Suicide Squad OST list leaked

Task Force x - 4:53
Arkham Asylum - 3:23
I'm Going to Figure This Out - 1:41
You Make My Teeth Hurt - 2:30
I Want to Assemble a Task Force - 2:52
Brother, Our Time Has Come - 4:43
A Serial Killer Who Takes Credit Cards - 2:09
A Killer App - 2:53
That's How I Cut and Run - 3:09
We Got a Job to Do - 1:41
You Die, We Die - 4:01
Harley and Joker - 2:49
This Bird Is Baked - 4:42
Hey Craziness - 4:01
You Need a Miracle - 2:36
Diablo's Story - 1:42
The Squad - 3:58
Are We Friends Or Are We Foes - 4:16
She's Behind You - 3:02
One Bullet Is All I Need - 3:32
I Thought I'd Killed You - 3:49
The Worst of the Worst - 4:11
June Moone (Bonus Track) - 2:37
Did That Tickle (Bonus Track) - 3:41
You Know the Rules Hotness (Bonus Track) - 1:58
Enchantress in the War Room (Bonus Track) - 2:35
Introducing Diablo and Croc (Bonus Track) - 2:09
Task Force X Activated (Bonus Track) - 2:11
Can Everyone See This Trippy Stuff (Bonus Track) - 4:25
I Promised My Friends (Bonus Track) - 1:29

Other urls found in this thread:

>That's How I Cut and Run - 3:09


You make my teeth hurt?

Because you're so sweet

C'mon man, keep up

So Batman doesn't have a theme here? Oh well.


>Implying 'You Make My Teeth Hurt' isn't gonna be Batman's theme.

>This Bird Is Baked
Is this going to be the Jason Todd death scene?

>You Need a Miracle

>The Worst of the Worst - 4:11

>leak the tracks names
>doesn't leak the track

I'll be very sad if Arkham Asylum is bad.

The Reddit guy who leaked the track names is the same who leaked the full BvS soundtrack months ago. He said that know something about the way Warner releases movie soundtracks, and took advantage of it.

Anyone here know something about it? I need to listen that score. I bet that one of them have a glimpse of the Batman theme.

Has the score istelf been leaked?

so which one is the Will Smith rap?

To shill the movie and its related products.

Harley and Joker leaked!

I liked. Sounds very Danny Elfmanish

I'm a fan of Hans Zimmer's work, even in shitty movies. But I'm glad this doesn't just sound like Zimmer.

1:20 - Harley falls into the vault of chemicals
1:33 - Joker goes after and jump too
1:42 - They emerge and begin to laugh

Holy shit, this is so good. What has this composer done?

Apparently: composer for gravity, understudy on the dark knight trilogy and LOTR.

>Is this going to be the Jason Todd death scene?
Could easily be the helicopter crashing scene?


yup, and won an Oscar for Gravity
also did the score on Ayer's Fury

Pretty awesome.

Okay, this is really cool

fuck thi sis so good what the fuck

is the soundtrack really gonna be orders of magnitude better than the movie? it's like american mcgee's alice meets elfman batman

not sure if i'll like the movie but the soundtrack is a day 1 purchase for sure

Best track of the movie coming through

So it looks like Enchantress and Waller visit the US government at the end, after the mission. And "That's How I cut and Run" is either for Slipknot or Boomerang.

EVery time I see Leto Joker the more faith I lose.

Bonus tracks are not chronological.

The more I see him the more I like him.

I've seen a lot of early reviews maintaining that despite the promotional material the movie overall is pretty serious and gritty, and I believe it.

Thank god, finally a good and unique capeshit poster

>This Bird is Baked
Either intentionally misleading or vague foreshadowing for Jason.