Have you talked about Tampons today, Sup Forums?

Have you talked about Tampons today, Sup Forums?

Is this what women like to read?

What's a medical puzzle? Is it like that game Operation?


well i mean i guess we are right now arent we???

Who the fuck drinks Chardonnay, anyway?


People with shit taste

I'm not sure they do. They just get confused when they try to imagine the "ideal" female role model.

She has to be tough, so she wants a drink after the mission! But not so tough that she's trying to be a man, so she can't just order straight scotch. So she has to be a little bit feminine, but not run-of-the-mill white wine feminine, but an "elegant"(???) feminine in a way mostly cobbled together from half-remembered 1920s film ladies. So that leaves you with a pretty narrow selection.

So she drinks chardonnay. I spent the vast majority of my 20s wasting away in bars and never saw someone order a chardonnay. But if Bobbi Morse walked in and ordered one, I'd just have to serve it to her comment-free. Not to do so would be an act of hatred.

Women drinking straight scotch is pretty hot

Why not just drink an appletini?

I know this is a bait thread, but when are we going to have a legitimate conversation about puking and jerking off? It's 2016, damn it.

thats because you're gay.
you like women drinking manly drinks because you subconsciously want a dick in your mouth.

Well, according to Google, it's a mom drink. So I guess that's why you didn't see it.

Neither of those are gender specific things

we should talk about tampons.
its pretty crazy that they're needed and recommended by doctors to maintain a healthy life, yet they're rather expensive.

Drinks aren't masculine or feminine. Drinking scotch just means a woman has good taste.

Jerking off is gender specific unless your technique is shit


We talk about jerking off everyday on this site. I come here to talk about jerking off to cartoon characters.


Is this Freudian or Post-Freudian?

Jerking off is slang for masturbation

No, they like to read about Diva Cups.

Isn't the tax really expensive, that seems unfair. But the idea of free tampons are ridiculous. It's not different than the goverment giving away toilet paper or diapers. A price reduction would be enough.

I worked in a semi-upscale Irish pub & restaurant, there were moms everywhere. They drink wine or whatever Carrie was drinking on Sex and the City. I'd be surprised if any of them could even tell you chardonnay was made from grapes.

Come back after you've touched a real vagina.

I don't think that was the point
I think he was saying that people don't really talk about periods because it's just a bodily function that people try to not let people know is happening to them


Not him but they are really slimmy and weird.
Being a virgin until my twenties kinda ruined it for me.


No, but I wouldn't go "eww cooties" if the topic came up. Because I'm an adult.

Why do all of these women who've been given these opportunities to write superhero stories act like they're still on the starting line, playing this "see, girls can do stuff too!" game and act so bitter about things they see themselves of having been deprived of? It gives their stories this irritating passive aggressive attitude rather than coming across like they're grateful for getting the opportunity to tell superhero stories.

Why would they just want to use these characters as mouth pieces for "feminist" issues?

Real writers write books, not comics. The women writing comics are more like bloggers than writers.