how more were coming down the pipeline. It's just like Banky said in Jay and SIlent Bob Strike back, hollywood was buying up all kinds of licensing rights to various comics n sheeit. And now we have this influx of live action anime coming it's terrible.

>Logan: $615 mil, despite its R rating
>GotG Vol. 2: $850 mil
>Wonder Woman: $660 mil and climbing
>Spider-Man Homecoming: it's a Spider-Man movie with Iron Man in it, can probably reach $1 bil

Maybe the bubble will burst at some point, but it's definitely not happening yet