[Fresh] Lindsay content

[Fresh] Lindsay content


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Looks like someone ate the whole plate, if you know what i mean.

Really makes you think

I wish I was so observant about media

She fails to bring up how they are soldier robots, and the overwhelming majority of soldiers are men without question. She pretends like Arcee being a meaningless background robot is any different than the various male robots who are treated the same. She fails to mention how even in g1 when non soldier robots are shown, the normal civilian bots are shown to have females. And ignores the idea that since they are machines, and therefor specifically created, the concious decision to create gender in a war begs some kind of explanation but only autists treat it like a big deal, no one actually clammers about why Arcee was in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. Feminist theory? more like ignoring facts I dont like theory.

Yes the bottom line, that its interesting to ask why a gender needs to be explained and why male is the default and female a variation, is an interesting question. Transformers is not the outlet to answer this question though. While its cool she brought up the comics, its pointless to bring them up and not go into detail how they contradict what you're saying.

Her arrogance in her arguments is made more frustrating by the fact that she assumes detractors think she is saying she wants all men dead. This alone is fucking retarded and lacking in any self awareness when the rest of the video is begging to be taken seriously. Presenting her stupidity with a superficial layer of self awareness and respectable manner will lead to people taking her seriously, which sucks.

She's FAT

>kill your children for attention
>ride the dick carousel
>kill yourself years later because you're a 40yo childless blob
Can't wait for poetic justice to happen

Jesus, did she gain more weight?

its fucking stupid
its a damn kids show about giant transforming robots which was created to sell toys to kids,
if you ask me there isn't enough male characters in barbie or my little pony maybe i will make a video about that.

made to appeal to boys, more specifically. I wish how she would adress how cartoons meant to sell dolls dont appeal to boys.

they never do, they always go after boys show or show aimed at boys but dont say a thing about barbie or rainbow bright , because boys cant have anything because that would be sexist. i bet she never watch transformers and if she did she wouldn't be bitch about for fuks sake, i like to any these so called "pop culture" critics talk about girls magazines like dolly or girlfriend which in my opinion are way more harmful than robots with tits

Its tough because I like Lindsay's content mostly and if you look at her other, even much older videos, shes a genuine Transformers fan. But she always injects feminism into stuff sadly.




eh, i'm still pro-choice myself, but it does bother me how casually women today go about having an abortion. while you should have a right to choose, it's supposed to be a difficult thing you only resort to in extreme circumstances like complete poverty or rape babies, today they treat it like a fun outing at the doctor's.

Mmmm, I'd love to fondle her fresh content.

im pro choice to but with contraception so easily on hand i dont understand why women are getting in trouble

these freak assume because women like some guys like it has to have more of what girls like, most girls i know who like say video games like them how they are and actually get quite angry when anita and lindsay make retarded crap like this

sorry it dosent make sense ill try again
these freaks assume because women like what guys like it has be more female, most girls that like say video games get quite angry when idiots like anita and lindsay tell them how to think

i wouldn't put lindsay on the same level as the demon-bitch from hell. i disagree with lindsay on a lot of things, but she's much more rational and less agressive about her views

Uh girls can have girl things. They can have television shows and books and movies and magazines aimed solely at them. But boys aren't allowed to have things to themselves, 'cuz that's sexism. Duh.

guys cant have guy things, if we do and women get into them then it has to change to suit girls because fuck guys

I think people are getting too upset over nothing. biology always wins out in the end. boys will be boys and girls will be girls, no matter what the idiots in the media say

trust in nature

Are you high on betel nut and limestone again, Okello?

her last Transformers video was good and didnt have any feminism, she is a critic I like because she doesn't just conform to things I believe or say things that are completely inane. Like I at least understand why she believes the stupidity in OP... even if its wrong.

>anita and lindsay tell them how to think
i think they might actually be mad because they're morons

>abortion are created so that the girl can go back to have less displeasure in life when it comes to their desire of sex
>b-b-but girls should suffer a bit

the reason why girlbots look like girls and boysbots look like boys is that the way human brains thing, simple symbolism helps viewers Distinguished the characters. bumble bee is yellow so when we see a yellow car we thing that bumble bee,


What accent is that?

neo-New Yorker

Why did she put on the stupid old filter?
What is this 1917?

>it's a faggot OP gives views to some fucker's youtube videos episode

yes, no one on fucking Sup Forums, people who basically live on the internet, knew who lindsay ellis was before this thread

You mean ripoff content.


Yeah I'm fine with abortion too but if they're going to murder their child, they should at least feel sad about. lol

Not that guy, but while I am aware of who but I don't watch her videos at all and had no clue she made this video until I saw this thread, so there's a good chance people who never would have seen this video are now giving it views thanks to this thread. But not me, I didn't bother.

Remember when Lena Dunham said she "wished" she had had an abortion?

it would've boosted her feminist cred 200%

damn she's cute. shame my dick stopped working or i'd be jerking to this vid rn

regardless, YouTube is web television, it's on topic. shit give it another decade and there won't be a rgular TV anymore, we're allowed to discuss internert tv

Kyle is better. At least he reviews (or rather analyzes) good or controversial films, not cartoons for children.

the "cartoons for children" have amassed billions of dollars and are a cultural phenomenon, there's no reason to ignore them.

are they shit? absolutely. but we still need to discuss them

She looks like my dad's ex-girlfriend; she's 50.

>metokur hinted nostalgia chick was next
>it's linkara


It's just not very interesting. How long can you talk about Disney, feminism and blockbusters?

Nobody said/implied it was against the rules, just that it seems silly to help out someone you don't like by promoting her videos and getting her views which gets her more money.

He's shit and his videos are shit.

it doesn't matter, she'll never have as much money as her arch-nemesis ryan, and we can all laugh at that

How may more babies will she be able to abort, how many more unborn will suffer and die, thanks to your generous donations?

She looks like my ex; She's 30.

I have HORRIBLE taste in women.

dammit, i forgot that my clicking on a link allows lindsay to get even more abortions for her amusement! well played sir

She needs to start working out and eat a clean diet. She is actually cute.

That's cause you're underaged

the kid would've ended up being a feminist anyway



To be fair, most detractors of arguments like this (the most vocal ones at least) are people who have a victim complex and shout white genocide as if that's what's happening when things get more diverse.

>thinks women are getting abortions as casually as getting their oil changed
Where is this even coming from? Do you sit in front of an abortion clinic and see a bunch of rich white ladies stroll in without a care in the world?

>I'm still pro-choice myself
>but I'm against women casually choosing abortion

"white genocide" is a stupid over-exaggeration, but look at the fucking BBC for example. it's an extreme way to point out a fair criticism. they don't care about reason or even historical accuracy, they just want to shoe-horn a "diverse"(and by diverse i mean black, because black equals diversity) person in there. why am i watching a king arthur show with a black guinevere in dark ages britain? because shut up and stop being a racist! why is there a black guy fighting alongside Danes in their conquest of the English Heptarchy? shut up it's because diversity!

planned parenthood makes the vast majority of their money AS A CORPORATION from abortions. if you don't think their propaganda is biased you might as well not think the westboro baptist church's propaganda is biased.

there ois a stong push in the mainstream narrative to normalize abortion to the level of spitting out a fucking chewing gum

Or you could not watch it if it bothers you so much. Call it what it is, soulless pandering. White genocide isn't even a thing. The moment someone uses that phrase is when no one takes them seriously.

Nothing you just posted was even remotely true.

well how about fuck you, maybe i wanna watch a show about the Danish invasion, and maybe i don't wanna get taken out of it by hstorical anomalies. maybe i'm British and forced to pay a goddamn TV license and what they're doing with my money is wrong and stupid

Wow. If any of that is true, England sounds awful. Sucks to be you, homie.


such is the fate of Londonistan

And I'm supposed to believe anything they write because...?

Also even if your right wing biased article isn't a load of shit, why is it a problem that they're making money? Is America not a capitalist society? The market has spoken, They're giving the people what they want. Or rather, they're taking what people don't want.

look, i just linked one article, if this is something you really care about you can easily find many more sources, not right-wing ones.
the point i'm making is that planned parenthood is promoting a narrative of being a non-profit for the benefit of women's health and is in the meantime making literally hundreds of millions of dollars on abortions that the mainstream, non-right wing media is applauding.

you're free to think of the right-wing as demons who want women back in the kitchen, but the truth is, the regressive left is far worse and far more influential in society.

the right-wing isn't a buch of nazis, it's the modern left with all the nazis now, if you can't see that you're no liberal.

thread OST

Jesus Christ Fox News strikes again

She's not that bad I'd fuck her without condom and cum in minutes.

She's like a little Garafalo.

>The regressive left is so influential that they have little to no representation of power in the government.

they're so influential they have taken over all the universities, and in ten years all those idiotic triggered students who are protesting halloween costumes today will be in positions of power

Metokur said on his Patreon that there wasn't enough stuff to talk about with Lindsay, and scrapped the video about a week ago. Then he rushed together a Linkara video, and just kinda makes fun of his shitty comic and shemale fetish despite saying that there was a ton of stuff to discuss about him.

depends where you are, Justin Trudeau is a regressive leftist

t. spoony

>posting ironycel memes

Yeah starting like 8 months ago. We only just fot the ball back from these fuckers we ain't giving it up quick or easy. You'll have your time again in 2028

>Almost every car that a guy owns is given a female pronouns for some reason

What did she mean by that? If I were to give my dog a female name is there a differences? And yes both are objects to me.

>Why do male transformers don't require an explaination, but female do? Something something anti women, male gaze etc.

This has fuckin nothing to do with muh patriarchy, 2 genders require an explaination because people will start thinking about them having sex. If all the transformers would be male OR female it wouldn't be an issue. God, feminists...

and all of Sweden

i know, i know, low-hanging fruit

I got a surprise for that cold ass bitch come Halloween concerning this.

>"Almost every car that a guy owns is given female pronouns for some reason, but if they can transform and talk they have to be dudes now."

Because guys giving their vehicles feminine names has nothing to do with the transformer universe?

Hey guys wanna listen to a fat 3/10 complain about women's rights in movies and drink because she is SO randumb!
Make Sure To Subscribe!

Isn't that more of a boat thing, too? I've never heard someone call their car a "she".

when the youth are literally welcoming jewish overlords you can see the extent of their control

>God, feminists...

Some of ém are almost as bitchy as you guys.

>the youth are literally welcoming jewish overlords

don't worry user, I've got you

jesus christ, let me expailn this to you.

women are still opressed in the middle east, africa, etc. but FEMINISM, as we think of it today in the West, refers to western societies, OK?

In the west, it is literally illegal to discriminate against women, Feminism has accomplished all it set out to do.

It has nothing more to achieve which is why feminists today are lunatics and regressives.

there is no wage gap. there is a difference between Equality of Opportunity and Equality of Outcome. A woman that has the exact same job as a man is piad the exact same.

Men earn more than women AS A GROUP, because more men go into STEM fields and more women go into fucking gender studies. Women have the OPTION to go into stem, they CHOOSE not to.

Why aren't you screeching about equal representation in toxic sewage workers, which are mostly male? OH BECAUSE 50/50 REPRESENTATION IN EVERY WORKPLACE OF EVERYTHING IS FUCKING IDIOTIC

You realise the second comment is taking the piss out of you stupid faggots.

There he is, the observant millenial. How many Community threads did you make back in the day?

Who gives a fuck. I'd rather watch Doug critique breakfast cereal.


>women are still oppressed in the middle east, Africa, etc. but FEMINISM, as we think of it today in the West, refers to western societies, OK?
relative privation fallacy. Also you set goalposts with the middle east thing and the moved them yourself.

>In the west, it is literally illegal to discriminate against women, Feminism has accomplished all it set out to do.

>It has nothing more to achieve which is why feminists today are lunatics and regressives.

>The rest
Strawman Fallacy

No idea what community is.

can you please tell me what more feminism has to achieve, in the west specifically? i'm specifically talking about feminism in the West, so tell me, WHAT RIGHTS DO THEY NOT HAVE?

fight the manspreading on subways?

>relative privation fallacy. Also you set goalposts with the middle east thing and the moved them yourself.
He didn't, because the same groups who claim to "fight for women and equality" are the same groups who not only defend Islam and Sharia, but actively turn a blind eye to the shit that happens because of them in Western societies.

goddamn he is one weird looking dude

Yeah, that makes sense with human biology.
These are fucking robots. They don't have muscles or bones.

>MFW all the cars I have had female names
Shit, never thought about that.

You misinterpret criticism, or even just observation, of media with the attempt to get said media banned. And cherrypick silly people on blogs.

They don't need any more main rights in most western countries (though some little things may still be unfair, and I do mean in opportunity rather than outcome). But they do need to protect the rights they already have.


>>for attention
[citation needed]