ITT: Times your real world knowledge made movies suck

>"The blade is in your aorta, you pull it out, you bleed, and you will die"
That's not how the aorta fucking works. 100% of the blood of your circulatory system has to go through the fucking aorta. If it is blocked, you are fucking dead, if half of it is cut open, you are dead, because it doesn't have much structural resistance to keep the blood from just bursting out since it's so close to your heart. The aorta is in fact so sensitive and fragile that the most common damage to the aorta is car crashes because the sheer force of the sudden stop can tear it open on your insides.

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Who here /educated by movies/games/animu/books/ here?

they're skilled assassins though, no doubt they've trained their aortas extensively

This movie had very little to do with reality.

We Are Marshall

I didn't get why they would make a movie about a team so shit but after watching it, it made sense I guess

The knife sealed the wound. If he pulled the knife out, the wound would be open and what you said:
>because it doesn't have much structural resistance to keep the blood from just bursting out
would happen

>sniper in movie
>aims the bullet in the middle of the crosshair
>bullet hits right there in the middle of the crosshair with no delay, no wind factor, and no drop

If he pulled that knife out, would he die?

>I did the math

And the simulation actually failed IRL

Any film involving religion or god.

I have a M.Sc. and "god" doesnt exist. Kinda ruins it for me.

>"100% of the blood of your circulatory system has to go through the fucking aorta. If it is blocked, you are fucking dead"


>because it doesn't have much structural resistance to keep the blood from just bursting out
takes into consideration that the knife is there. The Aorta is not some arm artery, it's larger than a fucking thumb.

Your point being? if the knife was pulled out the blood would come bursting out and the guy would be dead

maybe the blade is going length wise with the aorta and not blocking it off.

If they adjust for windage and elevation with the knobs it could be in the center of the crosshairs.

Anything with time travel or FTL travel I can't take seriously.

Tom Cruise would have been brain damaged in Rouge Nation.

No buddy. If the knife stays there the aorta will still be vomiting blood at such a high rate you would lose your consciousness in like 5 seconds. Even the tiniest spontaneous puncturing in the aorta that some diseases cause have a 95% death rate while inside a hospital.

>character gets shot multiple times
>can still stand up and run

>Bad guys knock out and kidnap someone
>kidnappee stays knocked out for hours



I don't know, I can enjoy things and know they're not true. Maybe if the film is trying for realism but John Wick really doesn't, it's a fucking comic book (and a better one than most comic book films out today).

If I know an actor fucked kids, that can make films uncomfortable to watch, but that's a different kind of 'real world knowledge' to what you're talking about.

>guy gets thrown through a thick glass window
>no cuts
>gets right back up

>Good guy punches a guard as hard as he can
>the punch makes him magically sleep for like an hour
>there's literally no real life example of this logic and Hollywood is still copying the logic of shows from the 60s that were too cheap to give a fuck

90% of gun usage.

adrenaline can make people do some crazy shit

>we only use 10% of our brain

>no cuts
you don't get cut unless you land on the glass
>gets right back up
I've been thrown into concrete walls and have been able to get right back up and that was back when I was a skelly

what does concrete have to do with glass you enormous faggot

>going through a glass window
>not landing on glass

Are medicine students issued an extra tippy fedora?

the other guy claims people shouldn't be able to get right back up if you throw them against glass but I've been thrown against walls made of harder substances and was able to get up immediately cuck

the scatter pattern is random, it's entirely possible to land of a patch with no shards

In Die Hard 5 they break into Chernobyl or something, and they have like pesticide guns that they spray around and say "will neutralize the radiation". That doesn't make any sense at all. You can't neutralize radiation. You can neautralize acid. Neutralize radiation doesn't mean anything. I mean that movie sucked regardless of this, but it still rustles my jimmies.

>goose feathered jackets are armor

How is this even so popular? It's retarded, anyone who's seen sprint get knocked out knows they wake up in seconds or shit gets serious.

Get the Gringo is the only movie I've seen where someone gets chloroformed and then the attacker leaves the rag on the guy's face to keep him unconscious too.

>he's never seen someone being sucker punched or k.o'd in a fight

>guy gets shot
>bullet pushes him/part of his body back as if it was a brick
bullets just easily go through you

>real video game is shown on screen
>sound effects are stock noises and the characters are pressing wrong buttons
>"I GOT THE HIGH SCORE!" and that game doesn't have leaderboards
>"I JUST BEAT LEVEL X" and that game doesn't have level based stages
>also it's the wrong controller for the wrong system and the console isn't even plugged in

I give props to Roseanne for them actually using a SNES to play Super Mario World and using the real sound effects, but then later Roseanne says some shit like she collected enough swords to be the monkey king.

well it is rosanne, she was probably just talking bullshit on purpose

>she collected enough swords to be the monkey king

he's right about the no delay though
I thought The Accountant did this nicely, with the badguys getting shot, followed by the boom

They need a montage of this happening in tv shows and movies because it happens A LOT

Are you retarded? People who get KOd lose consciousness for about 30 seconds top. That when the punch doesn't give them a traumatic brain injury and puts them in the fencing response with their eyes pointed to the top of their heads.

If you punch a guy and he doesn't wake up in the next hour, you should start talking to your lawyer about your upcoming manslaughter charge


This is the one that truly tickles my autism. It's just so fucking ridiculous.

Have you ever seen someone get knocked out?
They're out for a matter of seconds, or minutes if it was particularly brutal.

Watch a MMA fight and tell me how long it takes for the guy to wake up.
Plutonium is not High Explosive, but extremely toxic and it's transportation close to military fucking operation (just as transportation of most radioactive substances).

why do Sup Forumstards get so triggered by this

That's not cute.

Why do you get triggered when they've triggered?

why do you get triggered about me getting triggered?

Everything triggers me

To live is to despair

>two characters driving in a car
>the driver looks at the character in passenger seat for over 10 seconds

Can't even go 2 seconds without feeling paranoid.

>horror movie with a tangible antagonist
>nobody tries just punching the damn thing
All it takes is one cocky retard getting rekt to establish that people can't fight it effectively.

no, just going through glass windows/doors will ruin you. anyone who has seen an arm punch through a window will back me up on this.

Any time a 110 lb woman punches some dude in the face and doesn't break her fingers.

When criminals are handcuffed in front instead of in back.

Is this even possible on an unwilling person? I used to do it with my brother and it took a lot of cooperation.

any movie when a white girl chooses a white boy over a black guy.

Not fucking realistic. At all.

nigga you're just jealous that you can't snipe for shit

get laid

>anyone who has seen an arm punch through a window will back me up on this.
This only happens because their fist is naked. usually when a person is thrown through a glass wall, their back comes into contact first and usually they are clothed

oppa reddit style wop wop wop

My own. Got hammered and punched through a tiny window above the kitchen sink when I was like 21. Went right through, had like 3 gashes down to the bone.

her butt is pretty cute tho

i heard an architect say that if glass were invented today, there's no way the safety codes would allow it in our buildings and houses. it's only here because we've become reliant on it.

>two characters driving in a car
>the driver looks at the passenger EVER

Does anybody IRL do this?

A dude I knew in college did constantly. Eventually I started offering to drive every time after he nearly plowed into a car.

Its only a fleshwound. You yuropoors make it sound like getting shot is a big deal.

>How is this even so popular?
Because its a convenient way to transition scenes.

>Even the tiniest spontaneous puncturing in the aorta that some diseases cause have a 95% death rate while inside a hospital.

This is true. One of my nursing instructors once talked about this guy who had a hole in his aorta. He survived and she explained to us that this survival is so very rare.

The aorta is under a lot of pressure, a small prick would make it pop like a balloon.

No it wouldn't, the body's not that weak. If it was we never would have survived.

it's buried at the center of your ribcage, behind a wall of muscle and bone, for a reason

Yeah it's important and sensitive. But it's not about to just explode.

Being a bio/medfag makes it hard to enjoy a lot of movies.

>"I'm a biological DNA coder..."

The fuck? As opposed to a non-biological DNA coder? The fuck is a DNA coder anyways?

You're a fool, every fictional world has a creator, and thus has a God

someone who maps out the DNA

can you guys please stop talking about stuff inside my body? it is making me nervous

God? heh, more like flying spaghetti negro

>take a scifi movie seriously
im pretty sure any scifi movie just asks you to suspend your belief. thats like me saying... "i know vampires dont exist so i cant take Blade seriously."

I think they mean someone who does a lot of genetic engineering.

>As opposed to a non-biological DNA coder?
I guess a biological DNA coder would use enzymes in the body to cut and fabricate DNA strands they want. Where a non-biological DNA coder might use precision machinery.

it would mostly be on your back not all over your face where it would be visible

musician here, I can detect playback in like half a second so all the movies or shows that supposedly have live music seem kinda silly

i realize production is expensive and it's not feasible to have the artist actually perform take after take, but for fuck's sake, you CAN make the studio recording sound like it's being played live! don't mix and master that shit like a top40 hopeful

I'm a /sci/entist, so basically 90% of movies.

I have stories about my knowledge of comic books making movies suck, if that counts.

Nearly everything about Armageddon.

Not really, no. Look at how long that guy just stays there and waits for her to finish her movements.


well then we should find a gif of her butt to match the namefile

Sup Forums scientists are always such badasses. They can do anything. They can map DNA, create medicine, engineer machines that can print tissue, fly airplanes, study black holes.

IRL scientists are turbo autists who specialize in some niche that literally nobody gives a fuck about and usually has no real world applications.

Anything guns related is always shit and even when they do proper usage and reloading they still fuck up bullet physics, basically bullets are lasers in movies and nobody goes deaf with a gun going off next to their ear.

The actors are also always all knowing because they are never can hear everything even with 20 guns going off all around them.

Bullets aren't instant death rays the moment they touch you.

The guy in this video gets shot five times in the torso point blank and still ran away and made it pretty far down the street before he finally collapsed.


>guy gets knocked back by an explosion's shockwave, gets up, brushes himself off, and keeps moving

It is tho

this was covered in the other guys

It's not about hardness is about getting julienned by broken glass

watch this dude get rejected like 3 times and them some guys bully him by taking off his hat

the first rejection is on 1:18