/bb/ Big Brother 19

HOH: Cody
Veto: TBD
Nominations: jillian, alex

Temptation:josh got the golden apple (safe for the week)
Temptation #2 : TBD

previously on /bb/ megan self evicted

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I'm tiffmas bro but I'm really starting to like Elena

imagine what ravens bumbum smells like

I hope Jessica is first to go, fake ass bitch.




She acts like a fucking child, she's too damn old for that.

Is this kino?


you have to go back

For what?

newfag pls go




Yes go back there

Reminder, an Elena porn start look alike performs under the name Layla.

10 days in and the house is already going bananas. Now you just know this self eviction really fucked up the scheduling so do they bring Cameron back or do they try to get another vet in last minute?

1 less double eviction

There is a rumor that one of the tempations is to cancel an eviction.


For the 50th time I'll explain why Megan self evicted. She said Dominique looked like a gorilla. Houseguests called her racist. Megan said "the only reason you're calling me racist is because you also believe blacks look like gorillas. If I said Dominique looked like a lion no one would call me racist. The only reason you're all offended is because you know blacks are only a step removed from apes, you just don't dare say it." Megan realized she could never recover from this and walked out the door.


megan please

shouldn't this shit be on /asp/?



sleepy sloot

Oh damn people are awake
Time to start up the feeds


Jillian has pretty big brown doe eyes.

>Christmas, Paul, Elena and Mark have an awkward sexual head rubbing group but Mark is the odd man out in this because Paul is rubbing Elenas head. Mark gets noticeably sad and goes out and grabs water and something to eat. He comes back in to Elena rubbing Pauls arms and he just sits there and watches like some cuckold porn scene.

poor mark getting cucked by ya boy

foot fags are scum

pit bros muster

watch out loser

why didn't everyone get water bottles

When will he have a dickslip?

> mark wasn't so sure about trying to backdoor paul
>get cucked by paul

Paul is as good as done for

>the chick who self-evicted was the fugly one

Feels pretty good man
The BB gods are on our side lads

Agreed Scott-kino poster, was a pleasant surprise

>band-aid on cup

what did he mean by this?

ye ok

if you didn't have autism, you would have realized it's a marker so he knows it's his cup

when's veto ?

but she was a strong navy interrogator, BB was going to be a walk in the park!

>needing to mark your cup because you can't keep track of it

imagine being this autistic

Do the HG know who got the temptation?

yeah they got to watch the show


u wot m8

Last night's cuckholding was so fucking weird.


I meant the second one. Do they know who gets to go into the room and whether or not they accept

yeah it was on the show

jesus mary and joseph

>tfw I went to check out some old feeds last night and realized CBS Cornbreaded us

I thought we had time, man. I thought we had time

cute CUTE


Paul needs to go

t.cucked mark

Can we never go back to a previous day now?

>look alike

Fell asleep around 4am
Did I miss anything good?

Last thing I remember was there was a group in the HOH making fun of Josh and Jillian is acting like a rat

>female interrogator

kek the navy is such a joke

you're so retarded I can't believe you can post

Sorry didn't think he was talking about previous seasons. Watch the r-bombs.

how long until POV comp? I'm ready to see if I'm going to drop Cody



All we get to see of pre-feeds for now.

sleep tight

i think veto pick is going on now

Paul is running the house, sorry senpai.

Jessica is ruining Cody. Wish someone would tell him she's a gross prostitute.

hold me

>tells Mark he can watch the threesome.

i've never seen someone go JUST so fast, in a matter of few hours of feeds

Elena trying to fuck Mark, Matt, and Paul
Raven trying to fuck Mark, Matt, and Paul
Christmas trying to fuck Mark, Matt, and Paul
what a bunch of whores

Monogamous Jessica confirmed for purest waifu in the house

thats too much tits


foot pusy


lol wtf is that elena highlight even about?

Raven would do every guy in the house.


>trying to fuck Mark

nah, m8, they just want him to watch

lol cameron you out already?


Mark has that cuckstool on lockdown

The most annoying thing about Paul is watching your favorites be friendly with him. I still remember Bridgette giving him back massages in the HOH room.


Watch those mommy-bombs bro, they were daughters once. Be more respectful bro

reminder: OTT would be live right now and we would have got to see megan self evict and elena and xmas shower

fuck this stupid shit im done


every girl is after the Matt cock

I went to school with one of Kevin's daughters.

These bitches are after Ramses cock. These hoes aint loyal.

no you didn't

Will they let Cameron back in?

what are some good addons for the cbs live feeds

bbviewer is fucking up for me

Is there an Asian Big Brother currently on? We should seriously consider switching to that.


he may come back through battle back
if they wanted to bring back Cameron directly they would end Cody's HOH (similar to Chima expulsion in BB11) and do next HOH comp

No I did. Ive seen him in person. He has this presence about him.

Not if he was already let out of sequester. That self eviction was a obviously a unexpected for production, who knows what they will do to fix the length of the season.

Big Brother India?