Questionable Sup Forumsntent #846

"so ol Stabby is in France. I hope he's dead" edition

also, it looks like fat black Faye will be the first Faye to get fucked by a robot since fat white Faye keeps toying with NotGarnet

>retards still post his comic

>letting an autist help you with tinder
>turning away a non-straight girl

What's with the pause in panel 3
Why even panel 3

Beat Panel: A silent panel in sequential art. Usually the next-to-last panel in a serialized comic strip, since it approximates the comedic pause before a punchline.

I didn't even read that I just opened it up and my GOD what the fuck is up with that black girl's lips?

It's like someone peeled up her face with a can opener.

>"so ol Stabby is in France. I hope he's dead" edition

I want Brun to ravage me and then we can raise little mixed babies together.

I don't want fucking Jeph Jacques to be a rallying crime for his sick followers.

I want him to be forced out of public life, never to be seen or heard from again.

Why does autism girl have such weird, gross tits?

>not liking weird, gross tits

>Liking anything in this comic

Why couldn't it have been you?

Jesus christ this mochaccino really is autistic. i though you guys were joking.

>ol Stabby is in France
was he driving a Mack truck perchance

I'm not trying to be Sup Forums edgelord, we're talking Jeff "unhinged" Jacks here

Considering he didn't drive it straight into his own hand and cry about it on Twitter, I'm going to have to wager that it's a firm maybe.

No, if he snaps he's going to be running over republicans at the golf course.

are there many Republicans at French golf courses

Well, in the technical sense, I guess.

France is a Republic.

The autist is so goddamn adorable.

If only Hacks would do the right thing and make Black Faye into the villain of some small arc dealing with her obviously unhealthy interaction with Brown.

>The autist is so goddamn adorable.
I can tell how bad she smells just from looking at her.

We do have visual evidence that she showers

Brun is best girl

Does this evidence show whether or not she landscapes or goes full bush?

Is she actually autistic?

If so, I foresee a DOAG/QCG crossover coming soon.

>Is she actually autistic
People have asked Hacques, and he says he's not comfortable talking about it, which means he doesn't know what his audience wants to hear.

If they start buzzing about how brave he is for tackling autism, he'll confirm it, but he'll staunchly deny it or refuse to comment if he starts getting criticised.

Why does this comic always go out of its way to shit on successful white men?

Relevant page

Wait, this is the second time we've seen a douche named Chad.

Jeph confirmed for Vita Cuck.

>no thick autistic Arab waifu

oh fuck she's going to be moslem, isn't she. I swear to god Jeph's going to reveal she's an immigrant/refugee within 5 pages.

Don't explode quite yet. There's some potential there. It may not bomb

I think it'll be a blast

It's the same people in both of them, though

She won't be a Muslim.

Nobody in QC is religious, because that'd be unPC.

Uh, racist and sexist much?

Being Muslim is very PC

>That belly

I just wanna rub my stubbled cheeks on it and make her uncomfortable.

She could very well be an Arab/ Generic Middle Eastern, but she won't be a practicing/lapsed anything.

There is no religion in QC, technology stamped it out

That sounds awfully oppressive to proud Muslim people of colour.
Christianity obviously has to go due to it's white CisHet history but Islam is the celebration of proud POC all over the world.

>People legitimately find this arousing

I know literal children who can draw better than this. I really, really do, no memeing.

>There is no religion in QC, technology stamped it out
That's INCREDIBLY un-PC, Jeph's readership would not stand for it.

As an anime fag, you must understand how you use your imagination more than what's literally drawn

Like shit, real people have noses.

Fuck off back to your pedophile containment board, Sup Forums.

>Sup Forums
>Not Pedo

All Sup Forums shows star children, and all Sup Forums shows make r34

That's one of the problems with these threads
everyone here has no taste so when they circlejerk onto eachother, everything just rebounds and makes it all worse

They should post these threads onto Theist sites, because Jeph's success can only be explained by the machinations of a terrible, angry Deity

What the fuck do you think "PC" even means?

It's simply being polite and respectful, THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO DO. It shouldn't be that hard to understand.

The whole quota checklist crap? That's on bigots that can't bring themself to respect someone different but are ashamed of what intolerant lowlives they really are, it's just a cheatsheet so those types can try to fake it.
And it says something ugly about you that you can't possibly imagine being accepting of others as anything else.

Tell that to them, not me. I just call them like I see them.

I don't hate arbitrarily, only those deserving of it, like shit hacks like Jeph and his retarded cronies-those who visit these threads.

So your solution is to shitpost other people who have nothing to do with this?
Way to take the moral high-ground.

Morality is a code imprinted on the weak by the strong in order to keep them in line.

If I need forgo human dignity and Christian virtue, then let it be so if that immorality should result in the death of a great evil.

I think you'll find that the folks in this thread who genuinely enjoy this comic and support Jeph's existence are vastly outnumbered by those who are just here to shitpost about autistic waifus and see how bad the trainwreck gets.

This is the webcomic equivalent of a soap opera. We know it isn't good, and we're really just hoping for the director to stab himself again.

Any attention paid to this tripe is abominable to all good sense.

This isn't even a trainwreck; it's like the train has stopped for maintenance that will never come.

It's not bad enough to be funny. There is nothing redeemable about it.

All it does is remind you of how little craft matters to anyone, and how a just world would have seen this withered and dead on the vine within weeks of its inception.

Oh right, you're that pathetic cunt.

It's unfortunate that you're not consistent enough with the pictures to be banned for avatarfagging.

If this is pathetic, then let me be pathetic, because it's better than whatever the fuck you are.

That's not all PC means. That's never what PC meant. You need to come out from under your rock and take a look at what's going on in the world today. Or in the 90s, cause we went through this shit back then too.

>tfw you'll never go fishing with Brayden and Jayden
>you'll never eat fresh trout around a campfire as you swap stories
>Jayden will never eat you out while her little brother pretends to be asleep

People who don't expect to be having sex don't bother landscaping.

I know all too well.

Do we have to suffer another fucking week of Hacks's babby-tier AI-centric social commentary?


So what does "PC" mean? Does it mean whatever they'll say on Sup Forums if I ask them there? It can't possibly, because that answer keeps changing.

I can't even get mad about how crappy this is. It's not full-on visual abomination like Moon over June or that Sanic thing, it's just...tediously mediocre.

Unless Jeph is somehow Tunisian, no

Politically correct

Basically, anything that isn't critical of people who aren't straight white males

Can you please explain that definition without double negatives or a vagueness like saying "basically"?

Because right now it just reads like the old White Male persecution complex argument for allowing open racism.

You know; " Being PC is wrong, so it must be right to deliberately offend anyone who isn't a white male."
You didn't mean to argue for that, did you?

Politcally Correct is the broadterm to make say phrase or portray things without casting any group in a negative light,

Cry to tumblr

PC is being mindful of other cultures, races, beliefs and sexualities unless they're western, white, christian/catholic, and stright and don't you dare pretend otherwise

I hate the idea of "acceptable targets" so don't sperg out about Sup Forums to obfuscate the issue

Looks like the two of you disagree about that definition.

The Republican party is called such because they support a republican system of government


how long has there been robot group therapy?

i dont remember this being a thing

>Autists still complain about it

Is water washing the brown off her in the last 2 panels?

Finally, a sentiment we can all agree with.

Supposed to be steam clouds

Politically correct means "say things that don't upset others"


The world is bigger than just Sup Forums, small child. Try at LEAST turning on a television sometime.

Brun's gone from "maybe aspbergers" to "slack jawed and mildly retarded" in what, like the space of a month?
Of course the robots go to support group, even though Momo has no problems, May would never do something like that, and Pintsize would also never do something like that, but going to support groups is a cool, healthy thing to do, obviously.

It isn't politically correct to talk shit about white people or Christians, either. Tumblr and Twitter people who do that are being inflammatory and they know it.

Political correctness is another phrase for diplomatic. You ever hear the saying about never talking to people you aren't very close to about religion or politics? That's what PC is in a nutshell.

wait, so the robots are ok with people fetishizing them, and even want them to? that's gonna piss off a lot of trannies

if I had a tumblr I'd call him out for that and see if I couldn't encourage another stabbening

>It isn't politically correct to talk shit about white people or Christians
Very wrong. Go check out some US college campuses sometime. Pick one, any one.

To be fair, it's implied he only goes there because he thinks it's an AI-fetish club.

I put them in the same category as someone from Fox News that criticizes someone else for lying or politicizing a tragedy.

Pic related is the ideal of political correctness. They are so not about forcing exclusive labels that they are totally cool with a white male being a lesbian.

you tried

I forgot May got that ugly new makeover. I still like May but now she looks like she's a clown.

strap in for a month from now when they do a comic where someone asks what's up with May's inconsistent skin tone and she comes back at them about how she's living in poverty and can't afford the treatment she needs.

Jeph will think a robot with a crap job being unable to afford skin is a clever analogy for a person of color with a crap job being unable to afford medical treatment, which will fall apart when we consider a robot doesn't need money for food or shelter and May's skin color is a purely cosmetic choice.

Autism-chan is cute.

Approximates is right. It approximates the beat before the punchline the same way Jeph approximates humor.

Come now, just because Jeff uses it poorly, that doesn't make the beat panel a bad tool. Lots of comics employ it very effectively.

Also, in this case I don't think panel 3 is strictly a beat panel-- a real beat panel is a momentary pause in which nothing is happening, and here it's pretty clearly them reading the message they just received. A beat panel would be if in panel 2 black friend made her "do not want pic" line, and then in panel 3 they just stared at each other for a second, and then in panel 4 Brun made her comment about the juicer.

Oh I didn't mean that the beat panel is a bad tool, I just meant that Jeph is never funny, and he's one of those comic-ers that sticks to his layout just out of habit, rather than out of purpose.

I assume panel 3 is there because his joke required 3 panels, and he just needed to use an extra to make his 4.

he might as well go for the Garfield without Garfield method and have 4 beat panels, too bad he can't draw emotion worth a shit either


I don't read a lot of webcomics, honestly. But I've learned from wiki that this one has been running since 2003.

With THIS art? Someone has been what is essentially a professional artist for over a decade with THIS shit?

If you think this shit's bad, go check out Megatokyo, which has been running since about mid-2000.

His art was much worse when he started out, and his fans presumably aren't looking for impressive landscapes or stunning worlds packed with detail - they just want to be able to read the characters' expressions and body language. The art is there to supplement the dialogue, not the other way around.

How'd this one character go from zero to SUPER AUTISTIC in the span of like 5 comics? The fuck?

god this comic is so fucking boring

>be able read the characters' expressions and body language
His fans are still out of luck then. QC has the worst case of sameface I've seen, outside of copy and pasting.

> his fans presumably aren't looking for impressive landscapes
His fans' needs are met then. His backgrounds aren't even rudimentary and have a weird focus on certain details, and no focus on others. For example, in the OP the window pane is just solid blue, the trim solid brown, the wall solid beige. But, the depth of the trim is drawn, and the lock on the window. He has similar problems when he draws outdoors environments; trees are often brown blobs with green blobs drawn on top, but the fence in front or the brick building will have a surprising amount of detail.

Sure the art was never the focus, but there really isn't any excuse after 3,000 strips of practice. Even Buckley managed to improve his art more than this.

Huh, that was mildly entertaining


its been downhill since 2009 or so, he's gotten lazier than he was. he even stopped shading and layering hair

Wow, they both like Africa by Toto
What a completely weird and unusual thing. Maybe one day I'll find someone who also enjoys songs like "Don't Stop Believing"


she was autistic from day 1