Post >yfw

Post >yfw

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>An issue of Dick Grayson completely focused on him trying to get rid of his boner
>It's basically an American-made ecchi comic

>what if their dicks synchronize
>what if they all have to go and take care of their boners
Sounds hot, when will someone write it?

>Boners vs Periods

Well, Boners don't make me a crotchy little pissant for a week while I bleed out of my dick.

Thank God for that, else we'd all still live in caves.

>Hal fighting Sinestro
>He suddenly gets a boner

>Flash has Captain Cold cornered
>When all of the sudden, boner

>Batman is in close combat with the Joker

Kate Leth you stupid fuck, superheroes are already a homosexual fantasy. Having them go full on sexual in comics just gives men in real life an excuse to be more open about themselves and act like even bigger dicks.

Women really got the shit end of the stick there. We get sex spears and they bleed monthly for days on end and also it hurts for the entire time.

>Men make a witty comment that could really effect combat effectiveness of a super hero squad.
>Woman gets super butthurt and starts talking about shit she knows nothing about. She then starts crying

Sounds about right

i beg to differ

>robin hood is airing
>oh fuck my boner
>gotta fap
>blood comes out
>feel the fear of death for a week

Damn, you, Joker, and your dastardly plans!


Obviously they'd kick all the women out of the Justice League. Like they should've done from the get go.

Really? No one?

Women get the shit end of the stick in everything except like divorce court and prison sentences. Their lifespans are going down now that they've been tricked into working themselves to death like men.

>Sex spears
I keked, but it comes with plenty of downsides. If you've ever been hit in the nuts, you can imagine the choking, mind-numbing pain that reaches all the way up to your throat just by remembering that moment. Also, a tiny scratch wound or tear on your dick can be fucking annoying for days on end.

Becoming a teenager isn't fun for a guy either, adam's apples, zits, weird hair growth on visible places like the face...

There's a reason teenagers are so fucking angsty all the time. They look like fucking shit if they don't apply a morning's worth of hygiene articles on themselves first.

She's a woman, we are going easy on her.

I don't know what I just watched, but I laughed any way.


She was there getting Archies, because she lacks a y chromosome and therefore she has shit taste in life.


Wait, I'd read that. Unironically.

He's fighting Deathstroke and gets momentarily distracted, and Slade goes for an opening. It only ends up cutting his costume in compromising ways, making Slade too uncomfortable with continuing the fight.

top kek

Superheroes should use their dick more to intimidate the villains.

t. Gordon


And hell, let's not just stick with the fighting/art part. I want to see the inner dialogue of Dick while he's enduring this mysterious never-ending boner, he'd probably try to rationalize it somehow.


Oh don't kid yourself. Her response was stupid shit but 'duh periods' is grade school shit

If not for it the comic would be just passive aggressive trash. Good punchline yo.

>making Slade too uncomfortable with continuing the fight
Because now he has a boner too, right?

This is not even comparable.

that's hot. i wonder if they've ever had post-fighting hatesex. i mean, batman and joker definitely have. the others, i mean.

Oh ugh I'd completely blocked out both Jericho's New Titans hairstyle and Wolfman's tedious inner monologues for Dick.

I'm just glad she accepts that boners need taken care of.

>Have no reason boner in the middle of the lesson
>"user, come to the black board"

Except men don't ever blame literally everything on their boners for an entire week every month. They don't get sympathy points and asspats and leeway for "being on their boner"
and you know what? the avengers have already been all male I think. I never saw the movie but I think there's one chick in there but the rest of the time I'm sure they're competent and don't get boners in spandex.

>mfw cunt sister uses PMS and period cramps as an excuse to be a cunt 2 weeks of every month

That sounds like bullshit so I don't belive you.

>4th grade
>able to boner but can't do anything about it
>teacher has several math problems written out
>calling students up in groups to solve them on the board
>my massive 2 inches won't go down
>it's my turn
>awkwardly get up to my spot
>find a way to stand with my hand on my hip awkwardly to hide it
>bitch behind me asks why i'm standing like a girl
>kids laugh

I think she wants the dick. If imouto, definitely the dick, try that.

>not using boners as a plotpoint in a story

step it up familia

Nah. She's a SJW cunt carpetmuncher.

Is she fat with colored sidecut?


Fuck that shit. Not with the penis. You know what I mean.

heroes die too soon for this world.

The weird thing is Prison School is actually a really good comic, and not just in the ecchi way.

What if everyone gets boners?

>witty comment
Sup Forums pls

of course it is, good authors can make something good even from boners or menstruation unlike kate leth.


Why is kate leth so retarded?

What if we had an all female Avengers starring Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, Kristen Wiig, and Leslie Jones? What if we throw in queef jokes and toss in sub-rom-com humor? What if the female leads all lust after the one hot male Avenger and we barely explain the MRA-inspired villain?

Well, she's right. It's a needlessly silly thing to say.

She doesn't say Avengers. She says Superhero team.
Christ you people really go out of your way to hate this shit don't you?

Shit nigga, I'd totally read a comic about that. Some supervillain shoots them with a boner ray that makes it so they can't git rid of their boners for the next few hours but all of them have some important thing they need to do or place they need to be.

Fuck, man, now I'm sad that this'll never exist.

I do.

an eternal cursed boner that transfers between owners with a mind of its own

ugh I bet you think black on black crime is a thing too

>not using the time to trap it vertically in your waistband

>all girl team gets period
Reeee wait till I tell tumblr

>all male team gets Boners
Guys just laugh it off

Also they were talking about avengers and the girl brings up Gotham. Fuck that

>and therefore she has shit taste in life.
>implying cape comics are not shit taste in a different way

They got multiple orgasms.

Shame it's hard enough for a woman to even get one orgasm.

Boner goes away after a while, it doesn't linger on for a whole week, it doesn't give you cramps or pains and doesn't make you cranky, hateful and aggressive.

All in all boner's effect on superheroing performance is negligible.
Heightened testosterone and adrenaline might actually increase the performance during physically demanding tasks.

>SJW tries to make a comic which takes the piss out of boners
>Sup Forums loves the idea
>Sup Forums comes up with ideas for how the story would go
>The first ideas always involved Dick Grayson

Every god damn time.

to be fair I'm sure a cunt punt is just as bad and girls have bad puberty fact it's probably worse because aforementioned monthly bloody discharge begins.

What a bitter cunt
Shes not worthy to intern for Gail Simone

Superheroes have boners all the time, but there's tricks to hiding them, every guy learns them all in during school years.

Just think about dog shit. Works every time.

None of those tricks apply when you're wearing spandex though.

At least none of the ones I'm aware of.

That doesn't make her wrong.

obviously she is if she's doing it.

>Sup Forums is actually discussing the effect periods would have on a superhero team just to spite the comic
baka senpai desu

>Heightened testosterone and adrenaline might actually increase the performance during physically demanding tasks.
>being "cranky, hateful and aggressive" wouldn't

>woman getting stuck with the fucking kids while man usually gets to keep the car and house
>gent prisons are filled nearly to capacity while lady prisons aren't, leading to much shorter sentences for men for similar crimes because turnarounds have to be quicker
>fact checking
I don't know about that, user.

>shit taste
Them's hurtful words, yo.

>I'm sorry, I'm just really cranky because I'm on my boner right now. You know what'd help? If you were on my boner instead.

Here's a fun experiment. Name an all male post-Fantastic Four superhero team. Not one woman on it at all. Go ahead, I'll wait.


Testosterone and adrenaline are scientifically prove to heighten physical performance.

Periods do not increse either of these, they just make you physically miserable(cramps so bad you can't move, etc) and pure toxic in social situations.

>while man usually gets to keep the car and house
>man gets to keep the house

>while man usually gets to keep the car and house
This has literally never happened.

And the benefits of boners to entertainment.
Stop hating fun.

>People are having fun despite my needs to see them get mad about some shitty comic, the nerve!

>get stuck with kids
you piece of shit.



Spiderman, Hulk, ghost rider and Dr. Strange.
They were the fantastic 4 for a while, back in the day.

Didn't this kind of happen when he was robin locked in that tight space with Babs?

>cramps so bad you can't move
Non-issue for superhuman endurance.
>and pure toxic in social situations.
Non-issue when your job's punching things.

they eventually got she-Rom on the team, I think.

Gotta get those token womens pander points user! Mmmmm

Didnt Sinnestro outdid every other green latern in the battle of kunt, giving him the nickname Kunt Destroyer?
Wait... that was just Sup Forums talk.... damn, I miss GL:tas.

Boners are actually healthy. Like super healthy for males.
So they SHOULD BE more encouraged by mainstream media instead of being hidden all the time.
Boners should be presented as an ok thing and something to be proud of.

Would she not have, like, super-cramps or something?

Hey now the Dick stuff's great.
I'm exclusively talking about the posters seriously, stone-facedly trying to justify the retarded strawmen quip.

Eh, that one is understandable. user got corrected pretty fast too, so, no need to go that way.


Those are trolls (and probably just the samefag), just ignore their shit.
And yes, I would read the Dick boner saga, and would hate the writer for ever if he managed to ruin it.

>Sup Forumsirgin confirmed

The cramps come from one's own bodily functions, if you have super strength then you will have SUUUPER~cramps.

And superheroing used to be more than just punching things, you had to be able to inspire hope and give suicidal kids a talk so they can find a reason to live.
Movies and 90s ruined everything.

How is this an experiment?

You should go to a safe distance, user. I will take it from here.

Light hearted observational humor is for men
because women aren't funny