Favorite Scooby Doo villain thread

Favorite Scooby Doo villain thread

Or alternately one you found scariest as a child

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Zomba from 13 Ghost of SD creeped me out as a kid. Also the original tar monster.

the creepy looking smiling robot, I don't even want to post a pic.

>Space Kook
Good taste my friend, but I have to go with Captain Cutlers Ghost


>tar monster
Best Scooby-Doo monster.

Made me afraid of clowns as a kid.

That clown was super rapey....


look at the shiny coin of gold and you will do as you are told

This is almost the same design as Revolta but with less arms, Jesus

Why isn't there a toy of this cackling fucker?

this motherfucker scared me even though i was a little older when i saw it


You think you're clever. You think you're quick. Now you will suck my dick!

fuck these guys. fuck ALL these guys.

This mother fucker since my favorites were already posted.
Also that witch doctor gets an honorable mention.
Also that "COIN COIN" guy because my mom would always make fun of it.

This motherfucker, right here. Still give me chills.

That animation is so beautiful.
Speaking of the new Scooby Doo stuff Mystery inc is amazing.


Along with Space Kook, pic related scared the shit out of me as a kid. I think it was mostly due to the fact the ghost was faceless, but the portrait of the once-living Cutler was still shown at some point.

He really grew on me, though, mostly because of his design. I must have drawn him dozens of times with highlighters for the additional "glow" effect back in grade school.


I remember a lot of the downtime in episodes but never the villains. I really think this is the only thing I've ever blocked from memory. Like, I remember the episode on the ship in the swamp with the foghorn etc., but not the villain.

I remember there was this one on a dam that was scary, whatever it was.

This one

The 1000 volt ghost

Nigga skiing around like a bad motherfucker.

The one electricity guy who could travel through cables and shit


Miner 49er

This guy?











Jabber Jaw

Diving Suits are just such a cool motif, especially if they are glowing.

Seriously guys - is Scooby Doo even worth checking out? I only remember watching it as a little kid (15-20 years ago) and, well, it wasn't so good.

Am I the only one getting a Screw-On Head vibe from the way this is drawn?

The old stuff is cheesy, sticks to a set formula, but it's all right if you can stand that sort of thing.
The 80s stuff is usually groanworthy.
Starting from Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island, things start getting good.
Avoid all the live-action stuff.

because of the shadows?

Jesus Christ, the one that actually terrified me was the one with the giant flaming owl monster, that was always soaring around in the sky, and the gang was always exposed out in the open, like on a boat on the lake or on a cliff face. It made me nervous to go camping with my family and I'd always watch the sky if they made me sit outside at night.

Probably. That and the thinner outlines, I guess.

Is this from another dtv movie or from Mystery Inc.?


This thing. Fuck this thing.

The one that frightened me the most as a kid was The Mummy one, his groans and the way he said "COIN" gave me nightmares.

>that droning, eerie music when he shows up
chilling as fuck

the mr hyde one
i saw that version of the theme song for the first time and was actually scared of him and it turned out that was the episode playing


Witch Doctor and Space Kook are probably my two favorites visually speaking

Are we just going to ignore how sick that throw Shaggy made was?

It didn't do any damage, but it was a beautiful shot and even after glancing off it still went off into the distance straight up against gravity.

Shaggy, why are you so goddamn stronk?

That aztec masked dude with a golem companion.

Since Velma's sister is in the clip, I think it's from Abracadabra Doo.

Man these ones. Whole episode was terrifying.
Also the noise this guy made, and that face.


Yeah, this one was creepy as shit.

Oh yeah, I hated that one. Creepy as fuck.

This is the only Scooby Doo villain that made me close my eyes when ever he was on screen.

Oh shit, you're now playing a Scooby Doo Fightin' Game!

Pick your fighter, Sup Forums!

The Ghost Clown. That coin can really fuck someone over if you manage to land it.

The caveman!

He's the sheriff.

Captain Cutler's ghost, because in my mind he fights like Q, but uses the seaweed as a ranged grapple.

>tfw Ghost of Geronimo is sleeper OP and nobody realizes this

is that really all the monsters of classic scooby doo? or just most famous

Someone post the faceless robot and/or the ice cream ghosts. They were pretty neat.

>Space Kook's finisher has him summon his creepy space ship and hop on top of it Gainax style and slam into his opponent while cackling like mad.


Maining Space Kook!

>no Gator Ghoul
Shit game, fampai.

Something about The Creeper always freaked me out.
The weird, hobbling run, the slurred speech, I dunno, he just scared the piss out of me.
Him and the Zombie from the Swamp Witch Episode. Those fucking eyes man...

Forgot pic.


Mfw Black Knight has Super Armor on all his specials

It always confused me why almost all the monsters were also Ghosts.
I mean, a fucking Ghost Werewolf? Isn't a regular Werewolf enough?


The Caveman

His special attack is that He is in here but we are out here

>mfw I always forget that
>mfw I try to interrupt his Hyde Whyte with Clown Ghosts Rape-Coin
I never learn.

This thread is gold. Good art and shit.

I know I have a villain in midnight that no one has brought up yet but I can't think of who it is...

The zombie island movie still scares to to this day.


this guy