It's a Roy and Moss go to the theater episode

>It's a Roy and Moss go to the theater episode


Why is this nigger always making the same face?

r/the_donald is literally the worst thing to happen to the internet.


It's 'I love willies'

Imagine being so out of touch that you thought Sup Forums were a bunch of lovely well adjusted kind souls until those evil redditors came and made them all racist.

>complaining about reddit boards on Sup Forums
Go back to your website

Best episode. That reveal with Moss behind the bar at the end is perfect

ah yes fellow redditor, i too remember when the advent of r/the_donald made the innocent Sup Forums message board start using terms like 'nigger' and 'faggot'. how will we ever return to the old days?

>Sup Forums were a bunch of lovely well adjusted kind souls

Sup Forums is actually the most intelligent board on the site though

>that ten second closeup of Roy on the wheelchair lift

I enjoyed Sup Forums when they stayed in their own board and didn't spillover into every fucking board in an effort to ideologically crusade.

I had great fun on that board following the Zimmerman trial and the post-trial HLN threads, the reactions, the memes (Skelelawyer, Jaffa, etc.), were all great. They were always far-right nutjobs but they are infinitely more obnoxious and unfunny now.

Sir, could you keep it down?

I consider that episode to be the greatest sitcom episode ever. Every joke works, every story has a satisfying conclusion and its funny as fuck. Iconic.


pic related

It's up there. In contention with Are You Right There Father Ted, Back to Reality and probably a few others I can't think of right now.

>It's a blatant clue, innit blatant?
>Clue to what, you Brummy git?

>Hey, Kochanski... shaddup!

>What do I do at the Transformation Centre?
>You... change people.
>Change them how?
>You change them from being living people into dead people.

>Detective Bullet, Cybernautics!
>That's the traffic division.

Be a Government informer. Betray your family and friends. Fabulous prizes to be won!

entire acting career based on the same face and the same voice.

he is a very funny man though. I am liking him more as he gets older. that travel show is gold. especially the one with o'dowd.

This is that show The IT Crowd right? Is it actually good? I had the idea that it's a cheap shitty Big Bang Theory, even though that doesn't seem very possible

It's a bit hit and miss, but the hits are top quality. It's nothing like TBBT, that's "lol look how nerdy they are, i got that reference!" but The IT Crowd is a sitcom where 2 of the main characters are nerds, but it would work exactly the same if they were in just about any other white collar support role at a massive company that doesn't give a shit about them.

Yes its good. The laugh track can get a little annoying at times but there are some really funny moments unlike big bang theory

And to think, when we first met you were worried I'd think less of you, because you came from Iran.

Not really that good, it's more of a meme than an actual good show.