Who are your favorite obscure/underused villains...

Who are your favorite obscure/underused villains? Spider-Man and Batman alone have enough z-list villains to fill several rogue's galleries.

I'm fond of the Superior Foes team, naturally. It made great use of a throwaway Slott character (Overdrive), a throwaway Brubaker character (Beetle) and a bunch of established spidey villains. Pretty much the perfect way to use that kind of villain, I think.

Man I hate that art style, why are they all drawn as if someone is blowing smoke in their eyes or they're strung out from heroin? With the exception of Goblin, who appears to be on cocaine.

Fancy Dan

Spot is one of these villains that should be fighting someone on B or even A list but because his concept is bit weird he only show up once in a few years.



>With the exception of Goblin, who appears to be on cocaine.

That one's pretty in-character.

Hypno Hustler needs more love.


Skip. He's the only bad guy to really get under Peter's skin.

And he never got caught too.

H-how fancy we talking?

What a ridiculous concept

Spidey one-offs a best



>tfw he was never used ever again
Gru's pedigree deserves better. :(

A redesign would work wonders for him.

I'm surprised they didn't use him in Superior Fools

He was in superior foes, he was part of that group that was hired by the owl to help boomerang with the heist

That's a pretty crappy origin story

And only a complete dork would bother explaining his name to people

I still can't believe the throwaway doctor from the first Moon Knight issue had an entire story arc about her being a villain, yet Black Spectre 2 hasn't even been mentioned at all since his first appearence.

The Spot and Doppelganger

I was under the impression he died in his first appearance.

Spot had a rough spot in Daredevil he deserves a vacation.

The WALL needs to come back again.
Because who could stand up against.... The WALL

What story would you write for the return of the Thumper?

Best super villain costume.

Shit, she's kinda cute


Why does she swing a boxing glove overhead? Is it filled with nickels?


It's full of broken dreams and disappointment

First of all, she isn't even French, just a terribly misguided frenchaboo. Also she has weak psychic powers.
Second, the boxing glove is for dazing foes, she then uses her psychic powers to mind control them and try to build an army worthy of L'Empereur.
Also has a fake French accent that she drops after getting hit in the head a few times.

She's not actually all that threatening on her own, and is clearly insane, but she could potentially be a threat now.

>All this spiderman
I'm noticing a trend that spiderman gets dumped with all the villains no other hero will stoop to fight

Ah, the most plentiful ammunition. Clever.

I'd stick her in the background of Ms. Marvel.

Welp, someone had to do it.

>in b4 someone calls me a faggot for using meme villains

New waifu

Jeez, someone's got an ego.

You think?

He's like a proto Pittsy from punisher MAX

He ded.

So he can make cheap plastic geometric figures because he believes hard enough?

Don't forget his brilliant origin story. "He was a bricklayer, but everything when a wall fell on him!"

A wall exploded on him

Huge difference. Explosions = Superpowers

Sauron is an X-man villain.

Fucking furries

Even though he got a decent role in Jessica Jones; the Purple Man.

His powers are particularly dangerous; he can control nearly anyone, and those he can't he can swarm with those he can. Even Thor would struggle against all the human Avengers. All it takes is catching Stark out of his armor, and he has access to his entire armory and suit library. And the damage once he is done is deeper than Damage Control could ever fix, due to taking what he wants. He would likely build a literal harem of super heroines. Turn Beast and bestial-themed heroes into 'pets'. Make men like the Punisher slaughter innocent families at the park. The psychological shockwaves would be immense.

The best bit? In the end, when the heroes win, he is physically a normal guy with purple skin.

He has potential that no one has ever really used.

The Creeper should never ever be a rouge.

oh sure, powerful with PREPARATION, right? Iron Man just has to hid him for nor reason out of nowhere and hes DEAD

I'm legitimately kind of pissed that Hemo-Goblin never showed up again. It's such a good villain name.


That moment he had with Doom years ago was great.

>physically a normal guy with purple skin.

Well,he's immortal

I'd stick something in *her* background.


And then once they figure out he exists and is incredibly dangerous, they'll comic-science up a countermeasure to his mind control and lock him into a deep dark pit so he never does it again

Purple Man continues to exist specifically because he's a small time faggot that isn't trying to take over the world

The problem is that his comic book powerset can be defended against with a filter mask or some noise cancelling headphones. Hell, I bet a wet rag held over your nose and mouth would do the trick. A room with an exhaust fan would be enough to curtail his powers.

That's awesome. Post-Alias? Because the husband avenging his wife would make it delicious.

>Dat wrecked face.

>Who are your favorite obscure/underused villains?
>Not 'underused villains who are utterly invincible and can nevar be beaten!!1

The point is, with some planning, he could make a pretty strong 'event', even doomed to fail in the end.

True. Wonder if he has that in the MCU? If so, that neck snap may not have been the definitive ending people think.

Got the page?

The Kingpin is the only other person ever shown doing this.


Oh god that is terrifying

There's a new one now.

They offhandedly referenced him in that recent Spider(fly) Infinite Comic when Silk said something about eating the radioactive spider.

He gets caught in an explosion with a few injuries. He's also still clearly alive the last panel he's shown in. So unless he just died off-panel, he's most likely still alive.


I wish the Mandarin was given more good stories. He's one of my favorite villains when done correctly. Fraction made him really inept and then killed him off-panel.