

Other urls found in this thread:





this is a really good idea.. but i'm having trouble making my brain free-associative to think of anything. among other things, nothing is even a fraction as quotable as the simpsons. if anything it'd be the other way around, a simpsons quote is easy to put with a screenshot of another show




>that filename
have you found a way to be able to link directly from frinkiac into the file field?

Not them, but all you have to do is copy the image address and paste it in the file field.

I just like this site for reaction images

This webpage is not available
The webpage at frinkiac.com/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Error 113 (net::ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH): Unknown error.


doesnt work with frinkiac. it says 'file name is invalid'
url is frinkiac.com/meme/S06E08/849447.jpg?b64lines=KHBsYXlzIGhhcm1vbmljYSBwb3J0aW9uIG9mIAoiU2FuZm9yZCBhbmQgU29uIiB0aGVtZSk=
try it yourself because it wont work for me

You may need to use Sup Forums X.

I am. some urls let me do that, some don't. oftentime i have to remove stuff after the .jpg like "Revision=" etc if it's from a wiki






man Sideshow Bob's VA killed it in that scene







God damn this is good.

















These are all fucking incredible.


read this again buddy













>I nearly leapt from my seat at the sublime acting of Emperor Palpatine's "Power! Unlimited power!"

I kept reading to find out when he admitted he was being sarcastic, but...

Man, I haven't seen an objectively wrong opinion in ages.

i wondered briefly if he was just a very well-spoken child. because if i had been a kid during the new trilogy i guarantee i'd have liked it better than the old one, which definitely bored me as a kid.


Nope, dude looks like an old crazy hermit, which given that article, seems to also be his personality.

Lol, awesome

Why was that even posted? what had it to do with the thread?

that's so weird. usually crazy old hermits are the people with the rightest opinions at least about movies.


thanks but i'm still the most proud of this one I hope Sup Forums remembers that show

Beats me, I just couldn't stop myself from commenting on it.

Didn't you know that Siskel spent twenty years on a mountain to learn his craft?

...granted that mountain was Roger Ebert, but...



I like it.

Spoonfeed me.



Aladdin animated series
had a sorceror character with a skeleton hand covered by a magic gauntlet
it was pretty metal for a kids' show in the 90s





...I LOVED that show! But I never saw much of the Mozenrath episodes, which I'm guessing is the reference here.

i like a videogame joke that i get without having to play the thing


no fair making it a different simpsons quote. i would have done 50 of these by now if that was allowed
yeah that was him. his voice is dead now




That is brilliant.






This one took a little more work.

Kudos to anyone who gets this.

IIRC, it just scans your browser's temporary internet files.





that sounds like an old madTV sketch. or maybe will ferrell's harry caray. i mean if it isn't kid notorious again
that's what i thought too. so maybe there's something off about my browser not having these files properly, and why it doesn't chew 'revision' file urls properly
