Tfw you finish a show

>tfw you finish a show

>thinks finishing a show is tantamount to actually accomplishing something

Adds up.

>thinks hes superior

Adds up.

Dude, look what you posted. It's pure, distilled autism. Your tit-for-tat means nothing.

>finish really good show
>feel depressed for weeks

op's just saying finishing a show feels good

why the hate

>he still doesn't get it

like seriously
are you for real right now
dont have a cow man

Pantamount* idiot

haven't done this in ages desu. I always try out new shows for a bit but usually I get too bored of them or they start to suck.

I miss the feeling of finishing something in it's entirety.

>tfw you finish The Leftovers

>Watch show everyone praises
>Find it overall eh
>Finish pentultimate season
>I give give so many fucks about it that I never bother about starting the last one
Guess what show.

Mr robot?

Paramount Pictures* dummy


Six Feet Under is probably the most fulfilling show to watch completely.

It's a guaranteed tear jerker, though.

Sia is actually great

You haven't given us anything to go on, I don't know how the fuck you expect anyone to guess

>rewatch old anime for the 10th time
>still feel sad when it's over

For me this show was Breaking Bad

thomas the tank engine

And yet this guy got it.

>kill myself

For me, this was the Wire.

Also because my HBO free trial ran out.
i would totally finish it, but not if I have to pay for it

If you watched all of breaking bad and gave up on the final season then theres actually something wrong with you

My interest came and went, it took me months to reach the end of season 4. Right after that I simply never started season 5, I simply stopped thinking about that shit. According to Sup Forums it was the best decision because everyone says that 5 was the point where it goes full retard, and IMO even before it wasn't that great.

what anime

No, the final season is awful, so it's understandable to just drop it.

>According to Sup Forums
Some people refuse to think by themselves eh, I guess that's why corps are shilling here so much lately

>tfw you finish a show

In the end it doesn't even matter

OK, anything to add?

everything new is so fucking shit

i just watch old 80s tv shows and a few modern tech channels on youtube

i used to love late night talk shows (((they))) even managed to completely ruin that

feel so sad about kids today... they dont even know what was once good... they are going to have alot of trouble finding it....

30yo white male currently watching beyond 2000 on a cold saturday night

I decided on my own to drop that borefest. Sup Forums only confirmed I did the right thing.
Now eat shit and fucking die, you turbofaggot.

>show has more than 3 seasons
>they announce cancellation/last season