I’m opposed to race-mixing

>I’m opposed to race-mixing

>I'm an amerimutt

I wonder who is behind this post

>immagrunts r bad

>that flag
>that post

>not knowing the difference


It's a classic reverse jewry maneuver, he's saying there's a jew behind this post but since he is a jew himself we would assume he is lying thus meaning OP is not a jew.
This is exactly what he wants us to think.
In reality he is covering for his fellow jew to make his statement seem genuine and attract more attention. Good effort but you have been foiled again Jewish devil!

save the white race
say no to racemixing
fucking gypsy


One Breivik wasn't enough

Amerimutt obviously

>I am a mutt

>"racemixing should be illegal"
>has an asian gf

Kill normann instead pakis and niggers, nice

They were future multikulti elite.

Way I see it

If you guys are so weak & unattractive that I was able to sexually conquer your women, you don’t deserve them anyway

It’s all pink inside

I can't wait until the Jews meme racial consanguinity into being as taboo as familial consanguinity. Everyone who doesn't race-mix will be considered a sexual deviant and it's going to be beautiful.

kek that's a good image

You have autism

Nice larp