3rd world stories

3rd world stories thread?

- My grandma told me that during the 60s it was considered "cool" to make clothes out of US foreign aid sacks.
- My parents didn't have plumbing while growing up (in the late 70s) and my father once fell into the septic tank as a kid. He's in his 50s now and still suffers from psychological constipation due to the trauma.

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My father had to do his medical social service in the north of Mexico, he couldn't drive and didn't had a car so he walked along the highway between towns, he befriended a small army garrison who taught him how to drive using their jeep

>live in one of the wealthiest regions in the u.s.
>fire departments are closing because they can't afford to stay open
>people still complaining that taxes are too high

Wtf, you pay your firemen?

In Chile fire depts are privately owned.

>have a pirated PS1 and PS2 with hundreds of games that I never played
>just like all of my friends

What else is private in Chile?

>be me
>be living in Uganda
>8 yrs old
>recently moved in
>new to neighborhood
>one day, walk outside to play
>girl in my neighbor whos about my age also comes out
>with her is a hula hoop
>told me if she wants to play with it
>say yes
>decide its a good idea to roll it down the driveway
>roll it down
>stops at the end of the driveway
>suddenly, two guys walk past it
>noticed the hula hoop
>decide its a good idea to take it
>the two guys walk away with the hula hoop while me and the girl just stand there in shock
>never forgave me for losing the hula hoop

Fire and police are funded via tax revenue.

Sounds based. After all, Pinochet supported true freedom.

my grandpa almost got executed in the dictatorship

That's even worse
Here every settlement has voluntary firemen unit consisted of its citizens. Professional firemen are very rare

We have volunteer fire departments too, but they still need equipment and trucks.

I fell into a septic well when I was 3 years old. No recollection, so I have to trust me mum on this.

Yeah but not that much. A lot of equipment we have is 30 years old or more


>be my mother in the 1960s-70s
>grow up in mountain village in Chihuaha
>no paved roads
>no electricity
>no plumbing
>no cars
>Indians live in the hills
>gypsies come to town regularly to sell and steal shit
>literally have a town witch

>live in a 1930s Universal Pictures monster movie

Private property is best property

At least she didn't have a town rapist

>be me
>living in midwest of greatest nation on earth
>around 8 years old at the time
>accidently cut finger with brand new pocket knife that i got for christmas, while cutting into a brand new game boy color i just got
>cry a little bit
>dad takes me to state of the art medical facility
>get stiches
>return home
>brother unwrapped game boy color for me, put batteries in and makes sure it works
>i continue to play pokemon yellow for the next 6 hours wrapped in electric heating blanket eating homemade cookies and drinking milk

Only major cities employ a small number of professional firemen, 95% of them are volunteers. Fire stations and equipment are paid for by the government though of course.

In some rich towns fire stations are almost luxurious thanks to donations by local people and businesses kek

Facho pobre


Federal government workers in Canada have gone months without being paid. Canada is not a third world country, but this is the sort of thing I would expect to happen in Venezuela or Zimbabwe

Why don't they just stop going to work?

>grandma was a highschool student when the malayan emergency happened
>soldiers are everywhere, people had to stay at home during curfew
>night time
>grandma heard gunfire sounds and people screaming outside
>went outside the next morning to check what happened
>saw 5 dead bodies, all of 'em are commies
>grandma said one of the commie's head is gone, a villager chopped it off and take it home as a trophy

fuck off spic

>Here every settlement has voluntary firemen unit consisted of its citizens. Professional firemen are very rare
same here. except in capitals.

>be me
>6-7 years old
>at school
>kid playing in the school playground, runing and shit.
>one small girl puke bile all over the palce because she didn't eat that morning.
>they parents couldn't feed her.
>((2001)the country was a mess and almost everyone was poor.)
>see the disgusting green liquid and then keep playing with my friends, it was kind of common those days.

What does the town witch do?

My mom's sister's husband's brother "disappeared" and the gov't raided their homes looking for Communist literature in Canelones.
My mom however was surprisingly anti-communist then and still is today.

>spending days in farms without eletricity, current water in deep north brazil and sleeping while bats flew over your face until 2008~ then everyone got fucking energy

Fire departments are like that in some small towns here.

>be me 8 years old
>go rollerblading in my neighborhood
>fall because there were a crack in the sidewalk

There's a favela a couple of blocks from my home.

there is no free lunch you "cool story" cuck


What's your problem

>be other spic
>go on Sup Forums and role play white American do assuage deep self hatred

>3rd world stories thread
>Nobody mentioned a dead person yet
Entertainment me with some bloodshed, that's what the third world is famous for.

I don't have any real 3rd world story related witnessed by myself because I live as if I were in a 1st world country :|

>live in poor part of us
>literally every single person is on food stamps/ welfare payments
>people still eat takeout 5 days a week
>nobody has jobs
>everyone lives in shitty apartments, some are lucky enough to get a house
>crime is high, people get killed a couple times a year
This is where your tax money goes.

>be both of my parents
>not a rich country but still things are pretty good specially compared to the rest of Latin America
>suddenly our fucking government because of le freedomz XD decided to un - ban communist political parties
>I mean, its not like we are in the middle of a fucking war zone with Cuba, the USSR and USA financing guerrillas and what not
>the USSR and Cuba end up financing a new commie party and getting more publicity than everybody else combined for the 78 elections, surprise
>the people being retarded as they are vote for the only commie government we ever had, because "fuck everybody else"
>SURPRISE, or economy goes to hell, my parents and everybody else have to make lines to get a single bag of rice
>everybody had to run from state store to state store to get whatever they could
>our social services go to shit
>Nicaragua and the fucking USA almost invades us
>the USSR almost invades us
>poverty goes from 30% to 60% in just 4 years
>the farming sector goes to shit

And even today the left says we are simply "scared" and believe in "anti left" propaganda.

>mom's sister's husband's brother
Your aunt's brother in law you idiot

>be me
>on a bus
>nigger steals the wallet of some guy that's getting off the bus
>he notices
>nigger points at me
>he thinks I stole his wallet but he is already off the bus
>oh shit
>the doors close

thank god

my grandpa only got eletricity in his house in 1990 and he was the first to have a refrigerator in his village

My uncle was interviewed by the local newspaper because he was the first to have a computer in his town.... in 1994.

my grandpa and grandma came from the northeast of Brazil to Sao paulo in a pau de arara (pic related)took him more than 6 months to arrive in a distance of only 3000km

That sounds oddly comfy.