Is your country ready for WWIII?

Is your country ready for WWIII?

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i don't think china will stay still
they will invade japan

Fuck off

Don't be ridiculous, that's insanely risky and ropes them into this conflict for no reason. They'll probably do something small like invade Bhutan or India while no one is watching.

sorry but we have the constitution that keeps us from entering a war


We are blue :D

>Saudi Arabia still going to be around once blue wins

For fuck sake, can we please just end this.


>stays neutral in WWIII
LMAO, pick one. They would be target #1 for the red union. Liberation of Europe is highly improbable without control over Baltic sea.


>saudi arabia

nope, we're nootral

I am pretty sure if WWIII would ever happen it would start at the initiative of USA. Like
Yugoslavia etc.

>nope, we're nootral
member of NATO also strategically important territory for it

I fucking wish we could stay neutral, but we'd have to pick a side once actions starts in the Baltic sea. We'd probably go blue unless our shitty government surrenders at the first sight of a tourist dressed in green.


Putin coming to "rescue" some more poor oppressed russian minorities seems like a more likely reason. He invaded Ukraine under the same pretext, why stop there?

You have no right to speak

I wonder how you managed to stay away from NATO

"Spring storm" is an annual Estonian wargames exercise where around 15 000 soldiers take part each year. Last year we really managed to piss off russia

Estonians marched several heavily armed battalions through a small pro putin russian inhabited town in eastern estonia to show them who's the boss and that all and any uprisings will be met with severe consequences. Most russians feared that estonians came to genocide them and didnt even come out of their houses

>Liberation of Europe
now where did i see these words before...

Post-'91 bliss, "cold war is over, time for eternal peace forever and ever".
Luckily they didn't completely gut the military like they did in many western European nations.

Nope, we are neutral

im ready to kill some wh*Tes in the global race war.

Why they stay in Estonia? High salaries?

>Estonians marched several heavily armed battalions through a small pro putin russian inhabited town in eastern estonia to show them who's the boss and that all and any uprisings will be met with severe consequences
Imagine being this insecure lmao. Besides IF Russia invades theres literally nothing you can do anyway.

I'm pretty sure Russia can take estonia in less than 3 hours lol.

If you ask them they pretty much all say "russia is a total shithole" or something like that. They have a good life here but refuse to assimilate.

You must have me confused with one of your countrymen.

They should've also offered the biggest Putin supporters one-way tickets to Moscow. I mean, if they really love the guy and his regime that much, why not go live over there?

Europe's been "liberated" so many times over the years it's easy to lose count.

i dont get this. why is korea not white, but japan is?

Red is a shit-tier alliance but because nukes are a thing it's all the same in the end.

Because they are honorary aryans.

>Most russians feared that estonians came to genocide them and didnt even come out of their houses
That scum deserve it anyway.

Nah. I have actually served in the estonian defence force for almost 12 years and have completed a masters degree in higher staff officer school. Ive been in training in USA, UK and Canada. Based on western intelligence russia cannot conquer estonia in it's entirety. There are many reasons for that that would take way too long to explain. Basically russia has a shit corrupy army unprepared to fight the type of fight we would give them. Also they cannot just channel all of their force into estonia, they must use a proportional strike or else they risk getting cucked by every single one of their enemies.

Russia isnt a threat, it's actually a lot weaker than you'd think
Here's the truth:

The point of this was to uncover russian spies. Whilst all the commoners fled, some stayed and started taking pictures of the battle gear, formations and equipment. Unkown to them this was a false decoy, nothing of the information revealed was ever planned to be used in war time. Estonian secret police quickly arrested most of these individuals and they "disappeared"

Basically we tricked russia hard and uncovered their intelligence

>I'm pretty sure Russia can take estonia in less than 3 hours lol.
Just like they did with Finland?

Lol they tried it once already. Both germans and russians tried to conquer estonia in 1918 but were defeated. Estonia lost around 5k men whilst russians lost 45k (russian claim). We pushed the front so far we could have taken and destroyed Petersbourg but choose not to even though UK insisted that we do. We didnt bc we arent russians who destroy shit for fun

Source: Estonian war for independence 1918-1920

I think the threat of a nuclear mutual blow is very great. Under the plan, a nuclear strike is inflicted after the capabilities of the conventional army have been exhausted. And since Russia can not hold out long against the combined forces of NATO ...

Vaporize le 56% face and finland plz.

>invading Japan

has literally never worked and in fact China would be fucking retarded to try something like nowadays


Why Finland?

Tzunami will sink all chinese ships?

People underestimate what a powerful nation we were before ww2. We were stronger than Finland and almost ahead of Sweden. Then came the war and we got caught between germany and ussr in their full force. Estonia was utterly destroyed even though we killed some 250 000 russians and didnt recover because the USSR kept bleeding us dry. In the almost 30 years of reindependence we have come a long way and are if not THE best ex second world country. What is holding us back is the russian diaspora (no meme)

finnish memes are too hard for canuck brain

>We were stronger than Finland and almost ahead of Sweden.

I think, you overestimate your power just a little bit.


My doctor told me not to see blue

How many russians did sweden kill? Definitely not 250 000


I wonder where you got so much gonor. Perhaps, fiery hatred of Russia is your only "national idea" and politics. You have offended us by your behavior and now your ports are useless and do not bring income. And what did you get useful? Nothing. I hope that Russia will simply forget about your existence.

I hope so too, as we are blooming and russia is a withering shithole

Brazil is pro-US.
China don't have any defence agreement with Russia.
India has no benefit to join

During Estonian attacks on Petersburg and Moscow

Battle of Narva and Battle of Tannenberg line

It was Germans, not you

>And what did you get useful? Nothing.
Yet somehow they have higher average salary than Russia.

>It was Germans, not you

It was around 80% Estonians in Tannenberg line and 40-50% in the main battle of narva. Mind you i didnt even include the battles fought in the rest of estonia after germans retreated

Effective using what they have. In Russia it doesnt matters how economic "grows", people get nothing.



Not involved so yes.

Yeah, you guys have fun:D

Just imagine a horde of Estonian soldiers surrounding you, murmuring 'cocks...'

Finland will fight to protect their Swedish masters tho.

Then consider how many Soviet losses there were Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Poles and others there, and not just Russians.



They will start the war idiots

We consider all of these people russian

No, not really. We have some co-operation, but a defense pact would require common foreign policy and ours are incompatable.

russia pls rig our election so that we turn red

>Just imagine a horde of Estonian soldiers surrounding you, murmuring 'cocks...'

So, we consider it was Germans on the positions.

You really don't understand how wars in the north work. It's always finns defending Sweden. always has been. Always will be.

Well if somebody attack us what choice do we have? I was refering to a hypothetical situation where (You) got attacked and not us.

Do as you may
>That armband

It's kaitseliit not estonian defence force. These are sunday soldiers

Norway is Russophobic NATO base too

"Russophobia" is putin's buzzword to deflect any criticism towards them

To some extent. At least this time around we're on the goodboi side.

Implying we have ever been badbois

Tbqh it's only half-true, many countries really bully Russian immigrants for no reason (or at least not very obvious)

Opposed to the last one where we tried out the not picking any side option on state level and it didn't turn out too good

We bully russians bc they act like literal niggers here. Some bully russians for the same reason americans bully mexicans

So i will die in war lol

My ancestors picked the nazi side which was objectively the right side to choose

Calling your nation a barbarian evil Empire, that always want to INVADE is not just a criticism

Binns could cuck russia no problem

Sames. Either SS or sabotage in the remainings of the police forces from the independence days. We should've went full nazi tho in retrospect.

It's the truth. History shows that russia has always tried to destroy anything even remotly good

Don't listen to that faggot. Most people don't care about Russians. Only insecure underage regards who get bullied in school write stuff like that. Russians here are very decent.

You're insane

>Russians here are very decent.
Some are, some are not. I have a ton of friends and colleagues who are all normal integrated people, educated highly. But then there's the ghetto niggers from fuck knows what shittown in the east. They are not normal people.

When i was in conscription years ago one of the points of SBK end hike was Lastekodumägi in Sinimägede. I silently heiled hitler and thought about the hords of russians we killed there

>But then there's the ghetto niggers from fuck knows what shittown in the east.
Some Estonians act like that too. So what?

You means Nazism?

>Russians here are very decent

t. Never been to Lasnamäe, Kopli, Kohtla-Järve and its satellites, Narva or Jõhvi


Amongst other things

>thinking ww3 will be another conventional war
I guarantee that ww3 will be a war with nukes. Nobody is going to go down without taking everyone with them.

And totally denying Russian efforts to civilize Estonia after Sweden rule?

Lmao this has to be a troll. Swedish rule was "the good time"

What good about that?