How did this win an Oscar?

How did this win an Oscar?

Academy voters usually don't watch all of the films nominated for best animated picture and either vote for the Pixar/Disney film by default or vote for whatever their kid liked best


Because it's fantastic and displays mature themes for a kid to understand in a nice way

*rubs hands together*

worst pixar movie besides cars 2 (and presumably cars 3 and the good dinosaur, but i havent watched those)

Because Trump was elected.

why don't you watch a film for adults instead of a cartoon for children

You misunderstand my point

Only because you have autism

what's your point, then? that the best animated picture oscar should be awarded to kiddie films by default? because Inside Out sure as fuck wasn't the best animated movie to come out in 2015. not even close.

Yes it was

three of the four other BAP oscar nominees were better, not to mention films that weren't even nominated.

No they weren't

What if you were to give this movie to, say, twenty... intelligent people i mean, what would that do? Let's face it what would it do?

>there are people on this board who legitimately think Inside Out was a better film than Anomalisa
jesus fucking christ

They'd probably feel touched by the warm message and appreciate the high quality animation and voice acting? Fuck the idea that you can be too smart for any one form of entertainment. that doesn't come from intelligence that comes from snobbery

One of the best children's films I've ever seen desu

>bus driver's emotions are all anger

Really, that's interesting.

trailer looks boring as fuck

>R rated
only thing you like it for, eh?

desu i think anomalisa while being more sophicticated movie deserves to fall in obscurity, never ment to be best anything


best animated movie of 2k15 reporting in

I love these movies.
So comfy.

Because most people really liked it.

It's irrelevant. Inside Out is one of the highest rated Pixar movies.

Anomalisa was dogshit though. A seriously disappointing movie

rip off of the numskills imo

>that the best animated picture oscar should be awarded to kiddie films by default
yes, because cartoons are for children, user.

Because mah emotions and mah making adults cry

In reality the movie was a great concept executed poorly. Shit happens to Riley that destroys the island they're using to get back just as they're using it? OK, sure that might work once, but not 3 goddamn times.