What's the last CN show that you guys liked?

What's the last CN show that you guys liked?

Mystery Incorporated.

teen titans makes want to impale fork into my head whenever i see its on.

So, tell me Sup Forums, will kids give a shit about action cartoons ever again or is it definitely a dead genre confined to occasional movies by toy companies like Mattel with their Max Steel and Hasbro with Transformers.


Steven Universe. Too bad CN doesn't like it.

That's strange, I've only now opened this thread and somehow posted already??? it fucking hurts, these bombs, like they're directly in my kidneys just give us a regular schedule HOLY FUCK

There are lots of shows going on right now that I actually enjoy. Steven Universe, Clarence, even TTGO for the occasional stupid drug trip.

I've found that if a show gets a lot of shit from Sup Forums it's worth checking out at least.

CN is the only of the big three that doesn't make something I like and it annoys me. Disney at least gave me Gravity Falls and Nick gave me Loud House. Something about CN's style right now doesn't appeal to me.

I like Amazing world of Gumball. (and only AWoG, everything else on CN is pretty garbage right now)

tl;dr I don't like thing.

Last one chronologically? We Bare Bears.

I liked the first season of Regular Show. If we're talking about shows we liked enough to watch all the way through, I haven't had one since Flapjack.

Damn Flapjack is already that old

I liked Clarence a little before the original voice actor got grabby and was replaced
Overall though I can genuinely say I haven't completely liked one of their shows since Regular show. Hopefully JLA is the shit I want it to be.

Clarence season 2 is overall closer to early season 1 in tone

I've never liked anything.

We Bare Bears is the most recent show from CN I like. And also my favorite show in general.

>Pink Panther and Pals

Though Gumball is still airing, it's older than GL:TAS, so I'm still saying GL:TAS

I'd thought with its popularity it would be like AT circa 2013-2015.
Almost uninterrupted weekly episodes. A season ending and then starting next week. What happened to that? The scheldue was perfect. Not even AT is treated like that anymore.

From what's publicly known, CN's marketing doesn't know what to do with it since it's largest Fanbase is out of it's regular demographic and online. So, they think if they withhold episodes and then release them with the bomb format, more people will tune in because of the hype.

This was working at first, but now people are getting incredibly frustrated with it, and it's easy to see that people are going from die hard fans to just liking the show.