Why hasn't this been adapted into a series or movies yet?

It seems like a perfect thing to adapt, what's the hold up?

It's good fun fantasy that young and old could enjoy, with tons of action and really tense physical moments so it's pretty much perfect for being on film.

or maybe HBO wants to do it after Game of Thrones finishes.


Everyone is a bad guy or a weak tool. Casuals won't watch this, that's why.

did you actually read the books? its not really a "fun" fantasy and none of the characters would really connect with the audience since they are all terrible people

loved the books but they would make a terrible movie or show

Hollywood would fuck it up anyway

he's a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything

I meant "fun" as in enjoyable.

I disagree, I think it would make a great show. it'll probably happen eventually.

Say he's a cunt

Cast it tv...
>Tom Hardy - Logan

Sand dan Glokta, - Mads Mikkelsen
Jezal dan Luthar - One of the Hemsworths
Bayaz - Idris Elba
Collem West -Jake Gyllenhall
Dogman - Baldrick from Blackadder
Ferro Maljinn - Ruth Negga

Wont work, serious is too grimderp and edgy for normal tv. No relatable characters either.

You could ask the same about a lot of books, user. Could be about ownership, marketability, etc. Keep in mind Game of Thrones was already big as ASoI&F before the TV series craze started. I know that, for example, first Malazan book was actually pitched as a movie script and then author expanded it so he could turn into a book series.

>tfw no band of brothers following whiskeyjack and fiddler

>or maybe HBO wants to do it after Game of Thrones finishes.

no money in it. got is not making a lot of money the way some people think costs are going up exponentially and it's basically the name power that keeps it going. show was actually in danger of cancellation afters season 2 ended simply because it's not earning hbo enough money. I guess they learned from rome and deadwod and waited for dvd/blu-ray sales this time around, though.

So I thought I was really enjoying the book's beginning, Ninefingers' intro chapter was great, but then it slouched hard and I thought it was just kind of losing momentum page by page. Then I got to that point after the mage guy and Ninefingers escape with the fire spell and that was alright, but when I got to the break right after I found myself wanting to read almost anything else.
Does it get better? Is the first book maybe the weakest or something? I know I only read 1/9 of a series, but it's not really hooking me in. I only wanted to read Ninefingers and his perspective after Glotka and that other loser did nothing except torture and get sassy with the soon-to-be invaders.


There's not alot of story because it's more character driven. idk if this will translate so well to the screen. I guess it worked for GOT though. I've been wondering who's going to pick up the Malazan series

Joe Abercrombie? You mean Reddit Cormac McCarthy?

malazan is way too complex

>want to read Malazan series
>look up reviews online
>"you just have to get through the first book then it gets good"
wow that sounds fun

Sheesh really? I have it all on my kindle, but that's a good way of losing some priority. I'd rather reread Blood Meridian that some boring shit.

Yeah it was a reoccurring thing I noticed when people were discussing the series, even one of my friends who has read the entire series and loves it told me getting through the first book is a pain. I read the first 40 pages and actually enjoyed it but put it down for some reason.

I think malazan would translate to the screen pretty well and there's plenty of source material

I saw First Law, Malazan, and The Black Company as reoccurring responses in threads on here (I'm not going to /lit/) and I guess I got my hopes up too much, because so far First Law feels like a worse Game of Thrones (can't believe I'm saying that) and I don't look forward to an entire book being a base for other interesting things to maybe happen later on.
I just want good books, damn it.

sand dan glokta is literally the best character, 2nd is dogman

At that point there is only one Dogman chapter, after hearing about that group from Logen so many times I didn't think we'd actually get a POV chapter from him or see that group until he found them, so that was nice. I also liked his input, being the "calm" person in a group of psychos and trying to manage them all.
So yes Dogman was nice, but Sand is pretty repetitive. Waah I shit myself every night and my teeth are fucked. I coulda been somebody. Dude is completely useless without his henchmen, and without knowing much I'd guarantee that clever one is going to betray him and the lispy one saves Sand.
So I'd have to say 1. Logen, 2. Dogman

I'm not big into fantasy but a few months ago I got on a real fantasy kick and started a few series before I lost interest/got too busy. I got 600 pages into The Way of Kings before I dropped it for being gay as fuck and Abercrombie just doesn't interest me. Malazan was good and I plan to jump back into it, but if the first book becomes a chore I don't know if I'll feel like finishing it. The Black Company, though, was great. The writing and characters were both top notch and I would recommend that, when I got it I sat down to just check out the first chapter and ended up reading like 45 pages, it was really engrossing.

>loved the books
are you nine?

Yeah I reached a good stopping point in First Law and don't think I'll be picking it back up for a while. Good to know that about Black Company, I am going to finish American Gods first (first season got me interested) then I guess start that, thanks for the motivation user.

It's not because the writer wrote the first one badly and more because the first one just drops you in this complex world with a bunch of unique concepts and characters and then proceeds to give you pretty much no exposition or explanation on how things work. It's a bit confusing and the first time you read it it's more about trying understand shit than actually following the story.

>because so far First Law feels like a worse Game of Thrones
What? Abercrombie's works are a lot more action-centric than GRRM books. That's the main reason why they're better. They're not 90% politics and trivial character interactions that no one cares about.

You could remove every single fantastical element from ASOIAF and it wouldn't really change much.

I can't abide Logen anymore. It didn't fully sink in until I read the last chapter of Sharp Ends just how much of a cunt Logen actually was.

A standalone about the Bridgeburners would work, but transporting that entire lore over is too fucking complicated man, there's too much.

The first book is by far the weakest, it's basically a buildup to the next books. It would've made more sense in a 5 series book not a trilogy.

I'd stick with it because the standalone books after the trilogy are amazing.

this guy knows whats up, the last 3? i think books are by far the best. my personal favorite is the one with the girl mercenary and that drunk mercenary captain

>Abercrombie's works are a lot more action-centric than GRRM books
I don't think that necessarily makes them better by default, user. And those "trivial character interactions" are exactly why people care about the characters, almost every one adds some kind of depth or further reinforces a point while simultaneously being written well enough that nobody minds that maybe nobody is being set on fire or killing savages. I also think it works because sensible people know that every fight you enter has a very real chance of you dying, GRRM kills characters like flies, so it's smart to maybe try and not die.
I'll admit, the Dunk and Egg books are the ones you should refer to if you want to criticize GRRM's ratio of talk to action. All 3 are "set up environment, talk to people, get in problem, talk some more, walk around, think about fighting, "big fight scene" with only a few deaths, talking, end.
>You could remove every single fantastical element from ASOIAF and it wouldn't really change much.
Maybe for the first and second books. Clearly the idea of magic returning is an issue and how the series will likely end. Dany's dragons are the reason she's a threat at all, the white walkers are an unavoidable threat. The old magic hidden in Oldtown will make or break everyone.
I don't know, I think that's kind of interesting.

Well if I ever get around to finishing the trilogy, probably going to take a while because I'm a slow reader, maybe I'll change my mind about Logen. Though I have zero idea what order to read the standalone books after the trilogy. Release date?

Alright alright, I'll at least try and finish the first book soonish. Still gotta finish American Gods first and foremost.

Yeah it seems pretty doable budget wise too.

Gorst is the best character and is literally our guy

Glokta is based desu. Liked his storyline in all three books the best. The shitty journey in book two with all the other characters was dumb as fuck. Especially considering it was literally all for nothing.

Its a tough one

Yeah, love the inversion.

Gorst is great in Heroes though