Blockbuster closing was some of the saddest shit to ever happen.

Blockbuster/Hollywood Video nostalgia thread.

stop making these threads every fucking day

I remember when the blockbuster opened in my town. I remember when the blockbuster closed in my town.

What a time to be alive

stop getting mad at these threads every fucking day

i went to my local blockbuster down the hill maybe 200 times during my childhood

i remember renting silent hill 3 and getting so scared during the very beginning segment in the theme park that i didn't touch it until i returned it

fuck blockbuster i'll take being able to download an hd rip of pretty much any movie i want in minutes over blockbuster always being out of new releases late fees, and fees for not rewinding

You miss it because you didn't buy it or use gas driving there. You miss it because you didn't have to worry about fitting the time to return it on-time in your weekly schedule, and risking good money if you weren't able to. You were a kid so you can reap the benefits of these stores, but until you take those goggles off you'll never realize how shitty and inconvenient media rental stores really were. Fuck them. I'm so much fucking happier loading something up at home, or torrenting it, and not wasting time or money or gas to fucking watch something. Fucking kids

You want the experience still? Go to a nearby redbox faggot, they're at almost every supermarket

>You miss it because you didn't buy it or use gas driving there
I was in college when I would regularly hit up Blockbuster, the fuck do you know?
>You miss it because you didn't have to worry about fitting the time to return it on-time in your weekly schedule, and risking good money if you weren't able to.
Wrong again I wasn't in elementary school.
>You were a kid

I hope that girl has a nice black guy to properly satisfy her

fuck blockbuster

local video stores > all

I saw my first hentai thanks to blockbuster. For some reason, they just had THIS on the shelf in the Animation section. I rented this and project A-Ko. I was 15. Good fappin'.

She's a child you sicko

My local family video is still up and I rent from them Weekly for games and stuff to watch with my family.

and? so what? so the black guy will wait until she's ready. christ, you white boys are so buttmad sometimes.

im black

please impregnate my fiancee

>mom lets me pick out a video and a candy, sometimes even a video game too
>always smelled awesome like popcorn and fresh plastic
>hot teen sales bitches always commented on how cute I was
>usually got awesome chinese food afterwards because it was right next door
I miss the old days, things were simpler

>tfw my local video store closed down a few weeks ago after 34 years

People get nostalgia over the stupidest things
>wahhh this mega corporation that treated its customers like shit and refused to update its business model failed
>wahhhh my childhoooooood

Yea man now we have Netflix using its profits to fund anti science lefty propaganda.

It doesn't have to be Blockbuster fedoralord, it can be about any video store. My local one was really comfy, had a good selection of stuff and the people that worked there were cool and we would talk about new stuff that was coming out and share suggestions and things like that. It's about the social atmosphere that comes with actually leaving your house.

we all do user


>wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i don't enjoy shit

my mums rage if we took longer then 5 minutes to choose a film was very enjoyable