Death Note

Explain this.

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well they got the saggy pants right

Murricans in charge of cultural appropriation.

I hope this post doesn't become underrate.

>making the only actual white character black
what did they mean by this?

SOMEONE give me ONE (1) good reason straight white males can't be cast in every single TV or movie role.
protip: you can't

Well where do you expect them to find a white boy with nigger lips?!? It was their only move seeing as Eddie Redmayne was busy fading into obscurity.

If they were seriously going to adapt the anime into live action with different casting, the studio should have just made a different story and set of characters while maintaining the same concept of the series. Something along the lines of "this story is inspired by the anime" or someshit

No, I already upvoted it.

A documentary about native Africans in Africa full of nothing but white people in villages wouldn't make sense

>only actual white character
Ray Penber
US President
Most of Mello's gang members


Death Note is weebshit. If you unironically care about this you should kill yourself.

>one of the few characters who can be considered, to some degree, a form of autistic/neet 'hero'
>make him a nigger

Niggers literally can't be autistic or understand in any capacity what the life of an autistic white person is like

This actually makes me angry and I don't even like anime or deathnote

The story is intelligent though.

Wouldn't make sense for him to be Asian, since this doesn't take place in Japan. Makes sense for him to be black, because it takes place in a major city in the US. In the end, it's just another adaptation of weebshit, who cares except weebs?

War of the Rise of the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

It's even worse than weebshit
it's tumblr fujoshi shit

why care about anything at all

>Niggers literally can't be autistic or understand in any capacity what the life of an autistic white person is like
fucking kek if you actually think this. you would be surprised at the amount of autists you interact with just on Sup Forums who are black but never tell you.

>lol am I part of the cool autistic club yet
Jesus Christ nig nog, take a walk

It would be fucking boring.

The characters are intelligent but the story isn't. If you think Death Note is deep, you must be underage.

Not deep, but well crafted and exciting.

So you want a shitty cosplayer like in the japanese live adaptation? Stupid weeb.

This looks like the gayest cartoon ever. You fuckin nerds, lmao

>hurr I am retard
>only us white bois can b retard, no nigs allowed

Okay friend.

lmao you white bois mad? we takin over anime

way to completely miss the point you ape

Whats the problem? hes as white as the average fan of this trash

>Gateway for weebs and shitkids think they are psicopaths
>The story is a huge mental masturbation full of bullshit moments and deus ex machina everywhere
>The last scene about the DN flip with Near and etc is the biggest bullshit about make a perfect hand-written copy DN in like 24 hours, switching back, then realising it got switched then realising it again
>Inb4 ''Light is a genius''
He had the perfect killing weapon and got caught
Also the only cool factor in DN was the L vs Light chemistry and interactions, killing of L just to bring autism overload L and faggot fuckboi doesn't even make sense, don't get me started on how stupid and forced the whole ''Mello sacrifice'' was

You guys would hate watching theater. They'll often cast people of all race and gender in parts that don't correlate with the written word. Sometimes it works.

its the American version, there wouldnt be asians in it

who hurt you user

You can tell me, I'm your friend

I also liked the the antagonism between L and Light in the first half better, and I agree that the final episode had a little bullshittery (autist Mikami suddenly doing something against his autistic routine for no reason), but it still doesn't devalue the story as a whole. And Light is a tryhard indeed.

L isn't Asian.

the only theater this is is political theater

>Muh children's cartoons

I legitimately don't understand this autism.

Why are they obliged to hire an actor as physically similar to the original character as possible? Don't you fucks see how that would diminish the overall product?

Like, it's a fucking cartoon. No one is going to be perfect because real people aren't drawings.

Hermione is black. Deal with it.


As long as the writing and acting is good, we all fine, besides anime characters are too onedimensional, even on their designs, trying to replicate L is bullshit because it would look like a faggot doing cosplay different than an actual human being

Still mad about my pure blonde waifu Misa been replaced by brunette slut tho

If they don't replicate L's peculiarities then it's not L anymore. Don't make it more complicated than it is.

But they did: he sits like he has been assraped and eats sugar all day because meme magic he doesn't get fat, diabetes, nauseous or retarded from it

Why the fuck would Kira be called Kira and not Killa if he's living in America?

they replicated ALL of L's peculiarities in the American verson though, even the dumb way he squats on chairs. He just happens to be black

t. someone who has never read a mystery

he looks pretty intimidating, L is suppose to be scrawny and unintimidating. Feminine even. I guess they cant have the "im a lot stronger than I look" scene now because he already looks stronger than light.

If you're gonna take the story out of Japan anyway, why would race matter?


you're a fucking idiot dude. Try checking out a campus or schools gaming club, or the fgc in general

soooo many autistic niggers. Do you know about sonicfox? Wolfkrone? Look anywhere in videogames/anime for black guys and 1 out of every 4 will be autistic

Sounds like someone hasn't heard of Mad Thad yet.

Maybe because they made Light a school shotter instead of a chad?
L on the anime is more intimidating in some way because he looks like a broken man/mad scientist on the movie I can't take a black man like that seriously t b h and he is DEFINITELY not feminine in any version lmao
No, seriously. Light looks so clean and well shaped he could be a trap can't say the same about L

L is supposed to be a minority and a weirdo.

Lol it makes no sense

>Feeling intimidated by someone who sits and talks like that just because they are black
Go outside, take a walk


>*smacks lips*

The L looks fine and his acting fits.

The Light though. That dude suuuuucks.

>Well where do you expect them to find a white boy with nigger lips?!?
They could have contacted me.

>Misa is a basic edgy smoking slut

>caring about this shit instead of the blatant character assassination both L and Light has suffered
Oh right, I forgot you that faggots haven't even seen Death Note and just want to be mad because "muh white genocide".