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Just Announced at Celebration Edition.

>Star Wars Rebels Season Three Trailer:

>Star Wars Celebration Schedule:

>Upcoming Releases:

>Out This Week:
LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures - Episode 7
Darth Vader #23
Star Wars #21

>Star Wars Canon Guide:

>Download links: (Check here for new Rebels Episodes + Books, Comics, Films, etc)

>The Clone Wars Legacy Content:

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Celebration could have just been one day. Literally nothing else besides the Rebels panel was worthwhile.
Future filmakers panel was shit.
RO panel was shit.

Two threads again.

Gareth on suicide watch

What happened to the Marvel Star Wars panel yesterday?

I can't find any footage, no updates on sw.books.uk either.

People suspect they're saving it for CC. Which sucks.

They never aired it, which was strange considering they listed it on their website.

Adventures in Wild Space when?

I wonder where they're going with this Bendu character.

AT-STs in Rebels when?

What is CC??

Reminds me of the Mortis arc.

>RO panel was shit
Worth it for BIG GUN

Comic con next week.

Just order it from the UK, 5 books already out

Comic con, dumbass

Bringing up shitty b movies doesn't make the prequels any better.

Filoni won the celebration 2016
Rebels panel > celebration 2016

He's going to teach Kanaang how to spiritbendu.

All his panels and interviews were great.
Sasuga Filonius.

Fuck off.

I just applied to a job so they might call me back soon. First paycheck I get I'm getting Adventures in Wild Space, Ultimate Star Wars, and anything else that hasn't been scanned and scanning it all. It will probably take a month but it will be worth it.

What other books do you guys want scanned? Understand that there isn't any guarantee that I'll get this job but it's pretty likely.

The Ahsoka panel was great as well.

Kill yourself reddit

Since it's just next week I don't see a problem with them holding back the information.


Dumb ass?? Okkkkk, CC could literally be interpreted as a number of things... How about you just spell it out every time you fuck face, or don't be such a little bitch when a question is asked.... Fucking cock sucker.

I'm 22, too poor and too far away to go to Comic Con, I barely got deeply interested in this shit 2 years ago, so excuse me!!!!!!!

Fuck this, time for Twi'lek porn.

There's just something wrong about Tom Baker talking about star wars stuff

I am very interested in that as well.
The "I am the in between" sounds very intriguing.

It's just another strike against this Celebration 2bh.

What else could it possibly be? Where else with the initials CC could Marvel Comics be announced?

Contain your autism. It was one little insult from a stranger on the internet.

Filoni was in the ahsoka panel.
Filoni won.

He's a namefag what do you expect?

Yeah, I feel bad for the people that actually attended. You go to be among the first to see new Star Wars stuff and it's being held for Comic-con. Celebration had very little in the way of merchandise compared to past years, which is bizarre.

>frog posters are OT purists
Can't say I'm surprised.

>Chicago con (I don't know if a thing)
>Celebtation Calfornia
>Cali con
I don't fucking know, I use real words instead of Acronymns, or at least I explain without being an asshole.

Autism attack is sooooo retarded, a guy can't get mad once in a while without being an "autist". KILL YOURSELF

Stop taking the bait

I'm not. Just calling a movie what it is.

They still held the panel, though. The people that got to attend it still got to see it first. Anyone outside of the panel room still missed it just as if it wasn't held at all.

I'm not afraid of a conversation on the internet you user fag, I defend my posts


I thought Lucasfilm wasn't going to be at comic con


No announcements, just some variant covers and interior pages were shown.

No idea what that means, speak English.

The guest list was unusually small. You had a Fett panel that had Daniel Logan but no Morrison, they gave Mark Hamill his own panel (which turned out fun in spite of the stupid questions), they gave Carrie Fisher her own panel, hell they gave Ray Park his own panel because they couldn't think of how else to fill time.


Marvel makes the comics, not Lucasfilm, and they're at SDCC.

>Almost Everyone: "We can't tell you what we're working on yet."
>Dave Filoni: "Let me tell you everything."
>Jiang Wen: "Donnie Yen fucking dies."

I think he's replying to himself in an attempt to draw the rest of us in.

I didn't see you guys were talking about the comics, not the movies.


Bendu, so is that a title, like jedi/sith, or is it the actual name of this creature. I'm like 90% sure it's a title for Neutral force users but I have seen people using it as a name for the Tauren Lion Turtle.

I swear, Donnie looked like he was about to punch someone's head clean off after he said that.

Its an informercial for a kid who can't drink stuff without the Master Straw


>Bendu, so is that a title, like jedi/sith, or is it the actual name of this creature
We don't know. They haven't said much of anything about it.

Jesus fucking christ calm down. Also, no. Chicago con is not a thing.

You aren't an autist because you are angry, you are an autist because you are having a hissy fit because I called you a dumbass, which by the way you still are.


Kill yourselves.

Man, I wish Chicago Con was a thing, nothing happens out here.

No idea, here's some non-canon legends shit about an ideology sharing the same name. There's a possibility it could inform some of the lore around this character, or none at all.


Another hilarious appearance by Warwick Davis?

Apparently nothing, according to this

Serious question, how old are you?

Underage pls leave.

So this slipped through the cracks, I haven't seen it reported but Luceno is writing a Rogue One tie-in novel


I can't believe Ahsoka left the Jedi Order. Man, that was heartbreaking.

Spoilers, user.

I haven't gotten that far in Clone Wars yet.

Yeah it sucks when people constantly mention how she gets killed by Kylo Ren when he kills Luke's Jedi.

Eh... I dunno. I've loved some of Luceno's work but in the last few years his Star Wars stuff has felt too overindulgent. He has certain aspects of writing that he really likes (history, politics, cross-references to other works in the continuity) and he's really great at them in moderation but he's also someone who's shown increasingly that if you don't reel him in, he'll just bombard the reader with this stuff.

*donnie yen's sad face*

Bendu is also the original name for the Jedi, the Jedi-Bendu

I've also heard that the Thrawn novel is set before his appearance in Rebels

He's the Jolee Bendu.


Yeah looking at this I would say the Bendu of the old canon will have nothing in common with the Bendu of the new canon.

>I am known as the Bendu, but you may know me by another name... Dash Rendar

One of those owls appeared to show Kanan the way to him. It was a similar shade of brown to Bendu as well, kind of like that owl that looked like the Sister.

(I was at Celebration and saw the episode, so I can answer any questions. Also saw the Rogue One trailer. And I got selfies with Filoni, Witwer and Andi!)

>tfw Jiang Wen hasn't been seen for 2 days

That's obviously Duoculus the secret son of Sheev.

What were the general plots for the episodes? Did they explain how much time had passed since Season 2 or how Ezra built his new lightsaber?

All of those people had their own panels last year as well.

>We are the Bendu and he is our leader...Dash Rendar

They revealed that there was an Owl watching Ahsoka inside the Malachor temple as well.

> I got selfies with Filoni, Witwer and Andi!

>Filoni, Witwer and Andi

>kanan trying to play WOW.jpg
Draenei are looking weirder and weirder, yo.

Fucking christ, it's pretty fucking obvious "Bendu" is not his name. It is the new title for neutral force users.

Tell me more about the Bendu. Anything significant you can remember that he said.

So what are the chances of seeing Maz Kanata in Rebels S4 after that Rey cosplayer gave Filoni the idea?

>Kennedy: "We are very saddened to report that Jiang Wen has committed the ancient Chinese act of seppuku yesterday evening at 11:53pm Central. Police believe that he did this because of the shame that spoiling Rogue One brought him."
>Gareth: "Wait isn't seppuku a Japanese thing? I thought Jiang was Chinese? I thought they used swords too but the police report says he died of a gunshot wound entering from the back of his head."
>Kennedy: "ANYWAYS. Us at Disney and Lucasfilm wish Jiang's family the best in this heartbreaking time."

Is this new Thrawn book supposed to take place before Rebels or after? Or do we know?

Post selfies as proof

Before, apparently.

Maybe not Season 4 if her actor is going to be working on Episode 9 but I could see her appearing in a later season.


can someone post donnie yen's sad pic? Thanks.

>he died of a gunshot wound entering from the back of his head.
Duh! He had a gun. He had a huge gun. He had a weapon, a gun. The weapon was very huge.
Christ, Gareth, it's like you don't even listen.


It was hard to hear with the crowd mouth breathing so much but "My name is Bendu. But I am known by many other names in many other realms. On a place called Earth I am known as ... Bendis.


>not sudoku
Apply yourself.