If I've never read comics before but I'm interested in them, where should I start. (I would prefer non-superhero comics...

If I've never read comics before but I'm interested in them, where should I start. (I would prefer non-superhero comics, but it they're fine too.)

Other urls found in this thread:


From the beginning

This is like asking how to start watching TV. You need to give people an idea of what you like (fantasy? sci fi? crime? something else?) so they can help guide you. You can't just ask how to start.

Eventually you do figure out what creators you enjoy more and then branch out to their other works though and grow your own taste.

Take up these recommendations.

That's the thing though, I don't know what I like if I haven't read any. I guess I've read killing joke and Superman Red Sun and I liked both a lot (maybe I like superhero comics even though I don't like superhero movies), although in other mediums I tend to like slice of life and things that people on here would call pretentious regardless of genre.
I'll save this list and start on it.

Hey faggot.

Follow the link and the previous threads marketing here


Its the entire Hellboy universe comics in chronollogical order.

Read it, its pretty much agreed on this board today be the best big universe on comics.


>pick a character you find interesting
>search for the most recent material featuring him
its not hard

you should not do this

user, comics aren't a genre, they're a medium. Given that you explicitly say you don't want to read capes, basically the only genre that's unique to comics, it's just a matter of "What genre books/movies/TV do you like?"
Answer that question first, forget if you haven't read any comics in that genre.
Do you like action? Horror? Comedy? Romance? Tragedy? Historical?

Shit, if that doesn't work, just look and see if your favorite cartoon/movie/show/game had a tie-in comic and start from there.

stray bullets. its like pulp fiction (the movie and the actual definition. very good)

Do you have a local comic book shop or something of the sort (not fucking Barnes and Noble)

I have a nearby comic shop, but they mostly have an emphasis on tabletops.

Them pick anything from before 2010

It still might be a good idea to swing by and ask for recommendations. You never know.

>in other mediums I tend to like slice of life and things that people on here would call pretentious regardless of genre.

Look into American Splendor and other 'underground comix' of the 60s and 70s, I got into them through a lecture on one of my literature courses.

Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes, Love & Rockets

>things that people on here would call pretentious regardless of genre
Neil Gaiman
Alan Moore
Grant Morrison
Have got you covered.

I looked them up and I think I'll probably read a lot from them.

Not a question for this user in specific, but how do you get past how expensive comics are?

Well, for one, there are the story tellers that come on here and post the comics to the forums

Then, if you know others in the medium, you can borrow or rent the comics from them.

But to be completely honest, it's pretty easy to get past the price point of a trade (about 20-30) when you see the amount of entertainment you get from one.


if you're a britbong near London I can help, I run a store and will hook up a Sup Forums discount

I'll start reading those, and I have a friend that offered to let me borrow a few series about 6 months ago when I didn't care about comics, I'll probably take him up on that now.
Got it.
I live in the country ass country in the U.S.

The Goon

This is very generic. What do you like, Westerns? Science Fiction? Crime? True life? Stuff based on Cartoon Network and Nick series? Stuff based on games or toys?

There are current comics featuring Sherlock, the BBC series, and ones that previously featured Dirk Gentley, and also Doctor Who. There are current comics featuring The Transformers, G.I. Joe, Judge Dredd, Star Trek, Star Wars, Sonic Universe, Invader Zim, Gumball, Adventure Time, etc.

So WHAT would possibly interest you?

Tell me the back story of the guys flipping their shit and why Superman hates their car.

If you liked Red Sun you might like something like Secret Identity:

Superman - Secret Identity 01 (of 04) (2004) (Digital-HR) (Minutemen-PhD)

Superman - Secret Identity 02 (of 04) (2004) (Digital-HR) (Minutemen-PhD)

Superman - Secret Identity 03 (of 04) (2004) (Digital-HR) (Minutemen-PhD)

Superman - Secret Identity 04 (of 04) (2004) (Digital-HR) (Minutemen-PhD)

It's also a mini-series like RS so you only need to read the four books and you're good to go.

Likewise, since you liked Killing Joke, here are two stand-alone Joker related "elseworld" books so you can read these and nothing else:

Batman - Dark Joker - The Wild (1993) (digital OGN) (Minutemen-Faessla)

Batman - I, Joker (1998) (digital OGN) (Minutemen-Faessla)

Slice of life, you might like these, they are collected trades, so again, they are fairly closed, you don't need to read more:

How to Pass as Human (2015) (digital OGN) (Minutemen-Faessla)

Metaphase (2013) 00 (digital OGN) (Minutemen-Ogie)

Metaphase (2015) (digital OGN) (Minutemen-Ogie)

Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta Vol. 1 - A Darkness Surrounds Him (2015) (digital TPB) (Minutemen-Faessla)

Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta Vol. 2 - A Vast and Unending Ruin (2015) (digital TPB) (Minutemen-Faessla)

Are you near a library? I get a bunch of trades from my library? They don't always have what you want, but a number of libraries are also on-line and you can get stuff electronically.

they are punks and superman is smashing the car so they won't escape

I live in a town of 300 people, our library has nothing but romance for middle aged women and westerns.

As I said earlier I really like slice of life and other than that I just tend to like stuff that people consider pretentious. As for existing franchises, I'm a really big fan of My Little Pony, and reading the comics for it is kind of what got me interested in comics.
I saved those links and I'll read them tonight.

>reads mlp
>top kek

That's what I'd say too, I fucking hate the fan base.

Have you tried manga?

>pick anything from before 2010

Nigga, pre-2010 Marvel was shit too. If you're picking up Marvel you need to pick up pre-1993 Marvel. That's when it went to shit.

>I'm a really big fan of My Little Pony, and reading the comics for it is kind of what got me interested in comics.
>MLP IDW Comics got me interested into comics

Probably the worst advice you could ever give someone.

You read the legacy work first. Then you decide if the new stuff is right for you.

Come to think of it I like manga quite a bit and there's lots of slice of life and pretentious shit. Why am I not reading manga?
What's the meme exactly?

Your library might be able to set you up with access to a larger library in your state (I live in California and people can get limited privileges to some of the large city systems - San Francisco and LA, for example). You can get stuff on line. You should at least ask.

>I saved those links an
There are links for a bunch of stuff on the site - you can search it with a regular browser search in a few months once you have figured out what you might be interested. And you should go ahead and sign up for the Comixology site. About 10 percent of stuff is free, you just have to dig around, there's about 20 or so Free Comic Book Day books on line that you can just download to a computer or a tablet/phone with a Comixology account without spending a dime.

I don't get it. If there are comics that specifically interest you then read them. If there are no comics that specifically interest you then don't read comics. There's nothing special about the medium itself.