Fury Road

This was bad r-r-right?

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Nope, a thrilling ride from start to finish.

Best action film of this decade and one of the most well executed action films of all time.
You can only say the script isn't much but it isn't even trying to be, literally any other filmmaking element is flawlessly executed.

The behind the scenes are almost as good as the movie

>Best action film of this decade

What are some kínoes about punching jews?
>ywn she youzing 7Zipper or WinRar instead of Humster

Captcha:belledonne kidbrooke

oh god no its literally the best action movie of the past 3 decades

No, and I genuinely believe any extreme negativity toward it is just contrarians who probably haven't seen it. It is very easy to criticize its plot for less complexity/being too simple (easy to argue it as a positive too) and the dialogue lacking a bit. But the pace, the cinematography and direction of the action scenes done with incredibly choreographed stunts and practical effects with very clear camera work with no shaky bullshit and the amazing detail in the costume and set design was all utterly fantastic. I don't think I have ever seen a more well paced movie with such breakneck action, it's one of the only movies I've ever seen where when it got to the middle and things calmed down a bit I actually took a breath because of how intense it is.

Basically required viewing if you enjoy action movies of any kind.

Good visuals, good sound production
Pretentious SJW message
Gets overrated because this is one of the few actions films that cucks and women will actually pay attention to, because it's, like, so important!

As someone who honestly makes that exact claim for many movies:, There is only an "SJW message" if you can't stand women of any kind in lead action roles period. I agree it can be forced 90% of the time in movies but it simply wasn't here, it was well done with minimal propaganda or forced bullshit.

This guy is a Jew as well.

Best action movie of the century so far and I'm counting capeshit as action movies so start getting triggered you fucking plebs

Charlize literally couldn't do shit without Tom Hardy helping out.

No, it was a fantastic film by modern standards. The CGI was kept under control, the plot centered around Australian inability to control their road rage and steal each other's shit. Very nice, not as dramakino as the first Mad Max but it got my heart rate up for 2 hours and let me forget the shitty outside world for a bit as well

I agree with this. As much as I hate the leftist agenda, Furiosa didn't feel like the strong independent womyn meme. She was a good character but I would've liked if the movie focused more on Max. Especially since I know the second is going to be about her again.

>a dying 72 year old Australian man made one of the best action films to ever hit the screen in years.

>He's going to make one very last mad max film before he dies and disappears forever and we'll be left with shitty starwars and capeshit movies until Disney buys out Mad Max and remakes all the films and makes Mad Max black.

>mfw despite his success Fury Road hasn't been an inspiration for other filmmakers
>action movies are still retarded pleb like Fast and Furious and capeshit
>Miller will die in your lifetime

Best action film since Matrix.

>mfw Fury Road flopped

Yeah this is really sad

Not like i waited 20+ years for it or anything

John Wick is entertaining, but very pedestrian in comparison to Fury Road.

Because this shit isn't easy to do. Writing stupid scripts, pandering to dumb millenials, filming action scenes with shaky cam and drown the scene in fake looking CGI is MUCH MUCH easier than filming this stuff as he did.
Its not that they aren't inspired, they can't do.

Also focus groups + reshoots. Getting people in front a greenscreen to do reshoots is easy, trying to get new cars to blow up not so much

b-but most of the FnF stunts since Tokyo Drift have been practicals

other than being visually appealing it was fairly devoid of anything memorable

Don't fall for that practical VFX meme. Mad Max was still choke full of CGI.
And a bad movie with great practical FX is still a bad movie, and good movie with average CGI FX is still a good movie.

You are the contrarian!
It was fucking mindless forgettable garbage.

Probably the last movie I saw in theaters that I came out feeling I haven't wasted my money.

No it wasn't


Not it wasn't and you don't know shit about movies and probably underage.

Go on, I'm waiting for you to explain why it was an AMAZING flick

movie was good but I didn't appreciate how Miller saturated the world with color and weird shit, making it an ''action fairytale'', instead of keeping the low key and almost-plausible approach of its predecessors

>Miller will be dead before sequel

thats subjective, but still valid criticism.
I am torn on this. Some shots just look awesome with the color, some look too fake.
I also like movies with an de-saturated or unnatural color palette.

Fury Road was a disgusting feminazi propaganda piece. SJWs ruined Mad Max. RotK says it better returnofkings.com/63036/why-you-should-not-go-see-mad-max-feminist-road

>It’s whether men in America and around the world are going to be duped by explosions, fire tornadoes, and desert raiders into seeing what is guaranteed to be nothing more than feminist propaganda, while at the same time being insulted AND tricked into viewing a piece of American culture ruined and rewritten right in front of their very eyes.

What did they do with all the cars after the movie? I unironically want to own the Doof wagon.

The only people who dislike this movie are the Autists and 15-year-olds who think hating on something popular will make them appear cool and intellectual.

Are their bigger butt-blasted fagggots on the internet than MRAs? Literally a flip side of the SJWs.

Is there literally no news of Wasteland? Even with all the crawlers and unique ips anons have to influence the creatives in charge of it? Wasteland is infinitely more interesting to me than any you-know-who-driven rehash thread about FR since its web-dl came out.

I mean, Miller is 70 years old.


Watching Kagemusha and FR: Black&Chrome as a double-header in a small theater on a Friday night is one of this millennium's rare cinematic pleasures.

sounds like you're insecure about liking it

They call that projecting user. Sounds like youre insecure about disliking it.

>agree with the majority popular opinion that it was good


not at all. you claim anyone who dislikes it is pretending and they want to look cool. I didn't even mention I didn't like it until you posted getting all defensive about it

I am uncomfortable watching any movie where a woman shows ambition.

it was much better on rewatch. a lot of the story is told somewhat subtly

That was intentional, first he wanted to do it entirely in black and white but the studio didn't allow it so he went to the other extreme of highly saturated colors and contrasts.
I think he made a good decision because if he went the usual "desaturated dark colors" route it would be just another hollywood blockbuster.

And he released the black and white (chrome) version a few months ago so you can watch that if it suits you.


I personally enjoyed the color palette of the film but I can see why others don't.

Have you watched the black and white version? If so what did you think?

For fucks sake you retard redditors don't know how to use this site at all do you? Sup Forums is for TELEVISION, /m/ is for MOVIES. UNDERSTAND? Thankyou now stop shitposting and shitting up MY board.


I'm another user, and i prefer the bnw version to the theatrical one, especially when projected on a big screen. 'Motion picture' is exactly what the bnw version delivers, something that is a fucking surprise nowadays with all the disposable, forgettable, zero-consequence, zero-influence shit.

It's only sjw in the sense that it has strong characters, some who happen to be female. It doesn't feel forced or shoehorned in, the world of mad max is a tough one, it would be strange to encounter a weak female, even the wives, who should be the damsels in distress, are tough in a certain way, all while still serving as the damsels.
Strong female characters done right, it's made clear that even furiosa couldn't have done all that by herself and NEEDED max, in much the same way that max needer her, nux, and the wives to get his humanity back, as he had been reduced to nothing more than an animal trying to survive at the start.

it was pretty good


I know zionists run the world, I can still tune out and enjoy a wellmade movie for 2 hours, you double digit IQ troglodyte.

So one could say that this movie has an humanistic viewpoint?


Feminist memes like "the patriarchy" or "toxic masculinity" are essentially esoteric bullshit. Everything that feminist cunts deem "problematic" can be explained either by biology, evolutionary psychology or historical context.

So? MMFR made good use of those memes. Yes, because esoteric crap and shitty metaphysics make for good fiction. Most of the time at least.

Think of how George Lucas built a whole universe around the syncretic construct of The Force, which is a simplistic religious gimmick that just happen to work wonders in a space fantasy opera.

George Miller sort of did the same in MMFR. He took some bits of the feminist dogma and cleverly used them to shape the characters and fuel the conflict. And it worked fine, because he didn't go full socjus. MMFR is far from being Tumblr: the movie; it isn't "feminist propaganda" just like Star Wars does not promote religion and magical thinking. Fury Road is first and foremost, an amazing action film with a great female lead.

9.5/10 certified kino

So, basically, "never go full retard"? Quality post.

I loved it. But it bummed me out that of all the people I know who saw it, they either dismissed it as "boring" or feminist propaganda.

I was happy to know one friend who liked it, then I realized she was a feminist and was echoing Tumblr.

>Pretentious SJW message
How the fuck was there an SJW message? The green land turned out to be just a myth and the heroes had to return to where they'd ran from. The implicit, but pretty clear message was that after toppling Immortan Joe they'd have to measure up to governing a city with finite resources, something which you cannot do with just idealism and equal rights. Not to mention how obvious it was that the brides whom they'd tried to save were 10000x more privileged than regular inhabitants of the city.

>blocks your path

I agree with everything you wrote except the part about Star Wars. Does SW really not promote/inspire religious and magical thinking (pantheism)?
Not so sure about that.
His syncretic metaphysics is a simplified clone of indigenous shamanism including the "force" and the strict duality of good and evil.
Sounds cliche, but there are some very striking similarities which makes me think Lucas was more inspired by real spiritual belief systems than people think.

Amusignly, the prequel comics are almost anti-feminism. Especially the one focused on the wives' backstory.

>Furiosa calling them out on being privileged, how the people below don't have water to drink but they can bathe in it, how they only want to escape because they don't know how hellish it is outside
>Joe calling them out for hating him just because he fucks them, noting that even he doesn't live as well as they do with their food, water, books and music, a teacher, etc.

I thought it was good but it was dumb for them to go all the way out and then turn back.

It would've made more sense if there was such a paradise-type place that Immortan, et al., all went to to get some supply that only they had and Max/Furiosa got there and convinced them to fight against Joe and take over.

But, whatever.

Saw it for the first time a couple weeks ago, it just felt strange honestly. The quality level was all over the place, parts of the movie were legendary and others looked amateur.

Some of the shots they used were great while others just didn't make sense, cheaply sped up footage or angles that didn't show off the vehicles as much as they could have. I also wish Hardy had more lines, the few he did have sounded really awkward with his accent, I'm not asking for him to narrate the entire harry potter book series to me but they just didn't do the silent hero idea correctly.

>The implicit, but pretty clear message was that after toppling Immortan Joe they'd have to measure up to governing a city with finite resources, something which you cannot do with just idealism and equal rights.
That's not the implicit message at all, that's just something your brain does to try and rationalise the propaganda. The message is that men are selfish pricks and we should let women share all the wealth. There is nothing about the consequences of doing that.

Dredd, Max and Wick are awesome.


One of the best action films this century.


Furiosa won me when she scolded one of the wives for trying to abort.

>You're just a killer!
>And what were you just trying to do?

Strong independent don't-need-no-man feminist Furiosa confirms abortion is murder

The actual non-SJW feminists some time ago used to be pretty strongly against abortion.

Fury road is great but everyone who's like UNMATCHED MASTERPIECE THE ONLY ACTION FILM YOU WILL EVER NEED needs to chill the fuck out and explore the genre and its adjacents more before making such bold and sweeping statements


People act like its so obviously not just a good flick but an absolute MASTERPIECE.
Its definitely not perfect stop hyping it up.

I'd put it on the same level as Pacific Rim, Dredd, Edge of Tomorrow and John Wick (haven't seen 2 yet) if we're talking pure enjoyment in this decade's action movies. Of course the definition of "action movie" is so blurry these days sometimes I'm not sure what else to include or leave out.

Pacific rim, dredd, and edge of tomorrow aren't that good.

The real 2010s action kino is shit like spl2 a tine for consequences. It's a dying art but its adherents are still out there making work at a new technical peak.

It's a similar phenomenon with works like Deadpool and Rick & Morty, I feel.

Every once in a while something comes out that isn't quite bad and can be fairly good even, but it rings enough bells that the masses start hailing it as an 11/10 end-all-be-all masterpiece. Which it usually is not, of course.

I think Fury Road is a good cut above the other examples but it still stands.

I still maintain that it would have been much better if it starred Mel instead of Hardy. It makes so much more sense plotwise. Old Immortan Joe and Old Max fighting it out and then leaving the world to the younger generation (Nux and Furiosa). It also wouldn't feel so detached from the rest of the series. The way it is I still saw it three times in the theater but had it had Mel as Max it would've been 100% perfect. George's bullshit excuses of why he didn't cast him sort of pissed me off. Everyone knows why he didn't want to be involved with him.

Sup Forums only hates it because it's mainstream and well received as one of the greatest action films ever.

You have to understand many on here can separate "enjoying a movie" from thinking it's good. They probably watched it, enjoyed the hell out of it, but then decided that it's reddit trash and now bitch about it whenever it's brought up.

Opposite. It's such a shame the only compromise to have come out between the mra's and the average Sup Forums viewer in these threads is to shoehorn the film into a best-of-genre box. I actually feel secondhand embarrassment when you then recommend to 'explore the genre' like a video store clerk.

Watch more films, period, you strawmanning clowns. Maybe make a books/documentaries about film theory and movements threads, and then let's see your recs in them.

But they dont Sup Forums praises it endlessly stop crafting a strawman to fit your narrative

In all honesty it was kind of boring but had great visuals and art direction.

>Ctrl + F masterpiece
>1 of 3 results
>First result is 84459209 taking offense at himself calling something a masterpiece, then proceeds to argue with himself
wtf fuck Furor Rhodes now

Road Warrior was better


Being based on an actual belief system does not make The Force any more real than any other fairy tale. More often than not, sci-fi/fantasy authors tend to "borrow" from the real world, and I still think world building and storytelling were Lucas' main concerns back in the 70s. Star Wars doesn't strike me as a proselytizing piece at all.

They should have had Mel Gibson as the bad guy.

Tom Hardy makes zero sense in the timeline. They treat him like he's a tortured old man from the old world who's family was killed, has ptsd and has been wandering the wasteland for decades but he's only like 35. While Immortan Joe is old as shit and was in a war DURING the fall of civilization. There are 20 year old characters who had never seen the old world (nux and the war boys). I'm supposed to believe Tom Hardy had been alive for that long? Was he married and had a kid at 12 years old? I wish they made the movie now now that Mel's blacklisting has ended

this is hilarious, i need to see this now.

>This was bad r-r-right?
I though so, personally. I was surprised to see how many critics seem to think it's brilliant.

lol. Is that Common Sense?

The worst part is Furiosa said she was a child when she lived with that tribe of people but Charlize Theron is two years older than Tom Hardy.

>tfw you just wanted to go to gastown

George Miller ruined his own mythos because he didn't have the balls to hire his old friend Mel

And now the important question:

What is the GOAT action flick? I nominate this.

Getting blindsided in a bar, reeling, getting it together, putting in five right handers to the body before your mates pull you away is the best action experience to liven up a night out

Who cares, movies are allowed to have fun with continuity. Especially when it's doubtful fury road even takes place in the same universe or timeline as the other three