Confirmation Kubrick worked on the moon landing

Today Alex stated that he knows the moon landing was real, but that NASA faked some photos and videos of it due to radiation affecting film rolls and as a backup if the mission was a failure

>"I have that from all the sources: NASA, Kubrick family, all of it.
>We've got the contacts, it's all well known, I've talked to the President, I don't need to go any further."


>I've talked to the President

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I think we need to ask ourselves why it is that Kubrick attracts autists like this. Why do people feel the need to make conspiracy theories involving him, when they don't with Tarkovsky or Antonioni, for instance? Does it point to a limitation in his work that loser males living in box rooms gravitate to it?

Always a good watch any time starts with the moon landing hoax bunk



Yeah, I wonder why a conspiracy theory invented and promoted by Americans isn't attributed to foreign film directors.


explain how i can see the flag with a telescope then

its a hologram

>mfw there are people who take Alex Jones seriously

You literally can't make this up

do you know how to read

did you even read the OP? he says people went to the moon, but the footage was fukd so they made some in case the mission failed

I post this every moon landing thread and people still come in, ignore it and claim the moon landing was obviously faked

If it was faked, refute this video. Cause the reality is that it would have been impossible to fake with the available technology. But it would have been technically possible to actually go there.

thread's over. yea?

>the moon landing was live-streamed continuously
So, uh, when was this supposed footage used apparently?

It's the complete opposite. Kubrick actually made entertaining films so his audience is much wider.

If any of those names attract box dwellers it's not him.

>it isn't a conspiracy, b-b-but it could have been!
You kids are retarded.

It was the Lizzard People of Mars who pumped flouride into the water to make you think the moon landing happened of course! I won't spoonfeed you the details though, connect the dots!

Nah it's fake bro it's all fake

Have he heard about the movie 2001 released in 1968? Because it has the special effects supposed to be impossible to do in 1969.

>Because it has the special effects supposed to be impossible to do in 1969.

Apparently they weren't.

I know, these people need some water filters.

>I've talked to the President

Imagine how much the intel agencies freak out when they see Jones on the White House phone logs.

Even if conspiracies aren't true there's still plenty of secret stuff Trump can accidentally let slip.

>Because it has the special effects supposed to be impossible to do in 1969.
No it doesn't. In fact, there are very detailed analyses of how the special effects in that film were done.
What would make the moon landing impossible to fake back then are not the special effects, but the technical limitations of recording on film stock. Watch the video and stop shitposting

>today, Alex said some bullshit for views.
Yes, and?

Are you for fucking real?

No you can't. Nice job attracting so many retards eager to defend the narrative though.

>Even if conspiracies aren't true there's still plenty of secret stuff Trump can accidentally let slip.
The absolute moron was giving his personal number to everyone in the G20, that basically is against of protocols of security.

>Let me tell you about the heroes of Roswell New Mexico, great guys I tell you.
>There was a whole campaign administered by the old regime and supported by that disastrous president, Kennedy, to have these heroes, these American heroes, to have their names tarnished. And why?
>Cause they were scared. They didn't want you, the American people, the hard-working average Joes, to be able to be involved in intergalactic trade.
>But I can't really talk about all that because it's classified. I mean, I can talk about it; because I'm the president. But we shouldn't talk about that

Flag will have been blown away by now.

Because he made 2001? Because he is famous for being overly obsessive with every little detail of his work? Because he was not outspoken to the public so much? That makes him the go-to name to yell when you're looking for someone to fake the moon landing.
I'm not a believer in this dumb ass theory I'm just saying

Gotta love the typical Jones pattern.

>guys, I've discovered this vast conspiracy!
>they're trying to keep the truth down, but we know better!
>Well, it's clear we don't have the whole story!
>ok, so maybe some of it happened like how they said, but there's definitely something being covered up!
>look, I'm not trying to say this never happened, just that we don't have all the facts!
>I want to talk to you about a new conspiracy against you folks!

Again and again and again. How do people eat this shit up, year after year?

>there's still plenty of secret stuff Trump can accidentally let slip

Accidentally? He's bragging about state secrets.

The mission was a success. This is all that matters. If it was not, the SOVIET UNION, who had their shit together when it came to intel and space, would have said something. They didn't. It happened.

>How do people eat this shit up, year after year?

Wishful thinking. Some people just can't cope with reality.

>I think we need to ask ourselves why it is that Kubrick attracts autists like this
Right? Hideaki Anno prolly faked the Moon Landing and everyone is confusing one autist for another autist.

Anno faked the Eva ending and has been playing cover up ever since.

Lol this. Remember how he pretended that he recorded the entire NBC debate when all he had was a phone call with Kelly? Remember how he posted hour long videos talking about how he "exposed" NBC and never released the full interview from his end? Then a day later, he ranted about the start of WW3.

Alex jones isnt even a "proper" conspiracy theorist anymore. Hes a money grubbing shill. When he had Trump on his show he just agreed with Trump on the official narrative of 9/11 and the dancing "muslims" narrative which is used to deflect from the dancing israelis. He just plays the conservative go to guy and shills all his shitty products. Bill Cooper was right about him all those years ago.


They flew up there and stuck it in the ground to make sure no one would catch on

Israelis didn't dance either, bud.

>moon landing
Yeah you probably believed that ships can "orbit" the earth too. Take the red pill people, stop believing (((their))) round earth lies.

nice try

If you belive that he faked the moon landing (something which was confirmed by even the US's biggest enemy the Soviet Union) or the "hurrr Kubrick was killed for making EWS" you need to kill yourself.

>some autist made a video on YouTube
Yeah, this isn't evidence matey. That didn't happen. Don't be crazier than Jones please...

YouTube videos made by retards isn't evidence.

>the Soviet Union said it
Well shit comrade, why didn't you say so? Wtf, I hate moon landings now!

Why doesn't the sun leave scorch marks or heat signatures as it passes the disc if it is only a few thousand miles away?

>here is my Youtube video
Every time.


Haven't you ever seen your lawn get burnt in the summer? That wouldn't happen if the sun was way far out in space. It's so obvious when you think about it.

>Oy vey we can pretend it never happened by repeating it enough times and memeing it into other people

Or you know, you could produce credible evidence that isn't just the crazy ramblings of some retard on a Youtube video?

>Haven't you ever seen your lawn get burnt in the summer

okay so why did kubric admit to doing it in the shining?

are we supposed to believe he was just lying?

>>We've got the contacts, it's all well known, I've talked to the President, I don't need to go any further."
>a known bullshitter
>citing sources from another known bullshitter


regardless I'm watching the Shining tonight

Did you even fucking read this? There was no "mob of Israelis dancing and cheering", they were 5 kids in their early 20s who were Israeli citizens who were acting suspicious. There is also no video evidence outside of a single testimony that they were cheering in the first place.

You people take one story and extrapolate the most autistic shit from it. You're a useful idiot reactionary. Read your own links, shitbrains.

Alex says he thinks they actually went to the moon but had backup/alternate footage for PR done by the SFX people Kubrick used according to Kubrick's daughter.

.t listened to the show today

Jesus you are dense, what's the timecode that shows the actual footage of Israelis dancing because the towers are falling??? Where is it? I'm not watching 28 minutes of this shit.

So either you are baiting me or you know there is no actual footage and you can't come to terms with that.


There are people who strongly belive men hasn't set foot on the moon

>Fox news story gets pulled for mostly being bullshit and fear mongering lies off the heels of a national tragedy
>user digs this clip up after a decade of it being irrelevant and factually wrong in most instances
>still can't show me footage of "dancing Israelis"
Gee, it's almost as if you fell for bullshit.

They took the red pill user

I feel bad for anyone who needs to communicate through Matrix lingo.

>I'm goint to mention lizard people so nobody takes you seriously

Nobody was taking you seriously anyway, since the moon landings aren't fake.

Philippe Lheureux's theory presented in his book Lumieres sur la Lune is that, in order not to give out the real photos containing scientific information about the Moon which could be used by rival countries, photos and video taken during the training stages was substituted. That satisfied the American taxpayer and that left no real possibility for the other countries to make scientific use of them.

So what? You can theorize anything to be true. There is no proof to any of those claims.

Have you read Lumieres sur la Lune by Philippe Lheureux? The bibliography is 20 pages long. I'm not sure why you decided to post this absurd claim of no proof when it's clear you haven't read the book, which literally contains 20 pages of lists of sources.

Because Jones is a showman. He's entertaining as fuck.

>if he lists sources, then it must be true
Any nutbag that pretend they have sources champ. Doesn't make their sources credible. Alex Jones is a source, doesn't make him credible in the slightest.

The moon landing wasn't faked and neither were any of the pictures. If you most you can produce is one autist "theorizing" something, then I'm pretty confident in what I know to be true.

*can pretend

So the new story is "We really went to the Moon but we also faked it"?


It's a published work, not a secret. You are free to review it and come to your own conclusions.

>Any nutbag that pretend they have sources champ.
The whole point of citing sources is to give the person you're talking to the chance to review what you're basing your argument on and from there they can form their opinions on the information provided. That's what discussion is supposed to be, you retard.

Then post the sources, faggot. This isn't really something that deserves a discussion in the first place but everyone here is just humoring you and how autistic it is to debate this. It's like talking to flat earthers. You are arguing that the government faked moon landing videos... And now you are doing that "secret knowledge" shtick and prob won't post any info because then you know how hard your "sources" are going to get btfo. Of course, that just serves to strengthen your persecution complex and you'll same some bullshit like "I'm afraid of the teuth" or some such other faggoty thing.

There are "published" works on the Holocaust being a ruse game devised by Jews. You can publish anything you gullible fuck.


Why don't you take your shit to /x/? That's more your IQ level and I'm sure you will convince literal autists there.

This guy is correct. You'd need a telescope lens the size of UofM stadium to see the flag.

Philippe Lheureux's theory presented in his book Lumieres sur la Lune is similar in nature to OP's suggestion. Thought it was worth a mention. Didn't realise it would engender false hostility with the purpose of provoking others.

>Update from Ann: It's still the case that the relatively small telescopes we have on Earth, and orbiting Earth, can't see these tiny features on the Moon. But in 2009 NASA launched the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) probe to orbit the Moon, study the landscape in detail, and characterize the environment (mostly focused on checking for radiation, with which future astronauts would have to contend).

>In addition to carrying out this scientific mission, LRO was able to take images of the Apollo landing sites (for the Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 missions) and could identify the flags and other equipment. Read more about that here or here, and check out NASA's multimedia image archive from LRO including this stunning image of the Apollo 11 site.

user, do you go out of your way to study Holocaust denial and give denier "theorists" a critical ear despite lack of any hard evidence?

They dropped this truth bomb in fargo s3 too.

>false hostility
What does this even mean? Buddy, we are asking you to prove your claims or the claims of whoever you keep memeing about. Post evidence or shut the fuck up.

Reminder that black people were on the fucking moon, but evil whiteys made their own version of moon landing with pathetic white people and now everyone thinks it was the WHITE MAN who conquered the moon. but it's FALSE. IT WAS THE BLACK MAN WHO CONQUERED THE MOON.

Technically a monkey did go into space before Yuri Gagarin

also all the other cosmonauts that went into space and died and were covered up


The moon-landing it's pure ideology.

Why does Buzz go antifa when presented with information or questions he doesn't like?

Because that nigga went to the fucking moon and he probably gets basement dwellers like yourself bugging him constantly about conspiracy theories, so I don't blame him if he punches a few NEETS here and there who think they are rocket scientists after watching an Alex Jones video.

There's this phenomena that happens to some astronauts once they leave the atmosphere were seeing how small the earth is totally fucks their life perspective. Buzz has been walking around with that for decades.

>only antifafags are violent

What a crock of shite. Most of those arguments regarding dust and what not can be applied to the eventuality that the moon landing wasn't a fake.

Some disagree.

People are basically stupid. They believe a lot of stupid shit. We're barely past chimpanzees. It took us 5000 years to invent the wheel. Yes we're the most intelligent life form on this planet, but compared to what? Dolphins? Face it humanity isn't capable of handling the complexities of the world.

It's true that Kubrick filmed it. However, Kubrick was an infamously meticulous perfectionist, and so he demanded that it be shot on location.

True. This is why moon landing hoaxes were easily executed in primitive decades of the 20th century. Harder to pull off these days, but it's still possible to fool this planet full of stupid people, see 9/11