WTF? I hate the Avengers now

WTF? I hate the Avengers now.

>only now


He was too white, intelligent male for a robot and that was problematic for Marvel.

>He doesn't recognize memes

he was dumber that his sister and obviously not white



Is Vision the shittest tier MCU Character so far?

>dat forced playing house with Scarlett Witch

>Not imagining him giving her the always hard D

Vision is the most human.
Funny because he is a robot.

I don't know anyone that legitimately likes the Avengers. They're as boring as paste. As a kid I rooted for all their enemies.

> I want to see Ultron Vs Chthon.
> Vision's creator vs Wanda's creator.
> Nutty Robot vs Sneaky Rusemaster
> Bots vs Demons
> Technology vs Supernatural

At least the cute android girl's still alive.

... so... any bare sole shots from her?

Why they make the hispanic robot a junkie?

Everybody is white even if they're red or green.

Yes auctualy

Share. Please.

Just started reading Avengers I take it?


Ugh ... do you have to inject your Sup Forums shit into everything ...???

It's a joke. NOW! Avengers have been shit since the start, but in this book they were complete shit eating faggots.

What the fuck are you talking about? Marvel comics are blatantly pushing political views and that is attracting Sup Forums here.

They're not "injecting" it where there is none, they're following bait that's been set out for them.

Next time just report him for shitposting. It doesn't matter if he thinks his racist crap is funny, it's still a rule violation.

Not only is it a joke but it is entirely something marvel has been doing.

Hey, the whole point of Vision is a robot with a white cis male lifestyle that gets tortured by diversity squad.

What's that, Lassie? You don't want there to be any threads about comics?
You want it to all be shitposts about White Power? Well lead the way, Lassie!
Let's just toss Timmy down a well and into a big old shitpile of Sup Forums!

No sole shots though.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Really, stop being so deluded, i don't even visit Sup Forums, i was just pointing that is obvious that Vision is King's critique against Marvel filling diversity quotas and erasing anything that resembles a traditional american family.

Also, i don't think the White Power faggots would let me into their group, i'm hispanic, bi and anarchist.




THIS ^^^^^^^^
The only way to make Sup Forums the safe space it used to be is to make sure we are using the rules properly

Is this medieval oglaf or some shit? Looks interesting

You can do it, clearly you have internet access. Nobody likes beggars who don't give back.

oh for fuck's sake.

Keep your twisted fetishes to yourself

A surprisingly large amount of offsiters come here.

It's understandable because bleedingcuck and leddit link here pretty regularly, but it's still annoying. People are either ubersensitive and attempt to shame you for disagreeing, or think the site is a dumping ground to "troll on" and that you absolutely have to act like a faggot to fit in.

Sup Forums is comparatively more self-moderated than Sup Forums or Sup Forums and it's success is demonstrated through the results. There's a reason moot called it his favorite board and it's not just the weebs.

Sup Forums is self-moderated because they banished the glorious mechafriends to /m/, the disgusting ultra weebs to /jp/ and the 66% of the shipping faggots to /e/, /cm/, /u/ and /y/. Also, that board is full with retarded moefaggots and shonen underages.

hmm really make you think

Please have sex.