Cal Arts Meme

Any one else think this meme is dumb?

Also would you go to CalArts if given the chance?

Hell yeah dude, going to Calarts gets your foot in the door to a ton of studios. Getting work probably wouldn't be very hard.

I would legitimately go if the damn tuition wasn't so high haha.

only if I could fuck Lauren Faust

Craig beat you to it dog : (

The problem isn't so much CalArts as it is the industry. Look at the senior projects they release every year and you'll see a lot of real, genuine talent. However paying people to use that talent is expensive, so studios would much rather hire the middling students who can churn out a lot of work quickly. That's why you get the "fill in the blanks" art styles that are so common.

Most of Disney's animators are also from CalArts, but they're actually the best of the best and are given the resources to grow.

Yeah Id love to go. I just woder what the standards are to get in...

Alison Brie went there are talked about nude students trampsing around the college and all the orgies
I'd go just for the stories

I want to marry Alison Brie 2.0

No Im not bashing Calarts Im literally saying the meme is dumb. Not bait

I wouldn't go to CalArts because I have absolutely no skills in drawing. I gave that up years ago...

Actually looks pretty good, is this going to be an actual thing it is it something some cal arts guy posted online?

I thought about applying, but they only give a shit about drawing ability and I know I'm nowhere near that good. (If it's the prime-ground for creating international children's media, shouldn't they want intelligent people instead of purely any idiot who could draw the best?)

I applied to two other California film schools. One of them rejected me (applied last possible day for rolling admissions, go figure) and the other one took me but wanted me to pay way too much money. Instead, I chose a school in-state that's arguably more academic than the others but not particularly well-known for its media production. Shit will be interesting.

Wasn't there this huge rape scandal one time?

Well best of luck I guess got any cartoons you'd like to make it any dream projects?

Despite the talent, there actually is a CalArts style meme going on but it's not Adventure Time or Gravity Falls like people think. It's that every animation student there is basically ripping the style off of this guy.

As well as this guy.

Yes. And yes. I'm in the midst of making a portfolio actually (got till' December this time so its a good head start to begin now!)

It's not THE best school but I live close to the area and I've been practicing for years so why not?

> in the midst of making a portfolio

Good luck user

Yes, and I don't even draw.

Which means I'd fit in with 70% of the class.


>Also would you go to CalArts if given the chance?
Absolutely. I'm sitting here right now waiting for my next class to start so I can finish it, graduate and start trying to get out of this boring shithole.

Don't ever move to Memphis, TN. Our main contribution to the world is fucking misery

Quads confirm.

okay woolie wool

I mean, yeah obviously.

I'm applying to the Art Institute of Seattle soon, but if I got a free ride for CalArts? Fuck yeah.

literally who

Hoping to get into Art Institute of Vancouver myself, just as a side thing to do while i'm freelancing/dying

>Also would you go to CalArts if given the chance?
Nah, I'm already saddled with a bunch of debt from the last art school I went to.

i would go but not if I had to pay more than 1-2k per term

>Also would you go to CalArts if given the chance?
as tempting as it'd be, I like the idea of being a semi outsider artist, so whether my work goes anywhere or not, I can always be "that guy who didn't go to art school"

I assumed that OP meant it was free when he said "given the chance".

Could you imagine living on campus somewhere and all you have to worry about is demonstrating your eye for detail in a certain medium? No frustrating job, no idiot coworkers, no obligations or things you have to do for other dicks. Think about it.

Working on an idea now, and when I say working, I mean "praising myself over it while not committing to creating more, while still refusing to accept that nobody important will probably ever hear of it again."

Not him, and I'd take the offer, but

>No frustrating job
Working on my stuff would have to be a job; I'd be lying to myself if I said laziness would set in no matter what.
>no idiot coworkers
"California Art College" sounds more leftist than "Mighty Mao's Sickle of Universal Godlessness." And not even the academic leftism you'd get on normal elite campuses.
>no obligations or things you have to do for other dicks
See point one.


Is that Gobolatula? The "before" image looks like his style.

pretty sure it's Shmorky

I would as long as I wouldn't get shat on for my art style being different there by the other students.

Yeah I'm a dumbass

Is there a calarts equivalent for those living on the east side or do you have to suck it up and move across the country for your shot in the industry?

West Coast - CalArts
East Coast - SVA
Europe - Gobelins

Both look like shit.

RISD's pretty damn good. I hear good things about SVA but I also hear literally anyone who can pick up a pencil can attend so keep that in mind.

>I wouldn't go to CalArts because I have absolutely no skills in drawing
Then you're perfect for it!

I also like this version of Hogarth's mom.

I'd be fine with the left one if it didn't have an exaggerated upper lip..