Why do westerners eat laundry detergent?

Why do westerners eat laundry detergent?

to clean our internal organs

westerners are retarded from all are consumption of soy and high fructose corn syrup which was fed to us by the jews
nothing you can do about it really

because it's tasty

because we're a nation of dumb attention whores that elected a dumb attention whore as president

For the views.

Trump is what this sick modern world has needed. I understand why a lot of nameless silent majority have voted for him. When those universities graduated intelligent people living in cities are bullshitting about sexuality, racism and all the politically correct stuffs, ordinary people are struggling to make living.

>silent majority
>3 million votes less than Hillary

This tide pod meme is funny and the fact that idiot teenagers were stupid enough to try it and got poisoned makes it 10 times funnier than it already was.

Any other opinion could only be held by a humorless spod
>inb4 "Think of the chilluns!"

VERY cool and edgy, my man

Go back to teaching english, Bobby.

They vomit after eating them, right? They aren't that dumb, right?

I ain’t Bobby. I’m genuine Japanese who support Donald Trump from other side of Pacific Ocean.

>This is America's next generation

Get ready to get surpassed by Mexico.

they don't actually "eat" them, the moment it pops in their mouths they spit it out because yeah, it's detergent, the moment it touches the inside of your mouth it'll burn

He's not the president of the entire world, David-kun.

They should encourage them to wean out the retards

They looks like candy, Americans will eat it.

Probably for the same reason Russians expose themselves to a series of psychological detrimental behaviours that surrender their agency to an some internet troll and kill themselves.

Of course he isn’t. It’s more like I support ordinary Americans than Trump. And other countries need candidates or leaders like Trump in my opinion.

Don't make me gag.

Look how your neighboring country is being destroyed. Sweden is a feminazi globalist poli-correct dictatorial surveillance country.