


Man that's some 90's fucking art.

Cyclops did nothing wrong




I'm kinda out to lunch on this whole Inhumans thing. When did they become totally unsalvageable assholes? What's their fucking problem?
Did he ded?1

shit art

Ever since they tried to make them replace the X-men without what made the X-men interesting or good.

>Crystal being the shoot first ask question later type
>Crystal trying to kill people at all
Damn at least try to have them be in character for these cross overs.

Why do Inhumans exist? What the fuck was Marvel thinking? Also that name Inhumans thats really lame.

Maybe they were just really ugly bloodthirsty Inhumans, did you ever think of that Bucky?

>good comics

also who is the sweet loli?

Who gives a shit shes an Inhuman cunt

infinity cube

Was this it? was this just a preview or did OP die

Kobik, a living Cosmic Cube.

literally GoBots

Hey look, it's NOT-Charcoal

>You will pay for this act of war against the inhumans
Goddamn and I thought Magneto and Scott's blabbering about mutants like they're a dying race, even though they're fucking humans with an activated gene for fuck sake depowering them doesn't kill them was self important.

Before anyone starts, look I know all about their hierarchical rules and I don't give a shit. Not every asshole killed in a cocoon falls under Inhuman law or whatever. If someone came out blasting what is everyone else supposed to do? Just wait there and die until the Inhumans show up to say it's okay to defend yourself? The Kree need to clean up this fucking joke of a society, it's literally retarded.

LITERALLY. I'm not joking, these regular ass motherfuckers in a superhuman world actually think they have some magic sovereignty over dick. Goddamn this shit is ridiculous.

>king cuck's merry band of shithumans

Since their first appearance have they been anything BUT assholes?

Just a preview.

So were those aliens the Inhuman equivalent of cuckoos?

Cyclops is always right

Jack Kirby thought it up.


Everybody has an off day, even comic book legends.

Inhumans were fine until they completely ruined them by moving them to earth for some raisin. Well...they were fine when being written by people with working brains

> written by people with working brains

Ah i see your problem there user. That hasn't been Marvel for years now

But the Inhumans were on Earth to begin with.


For a second there I thought that charcoal was back.

>they're fucking humans with an activated gene for fuck sake depowering them doesn't kill them
Tell that to Jeannie Martin's snapped neck.

You spelled wrong wrong.

i-is he back?


>Inhumans were fine until they completely ruined them by moving them to earth for some raisin
Except they were originally on Earth? Why is everyone under the impression that they were always on the moon? In Lee/Kirby FF, they were in the Himalayas and didn't move to the moon until after the fact.

fuck, saw the thumbnail and for a second i though Charcoal was back
did he or Jolt ever appear again after Thunderbolt's first run ended?

He's never coming back, well at least until the contest winner dies.

If memory serves me correctly Jolt showed up in an arc of Exiles when they ended up on counter earth.

Fuck off

>black dude with white mohawk has elemental powers
>dude with no hands has "magnetokinesis"