*blocks your path*

>*blocks your path*
>Move it football head!

What do Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Stand still, because my head is more Pin shaped than football

wtf was her problem?

She couldn't process her romantic feelings for Arnold which always came out as insults.

A good dicking would sort her out eventually

Have you even seen the show?

why would arnold ever wanna dick that ugly monster

she has a fucking unibrow

she acted like a cunt to everyone though, less with phoebe but still

Did you see her sister? Puberty will fix her

She's cute. CUTE.

>she has a fucking unibrow

happy now?

Tell her I'll lick her eyebrow behind the school if she stops punching me.

Is it true there's a made for TV movie in the works?

Sup Forums, what a dump, what an original content lacking shithole, how I despise it, and yet…

Yeah. They're finishing the entire thing off with a TV movie coming out this year. I only heard about it myself recently.

it's actually handegg shaped head

>Sup Forums, what a dump, what an original content lacking shithole, how I despise it, and yet…

Post of the day.

Pick her up and give her a hug ~


Her sister was an over achiever, her mother was an alcoholic, and her father ignored her.

Arnold knew, right?

He only finds out in the movie, but there are episodes set after the movie where he seems to be aware despite him previously thinking it was just a heat of the moment thing. He does the tango with her at one point.

>ew she's got paint on her overalls!

What film is she watching?


tell her her music is shit





>this will never be real
>you will never experience young love

>tfw you'll never be a fat, cuddly cat who just goes around meowing and sleeping and cuddling all day



Fuck you kid





>[tribal drum music begins playing]

What did she mean by this?

>Hey Arnold!: The Jungle Movie is an upcoming two-hour American animated television film split into two parts and is based on Craig Bartlett's Hey Arnold! TV series. The film will be a sequel to 2002's Hey Arnold!: The Movie and the two-part series finale "The Journal", which also premiered in 2002 on Nickelodeon, as part of the fifth and final season. The movie will serve as the definitive series finale, and will answer all the unanswered questions, including the whereabouts of Arnold's missing parents.

>The TV movie is projected to premiere on Nickelodeon in November 2017.




That episodes in the last season where fbhead goes to his cousin's farm where erything's flipped and distorted.

Also, just rape all the female orbiters.



Muh dick

Top cuck.


>the only BMAF relationship in a TV show I can think of is an American anime


Funny how Helga wears the pants in the relationship and Arnold the kilt-shirt.

Nah. Helga is utterly dependent on Arnold.



Props to the creators for giving her a fleshed out backstory but I don't think neglect is an appropriate topic for kids.

If only I were so lucky.

Are you a fag or something? It makes her incredibly well rounded as a character. She projects all of her lack of attention and love onto Arnold which provides a satisfactory explanation for why she is crazily obsessed with him.

If she didn't have some sort of freudian reason for her actions she would just be a poorly written nutcase.




>tfw realizing Helga is probably the reason I'm attracted to Cara

>I love Arnold! There, I said it! I love him! I love him! Arnold! Arnold! Arnold! I'm absitively posolutly in love with the boy! I want to grow up having a fabulous life, traveling around the world with him! Coffee in Paris, roses sailboats, the whole nine yards, I want to have a perfume named after us "Arnold Helga!" I love ARNOLD!!!!

Eh, I kind of like the idea of Arnold's parents never being seen again especially with how beautiful the ending to Parents Day was.
I'm still pretty fucking hyped for this though.


That's kind of fucked up.

Deviantart was a mistake

The ghost train episode and that one where they go into that cave scared me as a kid

>That episode where Rhonda needed money and had to work as a street walker to help her family


>That episode where Rhonda and her boytoy had a threesome with Phoebe


Wait a half hour for something better to come on because Hey Arnold is overhyped garbage

the only good tsundere in a western cartoon

>giving helga the dick
yeah no not with that fucking unibrow and hair

>tfw you will never have a tsundere with a shrine of you that you pretend to not notice
How do I kys myself

Teenage Helga is damn.

>what did I tell you short man?

Haunted Train and Headless Cabbie were two of my favorites when I was younger.




Walk towards her with my football head and kiss her passionately then carry her in my arms off into the sun set.

so subtle the way they snuck her moms alcoholism in there

>always passing out and making "daquiris"
>always acts forgetful like her brain is in a fog
>drives helga to school, clearly sucks at driving
>hey helga, your mom got her license back?


>Got spicy chicken wings and french fried onion rings.