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>Ayer is ashamed of the comics they said.


What am I looking at here?

Is that a leak?

New Trailer when?

Enchantress/June Moon


Why did they cast Daniel Radcliffe as Enchantress?

When did we stop hating this guy and why? He still hasn't proven himself.

I see the CGI is still absolutely fucking awful.
BvS, Civil War, X-Men, The Force Awakens, how come all modern blockbusters have such horrible CGI?
How come Transformers and Pirates of the Caribbean are still the pinacle of CGI?

>yer a sorceress, Harry

Today design is more important than the quality of it, since it can be good for fairly cheap. The design needs to match the rest of the set if it doesn't it's jarring. BvS and Xmen didn't manage this well at all. I don't think CW was bad but AoU did the CGI better, even though it was a far worse movie

I know not every movie has to push CGI like Avatar, but man, Davy Jones was part of a 10 year old movie and he looked far better than Doomsday.

>I don't think CW was bad

That felt off, the problem is with scenes like BvS where literally everything in the shot is CGI.
Those moments look literally like videogames.

Apparently being next to the portal or font of power gives her access to the possessing entity's full range of powers.

>there's probably a fanfic like this

>still hasn't proven himself
>Training day
>end of watch

Sup Forums (Sup Forums) you're doing it again.
Stop it.
We don't need a daily dose billion dollars 99% on RT general.
Just let the movie come out.
Watch it. Enjoy it. Support it. Certainly. By all means.
But stop this.

t. Mod who stickies Civil Bore threads

Go be a fat virgin somewhere else, company war fighter.

Nope that CGI is bad too. "Good" CGI doesn't exist and never will. All I have to do is say "bad CGI" and that makes it bad.

Then you only have to blame yourselves when people come up with screencaps of these threads.

>DCuck damage control already at work

pathetic tbqh

>The Force Awakens
Always laugh at this. Most of you dumbasses said that BB8 was "bad cgi" until it was revealed to be practical. Just admit you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

>Enchantress looks nothinglike Enchantress
>some weird pseudo-ancient American imagery

c'mon Sup Forums

No, when I speak about bad CGI in TFA, I remember that shot of the X-wings flying over the water on whatever planet female yellow Yoda was in.
I would have said it was Battlefront if it wasn't for the obnoxious amount of motion blur that scene had.

>mfw a Sup Forumsedditor was memeing near me

Where'd you get this from?


Mah dicc

there's a lot of factors but a lot of it boil down to the people working on the production phase (director, cinematographer) being lazy or not having the experience to help cg artists with their job. I remember watching a behind the scenes video of the last Tranformers movie and theres a bit where Michael Bay would toss a little rubber ball through the shots so the cg artists would get the momentum of Grimlock falling down. It's a small thing but it seems a lot of directors just want to hand what ever they shoot to the post production houses and let them take care of it instead of giving the post guys things to work with.

That's because CGI enhancements >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> full CGI scene.

Does she ever wear that in the comics?

that looks pretty shitty

Remember that one guy who made his own costume at home and then just walked onto the Suicide Squad set?

No? Tell the story.

Some guy walked onto the set while they were filming in a paintball outfit basically. Everyone thought it was Deadshot at first.

Well, some of the geek press caught a picture of some guy in what looked like it could've been a costume for the movie, some people thought it was Deadshot, this was before the costumes had actually been revealed.

Turns out it was just meatball who made his own costume in order to sneak on set, I guess he was assuming everyone would think he was supposed to be there.

Any other character profiles?

the yoda knock-off looked not very convincing either

They are all on the same youtube account mate.

>Slipknot is the only one without a single line in his own video
They aren't even pretending he'll live

a couple


I think it looks cool, but yeah I miss the floppy green witch hat.

It could be a dig at Deadpool fapping with a unicorn in his movie.


wtf i love diablo now?
but seriously, i hope diablo lives till the end. or at least died heroically in the end


I'm actually excited for this movie

But, please don't fuck this up like BvS, I don't think I'd be able to take it

>but seriously, i hope diablo lives till the end. or at least died heroically in the end

He's almost guaranteed to have redemption of some sort be part of his storyline.

Zach Snyder isn't directing it, so little chance of that happening.

>Gives Captain a Unicorn fetish
>Doesn't give Joker a Batman fetish

One job Ayer.

Well what does the Joker loves more than "jokes"?

BvS was great, but not for normies. Suicide Squad will be good, but for normies. Thus Suicide Squad will make more money despite not being as good a film.

All I want from Squad is 1v1 team fights just like the original Ostarander Squad vs Jihad. Like seriously how has this never been done before in capeshit? Seeing Ultron flit around between all the heroes was boring as fuck, the same as Doomsday fight had no sense of progression or tension. And then theres the drone fights, blech! No one cares about endless cgi drone anymore.

Nah, I liked BvS, but Suicide Squad seems to me like it'll be a more competently constructed film.

Eh, I'll take it.

One day

Zack Snyder is the most normie director working in Hollywood, though.

Snyder, and most of the cast, actually read comics.

I regained a little bit of hope.


But this Joker does have a Batman fetish.

>Batman mask for his goon
>wears Batman leggings
>tattoos on his arms for killing Robin and crippling Barbara
>favorite joker: Batman

He seems far more obsessed with Batman than any other live action Joker.

All he needs to do is use some Joker toxin/laughing gas on someone.

>>Enchantress looks nothinglike Enchantress
>Implying after this movie hits, the comic version won't look almost exactly the same

She speaks in anima!

Literal perfection.

Pretty much spoiled she will be the villain of the movie.

Marketing team is on point but seeing all those cool characters makes me feel it will be a clusterfuck

that picture's some hot topic shit

Snyder does NOT read comic books.

pic immediately reminded me of this guy

Yes he does? He read at least Dark Knight Returns and Superman: Birthright. Probably others too. You're just retarded and want to find excuses to hate him. I bet he's read more comics than you.

Civil War did this, kinda. Though none of the fights were really conclusive.

Naw, comics Enchantress wears a plain green dress and stereotypical pointy witch/Gandalf hat.

excuuuuuse me?

>She's an anime


theres a reason Dead Man's Chest broke a billion and BvS didnt, dawg

Mopey Avengers go ton Hot Topic.

Normies, casuals, and critics?

there is an actual quote from snyder saying his friend, who does read comics, tried to get him to read some floppies but he described it as too lame because no one was dying or fucking

Only like 2 clips from Slipknot's feature Slipknot

This. I seriously hope this Joker has that, and gag weapons.

I am so happy I'm not a faggot like you. It just brings me endless glee I can still feel excited about shit and not just bitter and jaded And negative about everything.

Where? And when was this? You know people can change, right? There are tons of people who go through edgy phases. Not that that's a good thing, mind you.

ill see if i can find it for ya!

this has the quote in it bucko

Thanks. Good luck. I think I have heard something about that before. Something about him liking the Heavy Metal comic? I didn't know the specifics though.

Because everyone knows he DOA or has surprise about him.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he does die he doesn't get turned into a mini boss by Enchantress towards the end.

Here is something else-
Snyder thinks Batman's no kill rule comes from the 89 movie.

If you read DKR and Year One and then came to the conclusion that Batman is a murderer, you are a retard.

>That recovery

Enchantress hasn't had the floppy hat since the New 52.

That mannequin is more creepier than Leto

Found it

Looks more like he's talking about where normies found out about his reputation for not killing people comes from. That is, people who only watch the movies.

He does indeed misinterpret that scene from Dark Knight Returns though. He didn't shoot the guy "between the eyes" though it might seem that way to some, but he did shoot him. There are a lot of parts in that comic where people die though, from rockets bouncing off of the batmobile and stuff. It would have been better if Snyder had done it like that instead.

Will the heat puns about Diablo surpass the ice puns from Mr. Freeze from Batman & Robin?

That's pretty funny. Makes me wonder what got him to read actual comics. Dark Knight Returns doesn't seem edgy enough for him at the period of life he was talking about. He must have been one of those edgy 12-year old's.

>He must have been one of those edgy 12-year old's.
you say that in the past tense, but he's no less edgy or childish today.