There's a new leak for We Bare Bears, get in here and talk about it. It's pretty alright

There's a new leak for We Bare Bears, get in here and talk about it. It's pretty alright.

thats real fucking nice

Mega when?

Do people still do that for this series?

no Mega yet, but kisscartoon has it

All these leaks have us out of order.

These aren't leaks technically, for whatever reason Cartoon Network has been putting unaired episodes On Demand for any cable provider who has CN On Demand. They're aware they're unaired though. They never list the episode title, it's always "X Stack" and the episode is contained within a one-hour block of episodes. It's like a hidden treat for We Bare Bears fans who consume episodes regularly via On Demand.


no chloe that's clearly a protist of some kind. it has cilia. come on, you're in college.

>it's just a cold
that's a VIRUS, chloe. Come on, you aren't even trying.
oh well she's cute as fucking balls.
>exercising while sick
my mom did this once. damn near put her in the hospital. where do people get these ideas?

also that sick bearstack crawl was adorable

>panda invents bear flu scare
of course.
>government flips out and overreacts
that's how i felt about those other flus, yet it turned out they were right or whatever?
also what kind of doctor has to answer her own phones mid-exam?
>elderly korean lady

dude just fuck yourself


sorry, wasn't sure if that kind of reaction posting was annoying or what. anyone else bothered? i can totally cut that out

also do we have a mega? i have a friend that needs to watch and he gets kind of.. he's got some mental issues when it comes to things requiring too many steps



Who cares about leaks for this show? Is it actually for hype? I'm surprised anyone still watches it.

When it's actually airing on TV, yeah, but not when it's in CN limbo, like it is right now.........


jesus this triggers me

In what ways?

THOSE ways.

are you fucking serious

Panda is a trashy attention whore. The only thing that reigns it in slightly is his shyness.

We Bare Bears? Uh, more like We Boring Bears, am I right?

i cant stand the obnoxious

damn, 3 hours

lets talk about best grizz

Why do these threads always get passive aggressive negative posts. Sup Forums is never passive aggressive, it's weird.

And they have no reason to do it, it's almost like there's a quiet campaign to sway people against this show. This show is great. It's funny, it's cute, it looks better than the other CalArt shit on CN, it actually has morals for my four year old nephew rather than slice of life emotional baggage for my college age cousin. So it fucking belongs on Cartoon Network.

This is a really good blend of pre-AT cartoon structure and modern culture satire. Having an episode about tote bags is timlier than most of what gets put on tv.

I just... Fucking stop it. Stop dissing this show. Fuck SU with its awkward cry sessions every episode. Fuck AT with its bleak and sometimes bordering on inappropriate depictions of teen dating. Fuck Clarence with its hugbox and often putrid animation. Fuck Uncle Grandpa for being that guy's thirtieth attempt at the same show. Fuck you. Fuck your mom. Fuck your pet. Fuck your ambitions. Fuck your life.

This show has Patton Oswald on speed dial you sacks of shit.

Patton Oswalt is a worthless cuck with a dead wife, fuck him.

I wish I hadn't gone with tote bags as an example.

One of Panda's big recurring character traits is an obsession with social media. These bears keep trying to fit in with the local hipster crowd and indirectly teach kids about stuff like free range eggs. That's a modern cartoon. I can't think of any television show right now with its finger so firmly on the pulse of modern culture.

And it's cute. I want to drench this show's film negative in my cum.

I think he's a great stand up and a rather accomplished actor.

You don't have to shit on other shows to defend this one man.

it's so weird they did that specifically and the numbers were changing so slow everyone could see it

>Patton Oswalt is a worthless cuck with a dead wife
Okay, Tobias.

>Chloe episode


um... what?

Because it's a furry show trying to be hip and cool using outdated memes, smartphones and the like.

>and the like.
fucking retard

I gotta admit when this show was first announced I really though it was just gonna be more shit like TTGO

but it actually turned out to be pretty good
sure its still a comedy show but the humour is very toned down none of that so randumb shit and the characters have their quirks but somewhat ironically despite being bears they can be surprisingly human

bump for next episode title when


ice was fine with the huge anus

So does Ice have a problem speaking and it's not comedic?

When the fuck are we getting a beach episode?