Why does Hollywood hate Asian men?

Why does Hollywood hate Asian men?

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Asian men cant act for shit

The same reason everyone else does.

same for the women desu.

Light doesn't have asian features though...

I dunno that bai ling chick had some chops

Let's be fair here. Everyone hates them, not just Hollywood.

ironically on a chink animoo webshite

I would rather have Light being black
And L being white

>he's white boy, WE WUZ ANIMES N SHIT

glenn was a fan favorite on TWD

he really doesn't, name aside

>Why does Hollywood hate Asian men?
gee whiz, i wonder why

leo dicaprio was a fan favorite on growing pains

real answer: ambitious asian people don't try to become actors, they get real jobs. so you only get the bottom of the barrel appearing in movies

Liberals are turned off by Asians because they represent a culture that doesn't need their help and doesn't perceive themselves as victims.

Liberals love to be the white heroes.

Anime characters aren't even intended to look like any real people.

republicans love asians because they are as racist as them

So much this, so much for white privilege when the good asians are higher in IQ rates and are going to buttfuck our economy if Trump and the rest of the public doesn't act quickly

This is too true, I remember a chinese guy flew all the way from his country to the UK so he could go into our warehouse and purchase the company, they're not stupid just persistant

liberals are the most racist because they think minorities are helpless without them

>chink animoo webshite
Yes, their cartoons, not them. Nobody likes your mongoloid features chinky poo.

Democrats have always treated minorities like property, from slavery to slave labour and kissing their feet 24/7

he doesn't have any white features either in this case. For blonde haired animu you could argue, but manga/anime characters in general are a mix, so eurasian + bug eyes

basically what I was going to post. The asian men being unattractive thing is a meme. Plenty of good looking asian dudes that could've made it as actors if they didn't become doctors, lawyers etc. instead.

I'm talking East Asians obviously. Sorry Indians.


fuck off yellow fever homos

china is the only other world power race if you know what i mean

because we don't really care about our own representation that much either.
think about it like this. An asian guy comes home from his 6 figure job to his cushy apartment in Manhattan with his also fellow highly educated pretty asian wife. He watches some movies and TV, and he notices there doesn't seem to be any asians on screen, and that Hollywood is actually actively wiping out the asian characters and replacing them with white ones. He thinks to himself "wow that's bullshit" but then he remembers that he has a loving wife and a 6 figure salary and a PhD on hung on his office wall, and so it doesn't bother him that much.
Now picture a black man. He comes home to his shitty house in Queens from his shitty job working in some shitty factory where he earns $30,000 a year and his boss is some shitty white trash asshole. He turns on the TV and watches stuff to help distract him from his shitty life and his black wife who nags at him all day for money to pay the bills as she goes and gets 3 hour hair appointments at the salon to "go get her hair did". When he sees that everyone on screen is white he goes "that's fucking bullshit that there are no black characters on screen", and then he comes back to reality and realizes that his life is even shittier than the racial issues on screen, and so he channels his frustrations towards Hollywood and gets mad that there isn't more black representation.
This is why Hollywood doesn't care about asians. It's because we also place less importance on being represented on screen because we spend that mental effort on getting good jobs and good salaries and realize that even if there are more asian actors on TV that it doesn't make us any richer so in the grand scheme it doesn't matter as much


Indians are controlling Silicon Valley as we speak while east asians are too busy being the submissive servants.


how can they control Silicon Valley when they can't even control toilets

>because we spend that mental effort on getting good jobs and good salaries

Jews do the same while also being great actors, writers and directors. Asians can't display emotions correctly let alone simulate them.

Nice pasta Cheng, never seen it before.

yeah this seems pretty accurate. Iirc asian men make the most money out of any US demographic

Jews can make shitty life decisions and still succeed because they rig e.g. the entertainment industry for their own people

jewish connections aren't a meme, they are far more tribal than asians

thanks I typed it all out so it's an original Cheng if you will

>for their own people

Ah yes connections are a jewish invention no other kind work that way, asians and jews came under similar circunstances stop deflecting little bitch

the difference is that Jews are westernized a lot more heavily than asians. if you look at all the jews in hollywood, they're all Jews who fell through the cracks. Very rare are the ones who are very "jewy jews", so to speak. You know, heavily educated and very docile. Even Woody Allen who is like the "stereotypical jew" dropped out of NYU his freshman year.
I'd say there are a lot more Jews who have adopted that whole "education doesn't matter that much" idea than asians. Also there's the fact that Jews are Westerners so they're in general a lot more sociable than the asian kids. I'm a offensively funny asian (which is why i browse here) and I'm sort of an anomaly amongst asians. Most of the other offensively funny kids I knew were Jews. I have no problem with Jews in Hollywood because they're just better at it than anyone else

gee I wonder which group of people is in control hollywood right now...

also jews are the exception not the rule

>his fellow asian wife
sure thing buddy

well yeah in this situation he's asian, and has a 6 figure salary. Which generally indicates doctor or some sort of high paying job like an engineer.
He would definitely be married to an asian gal
I'm assuming you're white so I'll explain something. if you're asian and above 25 your parents are calling you 24/7 and begging you to get married and have kids, and a lot do. Hell even I'm gonna try and have kids young so that my parents can see their grandkids before they pass

I could almost accept this as long as the black actor properly portrayed Light, the current actor just looks like some dime a dozen college kid with no charisma.
And about black L, It just doesn't sit right.

yagami is ima gay spelled backwards

Asians only make up 3% of the US population, and that includes hapas

light its the only animu character that actually has the chink eyes

idris elba could play that nigga in the back

that's like asking why does the japanese film industry hate white men? it because white men are a minority in japan. asians are a minority in america. They are irrelevant.

Jew in Hollywood here.
Nobody gives a fuck if you're just a Jew, you have to be a connected Jew.

Are you Spielberg's godson? Please, be in our Transformers/Indiana Jones.

Are you a random Berg? Go stand in line with the rest of the wannabe schmoes.

Newsflash: New York and Los Angeles have a shit ton of Jews. It's not like they're six guys with secret handshakes. If you throw a rock in those cities chances are it's going to land in a Jew. And there are only so many fancy jobs to go around

nigger whites in japan are less than 1%
asians in the US are like 6% and like 20% in places like san francisco
I don't need there to be asians cast in films shot in the midwest or the deep south or anything like that, but in a movie shot about Los Angeles or New York or San Francisco it's pretty stupid to say asians are irrelevant

>right now

Jews created Hollywood. If there were no Jews there'd be no Hollywood. They've always been in control and they don't owe you shit.

you men why women don't like asian "men"?

I think you know the answer to that question, chink boy.

>whites asking gibmedats from superior races because WE WUZ KNIGHTS AND SHIT

comedy gold

If I'm making a movie I'm using actors that will bring butts into seats. I'm not going to be flipping through a local census to make sure that all ethnicities are represented according to their percentiles. You find me a chink actor that will sell tickets and I'll find you a producer who wants to use him.

In fairness things are getting better. I've seen at least 2 asian jocks in recent US shit.
It confused the fuck out of me because I expect people to be cast by stereotype.

The jew fears the samurai

>chink eyes
I have big eyes and mine aren't as big as his.

>bottle blondes cumskin thots calling anyone else unattractive



unironically this

>chinky poo
Christ, what a fucking faggot.

lol what the FUCK are you talking about?

look at light and L's eyes they're clearly not asian. what fukin asian has hair like light naturally? yeah, exactly

anime rarely portrays asians they all portray superior whites (as they should)

Anime characters are not even intended to be exact representations of real Japanese people. Is nobody familiar with the concepts of stylization and caricature?

>anime rarely portrays asians they all portray superior whites (as they should)

And whites in 2017 are whiny self-loathing losers.

the only anime I ever watched and I just remember light being a super genius white chad that got the hottest chick in japan and L being a pasty sugar addict who was even whiter...well I guess you have to make one of them black so why not pick the whitest person ever depicted as a nigger right?
why not an asian?

Toshiro Mifune always looked like a scruffy hobo. I'm not judging you if you have bumophilia but let's not pretend he was strikingly good-looking

Yeah they are stylized to look white. Everybody knows Japanese worship western culture. Japan had to pass a law to require a minimum amount of Asian actors in commercials because so many Caucasians were used

>Yeah they are stylized to look white.
They are not.

>Everybody knows Japanese worship western culture.
They do not.

jews fear the samurai

woah I didn't expect to see someone disrespect toshiro today

>shitty house in queens

Why you gotta do us Queens people in like that, Sheng-Sheng.

Because white people should take all their roles.

Unless they're black. If black people take their roles, I'll be pissed.


Not all rich Asian people have white wives.

How do you squat while on your knees? I don't get it.

Most anime characters look like ayy lmaos desu

asian men prefer asian women unlike every other race of men who prefer white


Unironically, jews fear the samurai.

bangs a round eye and becomes a half round eye

I have to agree, don't care.
I see news like "Hawaii five o star Kim and Park were believed to be making 10-15% less than O’Loughlin and Caan." and I don't get mad about equal pay. I get on with my life.

>>it's a he doesn't look like a racist caricature so he must be white episode

Sorry to break this to you Elliot Rodger but most people marry inside their race.

Asian women often dislike asian men.

First, take a big step back... and literally, FUCK YOUR OWN FACE! I don't know what kind of pan-pacific bullshit power play you're trying to pull here, but Asia Jack is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again! Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an un-Godly fucking firestorm upon you! You're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I'm talking scorched earth, motherfucker! I will massacre you! I WILL FUCK YOU UP!

Why don't you hate the idea of white men as protagonists? Why does Light -have- to be an Asian? Are you a Japanese supremacist? Do you support the Japanese genocide of the Chinese during WW2?

Jews fear the Samurai

t. r/hapas