Sup Forums referred me here. I saw an unfinished cut of Doctor Strange during its post-production...

Sup Forums referred me here. I saw an unfinished cut of Doctor Strange during its post-production, and it's a very good movie. I'm here for the hour and can answer some questions.

How many times is Tony Stark mentioned by name?

No thank you.

Was there a stinger at the end of this version? Or was there any other connection to the Marvel Universe?

How many times do you pray to Allah in a day?

Any Infinity Stones?

We already know that the Time Stone is inside the Eye.

What are some goodies? Where is the final fight?

You better give me dome sauce, because that seems like total fucking bullshit.
Why would it be Time and not Soul?
Do you even Doc Strange?

Why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?

Any juicy cameos?

Cause they already said it'll be the time gem and I think the soul gem is what's in visions forehead

What's the quip frequency? Does it play it on the down low or is it AoU tier?

Three times, I think. Might be more, might be less.

No stinger. But they reference the Civil War movie and you see the Norse Nine Realms that they use on Thor, plus they reference Thanos a lot.


Time. But it's not inside the Eye. It's another amulet that is being guarded by the Ancient One.

Across space and time, between Strange and Mads' character. Shaping up to look impressive.

the mind gem is in Vison.

>soul gem is what's in visions forehead
I thought it was already established that it was the Mind Stone.
Considering it was on Loki's Mind Controlling Scepter and all...

That's the mind gem you nincompoop

Any references to Dormammu?

White washing: How bad is it?

Why a Celtic woman? Does Marvel hate Asians?

How many black people are in it?

How is Wong?

Who is the secret extra-dimensional big bad controlling/influencing/w.e Kaecelius? Is it Chton? Dormammu?

>No Dormmamu or Shuma Gorath.
Literally into the trash it goes.
Fuck this movie and hope it bombs.
Congrats, Marvel Studio ruins yet ANOTHER character.
I'm so mad.

Both would be too much for strange to handle by himself

Any Minorus?

You fucking wot m8.
Does the title of "Sorcerer Supreme" count for nothing?
Have you never or seen any Doc Strange media before the movie?

I'm already not believing you.
What context could Civil War references ever be made in?

I saw this but he had like a group of magic users helping him

Are the fight scenes entirely magic or do they mix in martial arts & weapons?

Does Strange have to rhyme incantations to make more complex spells happen?

Does Mordo do the IT WAS ME STEPHEN heel turn at the end that some have been expecting?



It's a pretty funny movie, but it comes mostly from Cumberbatch, since Stephen Strange is a hilarious asshole for a good portion of the movie. Everyone gets a few snappy lines, though, except Mads and his cronies.

Cumberbatch was surprisingly funny to me, there's a great scene where he berates a gunshot victim who comes to thank him, for taking a bullet meant for another person in a convenience store robbery.

Is the script interesting? Is there unneeded banter? How is the cast?

>he doesn't understand the concept of sequels
Have you? It's an origin story. He was barely able to take Nightmare when we first met him. And that was years AFTER the origin story. It took him 110 years of publication history to rise to the rank of Sorceror Supreme.

because fiege said how quantum doctor strange and his magic are

*10 years
Although with Strange...

You don't open with Shuma gorath dormammu.

Because they've got a movie about a literal death goddess coming up. That called dibs.

Are we going to see the Dormammu dimention?

They reference the "Elder Gods", and one of them has a flaming head. They're seen in silhouettes and wall carvings.

Cool. He's the Ancient One's second-in-command and one of Strange's mentors.

He ostensibly wants to release the Elder Gods, he doesn't directly name one.

There's a television report on how situations are tense after "the superheroes went to war", with a lot of people thinking it has left the world defenseless. The Ancient One also has a line about Humanity's champions being torn apart as their adversary's shadow grows larger or something to that effect.

Mostly magic for Strange, the Ancient One, Wong and Kaecilius. Mordo and Kaecilius' cult do have some kung-fu esque moves.

Yeah, he rhymes for the more complex spells.

Sort of. He's not working for Kaecilius and doesn't want the Elder Gods to destroy the world, but he also doesn't believe in the Ancient One's inherent faith in humanity either.

Sounds perfect.
Here's hoping you're not toying with my emotions, user.

So he's very House with being a sarcastic dick? Sounds great

Does Strange say "by the hoary hosts of hoggath"

Still kinda salty they didn't just call Mads' character Antony Druid instead.

Yes, it's solid, well-rounded, doesn't have much lagging between the setpieces. Burdened by exposition galore, though.

There's banter, but it felt appropriate.

Solid, too. Good performances around the clock. Mads is a bit wasted, though, as Kaecilius is pretty stoic.

There's a fire world we see, but I'm pretty sure it's from the Thor movies.

He fucking better !!

How heavily featured were Nicodemus West and Rachel Adams' character? I was really worried they'd just adapt The Oath once upon a time.

I think so, he says a lot of those outlandish names, and it's mostly played straight, which is fun.


My main concern is how they play him before his accident. Is he a charming dick like Stark or do they make him the total prick he should be from the books? He transition to being a monk-like figure doesn't pay off if he's not a total cunt beforehand.

Nicodemus West is Michael Stuhlbarg's character, right? He's not in it much, he's a colleague of Strange's who operates on him after his accident, but can't restore his nerve endings. They seemed to be rivals early in their career, and Strange blames him for not trying enough to fix his hands out of jealousy, though they make amends in the end.

McAdams' has a bigger role. She's like Strange's only friend, and is a nurse at the hospital where she works and kind of like his consciousness. They appear to have some unspoken feelings for eachother that they don't act on, and she's surprised when he returns to New York. He's grown distant for her own protection, but eventually comes around and she even helps in the end, and is brought to the sanctuary and told the truth in the very last scene.

Do they reference Scarlet Witch at all?
Thor or Loki?

Was there a score in your version? If so how was it? Cause the guy doing it did incredibles and dawn of the planet of the apes so I expect something high tier

>marvel movie


>and is brought to the sanctuary and told the truth in the very last scene.
I'm reading this as "no Clea in the sequel".

Don't worry, he's very dickish. Before the accident, it's that sort of morbidly entertaining dick behavior, like Dr. House. After the accident, however, he gets pretty petty and vindicative with everyone, so when he matures you feel it.

How quippy is it on the scale of 1 to Ultron.

>Does the title "Sorcerer Supreme count for nothing?
>Have you never seen any Doc Strange media before the movie?

clearly you haven't, even at the peak of his powers he can barely manage one of them, if he went 2v1 he would get curbstomped


>McAdams' has a bigger role. She's like Strange's only friend, and is a nurse at the hospital where she works and kind of like his consciousness. They appear to have some unspoken feelings for eachother that they don't act on, and she's surprised when he returns to New York. He's grown distant for her own protection, but eventually comes around and she even helps in the end, and is brought to the sanctuary and told the truth in the very last scene.

So is she set up to be his future love interest or just friend? Cuz I really want StrangeXClea in the next movie.


Temp score. Lots of cues from other Marvel movies, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, even a bit of Batman.


Huh... Five, I guess? There's humor, but it's all fitting and works.

Do they do a time skip during his training or does he go from accident to sorcerer supreme in like week?

Are there any references to other magic Marvel characters?

Are Tina Minoru and Daniel Drumm referenced? (they were in the tie-in comic)

Is Wong a magic user in this incarnation?

How is the Sanctum Sanctorum?

is Howard referenced in any capacity, or his Duck homeworld/dimension?

>there are literally shills on Sup Forums

I always thought it was just a meme

They don't kiss or anything, but there's definitely some lingering romantic feelings there. The ending is sort of ambiguous, I guess. He takes her hand and shows her the universe, which calls back to both Strange's first encounter with the Ancient One and an earlier scene between him and McAdams, but I guess it can be spun into a simple friendly gesture if they bring another love interest in the sequels.

How's the post-credit scene? any spoilers?

>Realizes this after seeing how the army took info from Sup Forums, Sup Forums getting invaded by Sonydrones and a WB intern telling us that Willem Dafoe will be cast in JL.
Fappening...not even once.

Any Shuma hints?

There's a training montage, but he only really levels up in the final battle.

Not directly.

Not by name. But the Ancient One mentions other mystics that once aided her in protecting the world.


Pretty cool. A blend of old and modern, very sleek.


Release gods? Sounds more like Belasco.

How's the chemistry between Mcadams and Cumberbatch? It doesn't sound right on paper but I could be wrong.

Pretty good, sweet and believable. The set up to the showing the world scene is what will make it or break them to the people. Worked for me.

Any cool scenes with the Cloak of Levitation?
Gags like they do with Mjonir?

So no direct appearances/fights with evil gods? Lame

Yes, there's a pretty awesome scene where it serves as a sort of navigation system when Strange is thrown into a zero-G environment. There's also some gags, since it sort of has a life of its own and Strange needs to understand it, not just use it..

How long until he's actually referred to as the sorcerer supreme?
The end of the movie?

Happens right before Kaecelius is killed:
After all these years, i have become Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supremeā„¢

You fucked up the trip man. Nice meme though

He's actually never directly referred as that.

When does the film take place?

In Winter Soldier Hydra names Steven Strange as a person who is a threat to them meaning he would need to be Sorcerer Supreme before that movie so is the movie set before events of current movies or is it flashbacks to his origin?

So what's the extent of Stranges powers in this version? What magical feats does he do? Would Wanda do well against him?

or Zola's algorithm predicted he would one day become a threat to Hydra

>In Winter Soldier Hydra names Steven Strange as a person who is a threat to them meaning he would need to be Sorcerer Supreme before that movie

Not really, because Stephen Strange was a well known neurosurgeon

Aren't you breaking laws doing this?

see the Civil War references above. Not a flashback.

>he asks while lurking and posting on Sup Forums

Back to comicvine with you.

I'm legit asking if they nerfed him like Thor dumbass

He creates energy bolts, energy shields, portals that allow him to teleport, controls fire at one point, he can levitate, he is actually pretty powerful in comparison to Wanda, since all she does is move stuff with her mind.

I've lurked for a while before feeling confident enough to do this. Seen lots of legit stuff leak here lately.

Alright, guys, I'll answer another round and then I'll take off.

Does he give any hints on which side of the Civil War he'd take or about one day joining the Illuminati?

How finished are the VFX? This seems like it would be very VFX-dependent.

Are there horror elements to it?

Do they do it all chronologically, or do they jump back and forth with the present/past like in the trailer?

Any other Easter eggs that come to mind?

Quote some cool lines.

Its much easier to come up with bullshit scene descriptions than dialogue, so quote some lines dawg

how much of Mad's scheme was all part of Mordo's overall plans?

Is Dr. Strange a wizard or they still pushing the technological thing?

There are four Elder Gods:

Dormammu is not an Elder God.

The fact OP thought Vision had the Soul Gem suggests to me that he may have missed alot of the details when/if saw the early cut of thr movie.

>He ostensibly wants to release the Elder Gods, he doesn't directly name one.

Does anyone in the movie (not just Mads' character) name cosmic entities like Dormammu, Shuma-Gorath, Nightmare, Agamotto, Mephisto, the public domain Cthulhu Mythos characters, Bill Cipher, etc.?

Anyhow, Russos have implied Wanda's powers are hidden so Ancient One and co won't be aware of her.

Besides I suspect any reference to Wanda or Thor or Loki might be left out of early screenings to prevent spoilers.

Remember they knew diddly about Chaos Magic in the comics while Agatha Harkness knew a ton more.

If Mad's is Chthon then could imagine him CGing himself into an image of Wanda and mocking Strange and the AO for being tards.

But its probably Dormammu anyhow as Chthon is an Avengers villain.



Not very finished. The cityscape shots were mostly rendered, but further into the setpieces there were a lot of animatics and storyboards spliced in. The final battle was like 90% WIP.

Yes, there's some horror elements, mostly from Kaecilius.

Mostly chronological, but there are a few flashbacks and time jumps.

Not that come to mind, but I'm not that versed in the comics.

Not much, they're not in cahoots.

Aren't you a bit of a dick.

Anyway, they might be a little different because I'm pulling from memory.

"The world is filled with dissolutes and vagrants claiming to have seen the extraordinary. I just assumed he was one of them"

"What's the next trick, pulling a rabbit out of a hat?"
"If you prefer I could pull one out of you."

"The Universe does not bend to your will. But it will bend to mine."

"Fighting for yourself is instinct. Fighting for others is sacrifice."

"I'm broken. Please... Please fix me."
"I can't. You'll have to do that yourself."

"So... did you find yourself?"
"More than I expected." (it makes sense in context)

Alright, guys, I'm out.