
>everyone wins
>written by Benis

Other urls found in this thread:


>every character written by Bendis

there are no winners here

It's gonna be shit.

>As Iron Man
fuck you

Bendis pls go. You've ruined everything I've ever loved.

>literally just the current iron man suit but recolored

Reminds me of this

>this is Doom's first ongoing
kill me

Doctor Doom's first ongoing is as Iron Man and it's written by Bendis.

Monkey Paw fucked my shit up.

>Bendis on Doom


So what?
Don't tell me that you dismiss even the possibility of him writing Doom well?
How would you complain?
"He's writing him all nice and SJW! I hate Bendis!"
"He's writing him all hateful and evil strawman! I hate Bendis!"

It's Dr. Doom reinventing himself as a superhero after losing his monarchy and getting his face back, whatever happens after that stuff, it's just as plausible. You won't be able to say anything's out of character for him.

I am dismissing the reality of Bendis writing Doom, yes.

>writing well

To be honest though I do like the dots on the shoulders, and the doom teeth thingy being added.

Isn't this kind of a downgrade from the normal iron man armor. I mean it's better than the normal doom armor, but a plain chrome mask, I hope that's just for aesthetic reasons considering what he regularly goes up against.

Wait a sec... Doom Logo? Is that a thing?

>making it black because EVIL
>it's ironman cosplaying as doom

Iron Man cosplaying as Doom you say?

Yes, it's on Latveria's flag.

Not really, but he had a "D" beltbuckle and a big old "D" on his Latverian royal crest.

Not really this is like calling hulk's logo is his purple cargo pants

Looks like shit. Doom's classic design is perhaps the most perfect design in comics. And this stupid logo isn't "Doom's logo". Dooms real logo is the "D".

Oh, and it will suck. Fuck Bendis.

No, it's not. Pic related, Marvel Atlas pages with Latveria flag.

It is? Wow, I would've thought he'd have his first ongoing fucking many years ago, considering the fact that he's the most liked villain in the Marvel universe.

I mean, Deathstroke is a little less popular than Doom, and yet he's had his own ongoings for a while now. Hell, even technically Doc Ock had his first ongoing in Superior Spiderman.

Doom's royal seal, usually featured in Latveria's crest, Doom's real logo, from Triumph and Torment. A similar design was used in Doom 2099.

Those hacks don't even read the comics they write about.

We had Super-Villains Team-up, althought it wasn't exclusively Doom.

Doom 2099

>bitch doesn't know about Doom 2099


This is just a mistake, like in the Bendis Doom.

This hack can't even drawn Dooms mask, he just ripped Gladiator.


>first doom solo since doom 2099
>as iron man
>with shit lazy armor design
>fucking written by bendis

yay, nice, we win, hurray.
last character from marvel i actually liked and gave a fuck about, and mahvel decides to make a solo written by the bendis

he will never get the boot, guys

I was really excited about this before I learned that Bendis was on it. That guy's a reverse midas.

Hey, you seem to know all about books that haven't come out yet, is the new Venom title going to be worth buying?
You MUST know... right? It's not like you're just full of shit and posting nothing worth reading. Right?

Bendis? The writer?

Which Avengers book is Doom going to be in?

It is too bad that Reed isn't here to see this. He would be so proud. The FF got mighty sick of his shit.

I expect Johny Storm will show up in his book eventually, he's really used a lot for someone from a defunct title.
But the real question is if that evil Ultimates Reed Richards is going to appear as a villian. That would make it all worth it.

>evil Ultimates Reed Richards is going to appear as a villain
Might be cool. U Reed has been wasted in New Avengers.

Ultimate Richards has been written pretty horribly for the past few years. He should definitely be taken off of the other book, but I doubt Bendis would write him any better.

I don't think so, one thing Bendis does well is write ridiculously bizarre sci-fi.
I think he can top Evil Reed turning people into icon-headed zombies by stealing their souls.

Bendis' U Reed turning heel was pretty cool, although he was too enigmatic with his goals and the whole scene where his house is destroyed makes no sense at all.

Agreed, I was so confused by that. It's one thing to hint that Reed was behind it, it's another to outright lie to the readers to hide that fact.

This was his plan all along.

Who the hell is that at the front door? Why is Reed clearly surprised? U Kang accelerating matters, maybe? If so, I don't understand why it wouldn't have been brought up in Fialkov's Ultimates run.

At the time, yes.
But when you reread it today Evil Reed actually explains way back then that his motivation to do insane, dangerous, and immoral science is to research and stop the same multiverse die-off that made SecretWars3 happen.
This is a true thing.

Don't forget that Ultimate S.H.I.E.L.D. had all the superheroes under 24/7 surveilance.
(as was revealed before then in issues of Ultimate Spiderman, Ultimate X-Men, and Ultimate Fantastic Four)

But I thought important pieces of the military-industrial-super science complex were getting blown up all over the place (and Peter's house for some reason). Why would U Reed need a farce involving a mysterious person knocking on his door and detecting the attack before it happened.

I have to say, I really dig incorporating the Latverian flag into the helmet design there. A nice little patriotic touch.

Wait, Doom's got his face back?

Reed restored it at the end of Secret Wars when he recreated the universe.

>Doom 2099
No son


Original sauces:
Pic related: twitter.com/alexmaleev/status/753960732203646976
OP: twitter.com/alexmaleev/status/753960416422797319

Finally the textless cover to #1.

Lol you joke good jokes

Yes, son. Doom 2099 is just 616 Doom after he's woken up in the year 2099.

OK, I can get behind that.

Fuck that, only way Iron Doom is acceptable is if he goes up to Carol and calls her a fat cow

Baby Face Doom can't do that anymore.

Is Storm going to be around for him to date?

Riri is just gonna get outshined by Doom unless she has Reed level intellige....oh wait, Bendis writing.

Bendis the legend.

I want to give Bendis the benefit of a doubt like you but go check out his current Iron Man run, he's writing both Iron Man and Doom over there.

Should give you a good feel for how Bendis will be writing this.

>Major resources: Time Travel

>Iron Doom vs SuperLex

who wins?

you know besides him not being able to write a good Tony his Iron Man ongoing isn't bad. Even then he just can't write Tony in non action scenes. The villain is interesting and cool looking, he has a decent Rhodey, and everyone else is pretty well done. Fuck I love his Doom, it's the only good thing he's done since Peter died.

Lex's Mother Box may give him an edge, but being a step removed from being the Sorcerer Supreme is an almighty trump card.

woaaaah its like marvel has bad editors and doesnt care about continuity.

>Don't tell me that you dismiss even the possibility of him writing Doom well?
Bet your ass I do.

Why would doom become ironman? Why would he use the name or the gear?

Are they really going to run two versions of every super hero for "diversity"?

Tony Stark is probably going to "die" and Doom is trying to reform since Infinity.

I wonder if this guy will make an appearance.

>Doctor Motherfucking Doom

Fuck Doomfags. Almost as bad as batfags.

t. richards

Doom pwned the Beyonder on his own turf.

He IS Batman.

Why would Doom need an Iron Man suit?

So people can look at him and remember that he is truly Infamous Iron Man™, as written by Bendis

He's trying to go heroic. He tried to become friends with Tony Stark.

So... this is a tribute?

...Imagine being tributed by Doctor Doom.

>I'm am Ironman
>The Invincible Ironman
>but aren't you Victor Von Doom?
>I am DOOM
>Dr Doom? I know Dr Doom.
>I know
>aren't you from Latveria?
>Latveria, the country?
>I am Victor Von Doom, The Infamous Ironman

Rinse and repeat every time he encounters any superhero or villain.

95% chance that Bendis is going to reveal that Tony Stark is actually Tony Von Doom.

That logo always reminds me of Spawn for some fucked reason.

Well, he's Bulgarian apparently...


The reason is probably because they look a lot alike.

Well it depends for me on when the logo actually was made official since I don't remember McFarlane ever working on Doom or FF.

I fuvking hate this style of iron man armor

bends? he writes comic books?

It's wrong. Like when Marvel said Cap's shield was made of adamantium.

Doctor Doom is Marvel's Batman. Doom wins.

This is THE comic we should boycott. This isn't Squirrel Girl or some piece of SJW crap that no one cares about, this is Bendis shitting on motherfuckin DOCTOR DOOM!

>He's trying to go heroic.
He was a hero for his people. He shouldn't try to pander to the rest of the world, but to make the world understand Doom as Doom really is, the worlds greatest hero!

You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?

Why is Doom aping the Iron Man suit when his own mystically-charged battlesuit is objectively superior?

Doom spent 10 years being god and nothing worked out. He's trying a different approach here.

The leaked avengers cover for marvel now shows the final iron doom suit, and IIRC it has gold and green coloring. This is prob a rejected design like Tomasi's Superman rebirth design.

I( hate they keep coloring Doom eyes blue. Doom have brown eyes, like Richards.

on the door was nobody of consequence. Possibly an actual reporter- the explosion was caused by the energy flux, which, in turn, was caused by Reed experiments

What's this from? Also

Peter >Bendis David's X-factor.

For funsies.

Wait, this scene doesn't seem like it should be happening.

Wasn't Doom practically lobotomized in that scene?

That's what we said.

