What is like to not be American?

What is like to not be American?

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I imagine it'd be nice to travel without people asking you patronizing questions about "why your country does x and doesn't do x like mine"

Wouldn't know

imagine not getting shot, that's how


No in the case of Germany it's just getting molested and truck of peaced. Must be incredible!

Imagine not apologizing for the Holocaust on a weekly basis.

We can eat chocolate eggs and play with the toys inside of the eggs.

Burger companies won't ship up here even though it costs absolutely nothing extra

The opposite is just as annoying. Although most don't voice it, most swedes do believe that virtually everything we do is super clever and other nations are absolute morons for not doing what we do.

Imagine not getting cucked by immigrants and your "government"

i get payed 400 euros a month spending money and my rent for shitposting,so that is a plus


>america doesn't have molestations
>truck of peace happens more than once a year at most
lets bring up the shooting rates...

I'll never live the american way of life

it's alright, I seem to be a lot happier with my life compared to most Americans I've talked to who live in the midwest or east coast


it's like being on a diet

To the extent that we have to set up safe zones on New Years eve because so many women are molested by immigrants? No we don't

And the trucks of peace are about as common as mass shootings here, unless you're referring to general shootings which are almost entirely restricted to ghettos (guess who lives there)

Shall I bring up the violent crime statistics in the UK?

People like you shouldn't be allowed to exist

I wasnt born with chronic diabetes and ican walk without breaking my legs so nice i guess