/stargate/ general

>cant stall the ba'al edition

you have a go!

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw you will slither up her spine and control her every move

who else here /jacked/ son?

>its a hammond breaks every protocol and almost gets everyone killed episode

ill rape your face


why does Sup Forums hate kinogate?

Anyone else think Ori was best saga?

Replicator more like rape le Carter :33333

show went downhill with the ori

how dare you

i liked your pic more then the ori


>green eyeballs

for jew

he never did this

nebro wot


>ill take what were multiple foot hold incidents for $500, Alex



SG on comic con again! Will Sup Forums go?

only newfags do

Live too far away

What is the point of Stargate threads? They're all exacly the same

>the same images get posted, most notably goold fucking shits and RDA's powerstance
>some user posts that the Ori arc sucked and that the Farscape refugeed made the show go downhill, a couple anons disagree
>someone posts that SGA is meh, or even trash, another user comes to its defense
>SGU is almost universally bashed, at best one or two anons will post about it's wasted potential, and how simple it was to make it actually good
>a muh mummy post with Dr. Fraiser, with 1-2 anons posting that, actually, Lam/Keller is more attractive
>obligatory "I've never seen this series, is it any good?", with 6-7 replies of the "watch it immediately" kind
>obligatory "Groundhog day episode was GOAT" post
>obligatory goa'uld tit girl post

wrong guy. Comtrya is the android guy, the one on the pic is the mind probe

Babylon 5 or Stargate? Ent is just not doing it for me?

I've only seen a handful of Stargate episodes, but does that Iris thing even work? Every time I've seen them use that thing they just past through it.

>What is the point of [insert any show with a general on Sup Forums] threads? They are exactly the same
>same memes
>same hating/loving
>same fuck the bad spinoff/reboot
>same waifus


like 5 seconds to find it on youtube


Stop being such a faggot

Five seconds to find what? I asked if the Iris actually stops anything, because every episode I've seen the invading aliens or whatever just pass through it like it's not even there.

Wasn't there a blood splatter episode?


fuckoff child

>no "based Hammond of Texas" mention
Fuck you, guy.