What would you say is your top five of DC: Rebirth so far?


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Like, actual Rebirth branded issues?

The only good ones were Rebirth, Nightwing, Batman and Green Arrow.

New Superman looks like its gonna be a really good series, though.

At this point here are the series I'm actually buying

>Green Arrow
>New Superman
>Green Lanterns

And then I also wound up following everything from the Hanna Barbara titles, except the Wacky Races one.

DC Universe Rebirth
Action Comics
New Super-Man
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps

Could MAYBE switch around 3rd and 4th, but otherwise more or less in that order.

Green Arrow
Future Quest
That said I'm reading and enjoying everything from DC at this point

Even Hitch's Justice League?

Green Arrow,Nightwing,batman

1. Green Arrow
2. New Super-Man
3. Green Lanterns
4. Superman
5. Flash
(tie) 5. Detective Comics
(tie) 5. Aquaman

GA takes the cake. Great writing, superb art -- one of the few Rebirth books that has blown me away with its quality so far.

NSM is still very early into the run, but I think it's already hit its stride. Like I said before and like I'll keep saying, Yang was made to write this series.

Green Lanterns, pound for pound, is just a lot more fun than it has any right to be.

Superman is ... wow. I didn't expect to like this for various reasons, but Gleason's art is great. My only problem would be that it's a bit decompressed.

As for the tie for 5th: I think each of Flash, Tec, and Aquaman is doing well but has problems in sometimes small, sometimes big ways.

As much as I hate to complain about it, CDG's art on The Flash *is* a bit weak. And the plot for this arc is kind of overly decompressed, although we ARE getting good characterization in the down time. But regardless, it's still a massive step up from the previous run and Williamson has already shown he has a good idea of what makes The Flash a beloved series.

'Tec is also kind of a surprise. On one hand, it's significantly better than the "Written by James Tynion IV" would have you believe -- on the other hand, it still has some of his (and Snyder's) stink on it. The plot of the arc is also fairly decompressed at this point (but, as with Flash, we get good characterization), and the the art teams are fucking brilliant.

Aquaman is... weird. In the two "real" issues we've seen, it's introduced some interesting new characters and then promptly ignored them for a long fight with Manta in issue #2. Certainly, part of me is glad that we could get this fight out of the way early on (and that this, more or less, was the extent of Manta's original plan), but another part of me wanted....more. Still, Abnett's writing has been good, and his plan (based on solicits, etc.) seems solid. Can't hate that.

Eh, it doesn't piss me off or anything. Then again I pirate everything so I'm not losing money on it

1) Green Arrow

Green Arrows and batman have been great superman also been damn enjoyable but I haven't read the actual rebirth issue itself anyone have a source?

Green Arrow
New Super-Man
Green Lanterns

If Seeley and Yang keep it up from the good first issues then they'll stay there

You don't need to. It's just a recap of death of superman from the 90s.

>Almost everyone saying Green Arrow.
Is it really that good?

Green Arrow
New Super-Man

everything has kinda been boring if i'm being honest

I'm a huge Batfag so I've mainly just been picking those up, but I've been extremely happy with everything I've read so far. Batman, 'Tec, and Nightwing have all left me really happy so far. I'm also liking Wonder Woman, which I've had trouble getting into in the past.

Green Arrow, Nightwing, Superman, Wonder Woman.

Green Lanterns
Green Arrow
Action Comics
Detective Comics

Action Comics

In no particular order:

>New Super-Man
>Green Arrow

I want to like Wonder Woman more than I have been. Replace Nightwing or GA with Flintstones if we're allowing HB books

1. DC Universe Rebirth #1
2. Flash #2
3. Aquaman #2
4. Superman #2
5. Aquaman #1

Gls for me. Which is weird because dogfuckers marvel work was absolute trash. But buddy cop green lantern with nervous rookie jessica and estatic slightly less rookie simon are great

Agree with your reasoning, but have my own list.

I'm so happy that we're getting a hugo strange arc, and a psycho-pirate/bane arc in batman. good break from snyder's let me reinvent every big villain schtick

Fuck I love old Superman come back and interact with all the New 52 counter parts.

I hope old Batman comes back.

I haven't kept up with everything but so far.

New Super-Man
Detective Comics
Wonder Woman
Justice League: Mass Effect Edition

What are we looking forward to that HASN'T come out yet?

Batman never really changed though. He even continued in the middle of the same stories from pre-New 52. Superman on the other hand was basically a different character altogether.

Blue Beetle
Super Shotas I want to believe ;_;


blue beetle
Gotham Academy: 2nd Semester

that's it for me. I'll give Cyborg and Suicide Squad a try for the writers.
apollo and midnighter but that's a mini
Dogwelder and Six-pack but that's a mini too

Anyone got a source in the main rebirth issue l?

Seconding this?

Can someone r8/h8 my tastes? Want to make sure I'm getting most out of rebirth.

Are you asking for a download of DC Universe Rebirth #1?

That's the mother fucker that killed Barry Allen right?

Superman is the best. Same creative team as New52 Batman & Robin, and that was incredible. I expect great things from this run.

Batman and Detective Comics have been promising so far. I'll see where they go.

Action Comics is okay.

But the fact that Superman doesn't even know this Batman, when Pre-52 they were best friends.

i dunno how y'all feel about aquaman but the rebirth issue was really bad and idk its only slowly getting better. People praise it because its better than mediocre but i honestly don't see what's so hype about it. oh another manta story. oh another atlantean politics story. as if those weren't done by peter david for 70 issues back in the day

Psycho Pirate was in COIE but I don't think he was responsible for Barry's death

Yeah something like that

Trinity and Supersons.

He's my main man behind Wally. Don't worry about that.

Mind fucked him and wouldn't let him escape.

also read green arrow instead

Super Sons

Plus the Young Animal imprint in general.

DC Universe - Rebirth 001 (2016) (4 Covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Drunk Monk).cbr

I'm not poor, I can pick up GA if it's worth it. Means I'll be pulling:

Action Comics

wew lad. From being intimidated by comics to pulling 9 books within 1 year.

Green Arrow
Green Lanterns
New Super-Man
Those would be top 5 but literally everything has been great so far except JL

>Action Comics
>Green Lanterns

Batman and Wonder Woman are pretty shit.

Superman and Super-sons.

if you care at all about good comics you'll try deathstroke. christopher priest is a legend

>Batman and Wonder Woman are pretty shit.

Teen Titans

i disagree on batman but holy fuck wonder woman is bad. rucka is phoning it in on the scripts, practically writing for storyboards instead, and he's retconning azzarello/chiang. dude can fuck off for all I care.

>christopher pries
Has a good rep? I'm mostly a character fag. But I have no problem reading good art or good writers. Reason I plan on picking up Trinity is art alone and reason I picked up WW again was Rucka reputation.

In no particular order

Green Arrow
Green Lanterns
New Super-Man
Superman (Loving the father son relationship)

I could very easily add Aquaman or Batman to that list as well though

Yeah it's pretty great

>I hope old Batman comes back.

Would anyone notice the difference?

I've liked pretty much all of them to be honest. The only ones I actively dislike so far are Titans and Action Comics. Everything else is at least okay; Aquaman's a little heavy on the exposition but still enjoyable, Wonder Woman's pacing is pretty awkward but also still enjoyable, for instance.

I guess Batman is my overall favorite, New Super-Man and Green Lanterns for surprisingly great books, and Green Arrow for most improved book from nigh unreadable to really enjoyable for sure with Flash doing the same thing to a lesser degree.

Everything? I was already wrong about Green Lanterns and Superman so I'm actually looking forward to everything now

priest wrote the GOAT black panther run. builds off of kirby and mcgregor's stuff
he wrote The Crew
in the 80s he wrote power man/iron fist
wrote a bunch of fill ins for DC
wrote OG quantum and woody
wrote The Ray and Steel for DC
was editor on spider-man books in the late 80s

the worst

There is truly nothing wrong with it. If I like certain characters more than others.

I'll give him a go then.

>Green Arrow is a top tier book

>and he's retconning azzarello/chiang
Good. Azzarello made a lot of terrible decisions with the lore.

Green Arrow
New Superman
Action Comics

Disappointing so far:
Wonder Woman

This is the exact opposite of my expectations before Rebirth

>hating on characterfags
>reading capeshit

Popularity begets good teams, which begets good stories. That's why Batman has so many great arcs over the past 40 years.

Then why does Superman suck more often than not

People need to put charts of the books desu

probably, in no order.
Batman, Finch is one of my least favorite artists this is insane.
Green Lanterns, fuck yeah best team up
Flash, it's not shit and has good art and Flash family.
New Super-Man, Cool new hero
Green Arrow, Doing an old hero right

but Nightwing could easily take a spot. Superman has lots of room to improve. Wonder Woman is so much set up and horrible lettering but who knows. Deathstroke is coming, I have hopes for Teen Titans. If Booth leaves Titans it'll improve. how far into rebirth are we actually?

Nah. It has FEELS moments and muh OTP is back together. It's nothing special.

>how far into rebirth are we actually?
May 25 was Universe Rebirth publication date. So 6 weeks, early days.

I have faith Cyborg could be good. My memory is probably bad, but I *think* New Super-Man had Johns hyping it as well at the March Rebirth panel, and that turned out fantastically. So, if it's gotten the Johns Stamp of Approval, I'm pretty excited.

Kinda surprised not see people mentioning Suicide Squad. The coolest thing is how Batman is/will be crossing over with it down the road.

And obviously for me, the two Batgirl books. Hope Larson is still a wildcard, so I have no idea what'll come of it. The initial preview for it wasn't bad, either (not worse than what we saw of Green Arrow's previews, anyway).

Still, pretty much everything looks exciting. Hell, I might even give Harley Quinn and RHaTO a read.

Because it's really hard to write a good Superman story. Most writers fall back on "Superman has to punch the bad guy harder than the bad guy punches Superman" because it's not easy to give the Lawful Good character an interesting internal conflict.

Johns put Cyborg on the Justice League. It hasn't worked, he basically has to hype Cyborg in hope that his square peg fits a round hole.

So, there are 30 (32 if you count Super Sons and JLA, which might not be happening anymore) series in the original June-September lineup:

* 16 biweeklies in total. 12 of the biweeklies have started as of this week (i.e. have at least released their Rebirth one-shot).

* 14 monthlies in total. Only 2 have started so far.

So, it's a little under halfway through the initial plan. Next week will have 2 more new monthlies, with Birds of Prey and Hellblazer; the week after that, another 2 new ones with Batgirl and RHaTO.

I don't disagree with you. But like I said, he had similar hype for Yang's New Super-Man, and that actually turned out fine. If the upcoming Cyborg is like 75% as good as that, I'll be happy.

>Super Sons and JLA, which might not be happening anymore

The fuck? What? Since when?

Is this counting the Young Animal titles?

No, since they're probably not going to be under the Rebirth banner. (since Young Animal is its own imprint AND going by the potential cover shown on the July PREVIEWS magazine)

Not the new minis, either, since they're popping up as surprises.

Super Sons isn't in the October solicits, so it's either dead or delayed. With the new miniseries coming on board, there's a good chance that they're holding off on it until the timing is perfect...but I kind of doubt it. My only other nonnegative guess would be that it's a mini-series itself.

If the worst comes to the worst, then it might be cancelled. Similarly, I would assume that, when JLA was announced in March, it was going to be like Hitch's current JLA, but as Rebirth progressed towards April/May, it changed into a JSA title. The key, regardless, is that Johns was probably going to write this -- but that's kind of impossible by now.

I think the books could still exist down the line, but I think it's safe to say they're not happening anytime soon. Kind of silly to keep listing them as "upcoming", y'know.

Green Arrow
Green Lanterns
New Super-Man

Honorable mention to The Flinstones and Future Quest.

>The key, regardless, is that Johns was probably going to write [JSA] -- but that's kind of impossible by now.
Then Steve Orlando will likely write that.

>The Flintstones



The Flintstones is good. You should be reading it.

There's a new Flintsones comic. It's more like Mad Men. It's really good.

Also new Johnny Quest comic called Future Quest that crosses over with a bunch of Hanna Barbara stuff (like Space Ghost and Birdman).

does anyone have the pages from rebirth with wally trying to get the flash to remember him?

Some of the cover artists for DC's October 2016 releases have tweeted their respective covers:

Aquaman #8 cover with correct colors

Titans #4 proper cover

Did Aqualad always have laser eyes?

>Clay Mann: This is way better than the leaked version.

the Young Animal line
Apollo & Midnighter

>Apollo & Midnighter

I forgot that existed. Why not just bring back The Authority?

Trinity #2 color with correct colors via Manapul's Instagram.

I'm now ready to update the Rebirth checklist.

Batman Rebirth was awful

1. Batman
2. Green Arrow
3. New Super-Man
4. Future Quest
5. Flinstones

HB comics aren't Rebirth but damn if I'm not digging FS and FQ. Is there a way to give DC money without having to download anything or buy a floppy that will just get trashed in the long run?


>>I'm now ready to update the Rebirth checklist.

DC Universe - Rebirth 001 (2016) (4 Covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Drunk Monk)

Action Comics 957 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Drunk Monk)

Batman - Rebirth 01 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla)

Superman - Rebirth 01 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Drunk Monk)

Detective Comics 934 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Drunk Monk)

Green Lanterns - Rebirth 01 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Thoth)

Justice League Rebirth 01 (2016) (Webrip) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

The Flash - Rebirth 01 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (fixed) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Titans - Rebirth 001 (2016) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP)

Wonder Woman - Rebirth 01 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Thoth)

Green arrow

Yeah that's it really.

I'm a lifelong marvel fan and green arrow is at the top of my pull list right now