What's the most SJW view you have?

I get triggered by colonial era things.

>Columbus day
>Colonial names (Phillipines, Indonesia)
>The fact that Europe is considered a separate continent
>Anglo Australians not accepting immigrants from Asia while thier own homeland is across the world

gun control and economy i guess

>fascists and nazis should unironically be silenced
>liberal democracy is trash

pretty much all of them

i believe in privilege, political correctness, etc. all of it

Privilege is a real thing.

i hate to admit it but i kind of like jewish people, i get along well with them usually

I think that discrimination is wrong.

Esperanto should not be the official language of the European Union. It's too eurocentric.
All minority languages need equal legal respect in the union.

I didn't really believe in it until I saw how absolutely furious privileged people get when you suggest it.

That's not sjw. That's just not being racist.

You've been on Sup Forums too long amigo

Not a big fan of capitalism to be honest, syndicalism sounds cool though.

abbos never invented fire

don't really have a problem with the idea behind feminism

I'm a Marxist which some would say is inherently SJW

Really not a fan of extremist idpol shit though

I once saw someone get called an SJW for suggesting maybe we just need to deport some non-whites instead of killing them.

All the replies shows why Sup Forums is now reddit tier.

Non-whites are basically humans.
wh*Tes are evil abominations of yakub to bring cancer and suffering to the humans.

i unironically think we should open the borders and give all illegal immigrants amnesty and citizenship

That blue must be destroyed.

>women are way too sexualized, and their parents dont incentive they to study STEM subjects like they do with men, when they are kids

>I dont support tricke down economics, tax the riches!

>we live in a materialistic world

>I'm kinda ambientalist

Reddit isn't even really leftist.

I don't know where this meme comes from.

Is this a Future Eaters reference or aomething?

>Reddit isn't even really leftist.

Well, the front page and admins are very leftist.

They're soyboy moderate-left liberals.

I hate normalfags.


I use reddit (i know, go back to le reddit, >unironically using reddit, etc.) and browse both far left and far right subs and the one constant between them is bitching about reddit.

Most of your countrymen consider anything leaning away from a corporation lead feudal state to be fully fledged communism.

fuck off soy boy gook.

based yanks
everything even a millimeter to the left should be hanged ;)

t. bootlicking faggot

Was thinking of necking myself but coming across people more pathetic really put things into perspective: no matter how shit my life is, it will never get as bad as yours. Thank you, vermin.

>Anti-capitalist (but I think we should go back to medieval guild economics not adopt socialism)
>Women should be respected not sexualized
>Porn is evil
>FUCK THE POLICE (ZOGbots kill whites too)

The meat and processed food industry should be outlawed, or at least get the alcohol and tobacco industry treatment.

Developed nations have a duty to help poor countries such as in africa with infrastructure and humanitarian aid because they most likely prospered by exploiting those countries (ex: colonial era, contemporary cocoa production in ivory coast)

kill all men

That all humans are capable of equal good, but not that they're equally good.

You need brain power to be equal the thing is brain power isn't evenly spread.

I think gender neutral bathrooms because going to the toilet shouldn't be something to be scared of and being hygienic is civilized.

I am Vegan, meat easters disgust me.

>I am Vegan
If you aren't being ironic, what's your definition of vegan?

I respect women.

Not eating meat, fish. Idk much about bivalves and won't eat them because they taste bad anyway but I suspect eating them is ethically wrong because bivalve farming contributes to unneeded species invasions. (I am aware that crops are also bad for the environment but there has to be limits, I still consider humans above animals)

there is only one definition of vegan

Nice. Most times I ask for the definition vegans give the vegan society's definition, which probably excludes themselves from being vegans.

And what is that? Is petroleum vegan? Is palm oil vegan?

being vegan is just not eating anything that comes from animals, palm oil as far as i know is from a plant so yes, it is vegan and petroleum isn't edible so idk why you're even asking

Many vegans don't define it that way. Is leather and wool vegan then, according to your definition? They aren't edible.

Veganism is unironically a much more moral way to live even though most are cunts and I'm a hypocrite for eating lots of meat

>Developed nations have a duty to help poor countries
M8, really.

I dont have sjw views except for the fact woman are way too sexualised, but To be honest sjw's make it worse. They endorse degenerate shit, like polygamy, porn etc.

Yes. If you got filthy rich by exploiting or hurting someone else the least you could do is to help them get better.

SJWs hate porn.

Most of them wouldn't be fans of polygamy either.

>100years ago
>Everyone involved already dead
>Was a shithole before we arrived

Even if it was true, they still walk around like disgusting beings.

SJWs love (indie) porn, it's old school feminists that hate it

I've met plenty of cool Algerian people.
And I'm a tree hugger considering becoming vegetarian.

years ago
Stupid dutch, did you not even finish reading my initial post or something? Shit that happened 100 years ago most definitely did not cause any lasting impact, eh?

Homophobia is both wrong and retarded, it's literally just based on childish, knee jerk 'ewww' reactions. You can't tell sexuality just by looking at someone (unlike race and gender), so stereotypes are inherently nonsense.

I don't hate people based on their race.

100% inheritence tax and capital gains tax.

I think preserving native plants and animals is incredibly important for New Zealand

Could begin by setting up some traps for rodents and cats in your backyard.


I have rat traps in my house
I live in suburban Christchurch so there aren't many native birds around, but I remember a few years ago some little shit stoned a kea to death on a school skiing trip nearby, and it made me the angriest I've ever been from a news article

but SJWs hate whites based on their race.

>we should reduce human population in order to live in better harmony with our planet
>we should share resources in order to have a more equalitariam society

But at the same time I believe we should start by killing all black people and faggots. They're dead weight...

I once was called sjw here for saying that poachers should be skinned alive and those who cut rainforests should be fed their own legs after it cut from them with a chainsaw.

It just burns more oil.

The best option is letting them die from starvation..

illegal immigrants have made my home state (California) so much better than it would be without them. Although, I only think that because our employee protection laws are about as strict as France's. With illegals employed under-the-table, that actually allows the non-tech, non-entertainment, non-finance sectors of our economy to thrive (to the extent that they have).

>letting them die from starvation..
That's really barbaric, my friend.

I think women are oversexualised but then I'm reminded that so are men more than often and no women ever bats an eye over that.

>the means of production should be seized >people shouldn't be discriminated based by their sexuality and genitals.

Race differences exists but they are negligible in the great scheme of things and should not matter in regards for the strife for equal rights. Environment and education matter more than genetic inheritance and memes, as in cultural genes, ideas and morals, are more important than genes.

The environment is important and countries have a responsibility toward their own and the global scale. Susteinability is the future.

Multiculturalism can work as long as cultures are mature or compatible enough, but interculturalism is generally better.

>Esperanto should not be the official language of the European Union. It's too eurocentric.

>European Union
>It's too eurocentric.

>Race differences exists but they are negligible in the great scheme of things and should not matter in regards for the strife for equal rights. Environment and education matter more than genetic inheritance and memes, as in cultural genes, ideas and morals, are more important than genes.

That ain't an SJW view at all. Most peole that aren't batshit ideologues believe that people are mostly a product of their environment. But I do agree with you. That said my most SJW view is that I don't really care for my own race (white) all that much honestly. The whole fearmongering about white genocide really doesn't exist in first world countries and the mass migration we see is more or less corporate interests trying to supress working class wages with cheap, illegal and plentiful work.

Were spoonfeeding those fucks anyway. Theyll Just become Dependant on us, and even if we teach Them shit, theyll Just ruin it.

>vote for the conservatives
>online im called marxist libtard sjw
Oh well.

I unironically think gender is a social construct

Most parts of the world need feminism.

>The fact that Europe is considered a separate continent

I especially hate this because now Australia and NZ are suddenly considered part of asia while europe isn't despite being on the same land mass

There is nothing wrong with being a SJW, classical liberals who constantly complain about “political correctness” and “regressive leftism” are much more annoying

>>The fact that Europe is considered a separate continent

Europe = Asia, no not really

I'm unironically communist, and know that real communism hasn't been achieved.

I'm a Marxist so inherently believe in sociological science. That said, Idpol is retarded liberalism and idpollers are probably even worse than tankies and trots in undermining leftist groups.

Marxism is a form of class identity politics.

To add some more, the 1% need to be publicly killed and the rest of bourgeoisie need to be re-educated.

>leftist, wants to kill himself.
checks out.

You sound more like a larper than a marxist

Communism can't work if selfish and greedy people exist.

Europe.. Literally is.. its own continent...
It ends at the Irak mountains and the caucasian mountains

> LBGT people and everyone else really should have equal freedoms and opportunities as long as they dont violate the NAP and territory rules

There by definition can be no scarcity of resources in a communist society, and greed stops being a problem in the absence of scarcity.

i like you too, frenchanon :3

Irak= ural

>call someone a childfucker
>lmao see, that just confirms it

That level of communism needs to be achieved. Can't do it if people are not willing to work together.

being selfish and greedy does not contradict communism

meant for

Equality by gender, race, religion or status in society. Same rights and responsibilities for everyone, for rich arab kids and mumbai sewer cleaners (which is utopia, but noble idea)

I support radical antifascism

>class is an identity

Refugees actually deserve help and we shouldnt do proxy wars in their countries