How's Your Webcomic? /hyw/ #297

Proper number edition

Share your comic with others!
Link your website and portfolio!
Critique and comment on others' work!
Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread: to paint clouds

Scrub Authors GOODIE Bag
Here’s a short list of sites that any new webcomic artist or writer will find handy:
>*-Struggling to find that perfect FONT? Create your own using this link;

>*-Don’t forget to brush up on that ANATOMY:

>*-What’s a list without some reference STOCK IMAGES?

>*-Here's a big fat compilation of CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCE:

>Links to get a rough WEBSITE started up:
Easy to use tumblr webcomic theme:
Do’s and Don’ts for starting a site:

>Contact sheet if anyone wants to put information down, like their site and webcomic:

>SKYPE CHAT room going on,
To join the chat, seek out 'starlinemike' or 'scribblehatch' and they'll add you in.

>DISCORD CHAT going on,
Ask for an invite in the thread.

>Wise words from John Cleese:

>Invisible Ink:

>Paper Wings

>Fonts for your webcomic on Blambot:

>Writing Resources:

>Guide to promoting your comic:
Comics for makin' comics!

I'm in the process of downloading every pin from the CharacterDesigh Pinterest board for offline use, once done ill turn it into a .zip and put it on Mega or whatever is preferred on this board

Thank you!

I may rarely use the items in the goodie bag here, but I have heard people say a lot of it's lacking or outdated, so I really appreciate you coming up with new material for it.

Still truckin'.

Oh fuck THANK YOU!!
I hate pinterest interface with a passion.

Serialization VS Strips

Episodic Master Race reporting in.

I need it for my tablet, I dont have one that has 3 or 4g.

And here I was thinking you had become too popular for /hyw/.

it really is fucking terrible. and it constantly bugs you to join it.
that poor hugecocked bastard


That's kind of you.

I don't know what that means, but good job

Continued from the last thread...

Yeah, I saw the post, but I just didn't have the heart to really tell them that I didn't agree with most of it, I mean, I fixed the tangent and the position of sd, but everything else was so minor that I feel I wouldn't really bother the causal audiance.
Yeah, I'm having a real hard time coming up with her name, I mean, how else can you go about naming a rose themed mascarade person without accidentally naming it an already preestablished pokemon?

Also, by the by, if I can't awnser you guys within the next few hours, it's mainly because I'm celebrating my grandma's birthday, also my phone's running out of power so I'll try to talk to you guys as long as I can.

fair enough. if there's a way to politely turn down advice you don't agree with, I haven't figured it out yet. I sure thought some of it was useful though. the word bubble placement thing for one.

I dunno, rosemister? like .. you mist your roses with a spray bottle. then a joke about how she's not a mister, but a ms.

hug your gramma

I'm tired of being a scrub /hyw/, trying to be an artist, trying to develop personal style, fuck that shit.
I want (relative internet) fame and (relative) patreon success.


Teach me your ways, the forbidden ways you all mock and feel superior to.
Tell me the secrets, I beg of you, what must I do!?

The only shortcut is to put titties in.

Everything else is skill, diligence, and time.

I have an idea for a fantasy comic, but I'm not entirely sure how I want to start it.

Is it better to get my four main characters together quickly, or spend time establishing one or two (and the world) before bringing in the others?

Do exactly what Dobson did with the comic artist comic, but don't be such a shit person.

People love easy relatable stuff.

Make a comic about videogames and make all the characters douchebags with distinct yet one-dimensional personalities, with catchphrases you can toss on t-shirts. Don't be afraid to throw in casual violence and rampant swearing and whatever else would appeal to 14 year old boys.


Trust me, no matter how long you take before getting them together, it will NEVER feel like you took long enough. You'll wish you'd established more of their previous lives, because once people are a group, you want them to act like different people with origins as singular not-in-a-group people.

Do you ever get anger-jealous of other ""content"" creators?

Streamers in particular. Such a low-effort form of content creation most of the time, and yet it gets you views an attention all the same - if not moreso - than something higher effort like making Let's Plays (i.e. not live.), Blogging, Comics, Animation, literally fucking anything other than streaming.

But in the end it doesn't matter. It's all disposable garbage and in that kind of world the streamer with his shitty Open Broadcaster Software setup is king. Why bother spending hours to craft a comic that will amuse maybe a few thousand tops for about 2 minutes when these people can spend an hour and a minute to generate an hour's "entertainment" (hey, consumers like it!)

I think I'm starting to understand why artists sell out.

I'd suggest spending time to establish them one at a time. Spend some time with the main character, then bring in the others slowly with chapters dedicated to each of them. That way the audience has time to digest each new character and grow to like them.

If you introduce them all at once it's harder to make the audience connect since you're dividing their attention.

I feel like I wish I'd done it, back when it was really profitable, and when it was new enough that it had room for innovators and shapers. That's SO me. I invented letsplays when I was a kid (except I imagined it as a TV show).. the problem is I was always way behind on internet and tech, especially linking things together so as to record them.

>Do exactly what Dobson did with the comic artist comic,
What did he do?

of course like anything else it also helps tremendously to be in LA so you can make friends with people and make connections. Basically that's the only place in the country where you can make it in anything that I've ever wanted to do in my entire life. and I was born there, and immediately left. it's too hot and expensive.

In media Res.
Show them cool and awesome immediately and after wards you can flashback to individual backstory as story progress.

maybe mundane easily relate-able comics about being an artist.

do a comic about pokemon go.

L.A. being the center of all entertainment industries is a big part of what's really shoving me away from pursuing art as a career. What a miserable place to have to live.

>mfw live in LA, but is a black NEET shut in

shut-in is best! those people can still COME to your house.

inb4 dewd posts his shit art and derails the thread

Thanks to the Internet you can basically live anywhere with a good connection and make it in comics.

>pokemon go
I have never played any pokemon game in my life, it he new smartphone thing isn't it?

Yeah, just do comics about people walking into traffic or falling down ravines because they're trying to catch a Pokemon on their phone and you'll have "comedy gold" that will get upvoted to the top of r/comics in no time.

Wait, subvert it.
They try to catch the pokémon in the dangerous place and it goes off without a hitch but then they get hit by a meteor.

Okay, this page is like pulling teeth. Argh.
Are the clouds looking like clouds yet?

shut up dewd

the thumbnail looks fine but the close up is weird. Especially with the textured hair-like brushes.

Those upper clouds look really bad desu.

I wouldn't call them realistic clouds yet, but it's better than before and the small building you added definitely helps to show that they are far above and also to establish scale.

They look like random brush strokes.
Why don't you go find out how to paint fucking cloud instead of spasticly jerking off with your brush.

Not really. I mean you can easily guess they're clouds, but you got lotsa work to do. Fluff that shit like your last name is Ross, and godspeed.

I want to say the really really high up clouds really are hairlike like that.

The high up clouds look terrible and they're really distracting because of how terrible they look but the clouds near the bottom of the page look fine to me.

Alright, seems I'm going in the right direction at least.

Yeah I know, meteorology is hard. I want them to end up looking something like pic related.

Any pointers to share? to paint clouds

Don't be rude.

Cheat, use cloud brushes!

I think more transparency and fuzziness. but in terms of the actual cirrus shape, you nailed it.

Clouds are not uniform solid lines.

But I was actually talking about the lower clouds having that texture on them.

>Any pointers to share?
draw cute cartoon clouds, easy to draw!

What do clouds taste like ? I want to eat those.

Ehh, I don't really want to get a specialized brush for it before I can do without - otherwise I'll just end up using it as a crutch.

Yeah, I get you. Still don't know much about using all these weird brushed so I'm trying out a lot of stuff that doesn't end up working.

I think those might look a little out of place.

>tfw still no hiveworks email

I'll send you an e-mail.

Alright here's a practice image I did of the spare parts express searching marrow peaks on a capital of mars.

I'm experimenting for the very first time with landscapes and alien skylines.A problem I ran into is that Mars in this universe is a very ugly planet, but I don't want the art to look bad. It's kind of a hard thing to balance out.

If anyone is interested, the concept here is that an enormous celestial creature died on the surface of mars and covered most of it's surface. Most all colonies inhabiting mars now live on her corpse and and are devoted to a completely organic, technology free lifestyle so they live off of her body and the ecosystem based around it. The most common structures found here are Marrow peaks which are created from marrow carved out of the creature's bones and fungal structures engineered to live off of them and replace the amenities of modern technology such as light, networking, etc. There's also massive fragment spires that are forged out of splinters of bone and bound together by giant hive producing worker insects. The decomposition of the creature itself produces incredible amounts of gas that gives the air a yellow tinge. This town specifically is located on the creature's ribs, you can see a little bit of her spine in the background.

As I recall they said it'd take a few months to get to everyone, and that's only AFTER the submission period ended. Keep your spirits up, user.

If their icons are any indication all those people responding have us beat.

So today's only the first day of replies. There's a whole week people can expect to get a response in. I'm sure they've got a lot of submissions to sort through.

What if they sent out all the acceptance emails first, though?

We all know your comic is shit and won't get accepted.

that is some interesting lore.

Interesting. Are the gasses toxic ?

>tfw that's exactly what Mom and Dad said


>drawing a pantyshot for my webcomic
>zoomed in, working on the outline of the vulva specifically
>mom walks in, sees what I'm drawing, looks at me all disappointed and then leaves

Oh shit

>mom keeps telling you to draw porn because "that's where all the money is"

This year's Sandra and Woo + Gaia artwork contest has just started. It comes with a total prize money of $1000. Maybe one of you wants to participate.

More info here:

I am roughly 25% done, this is tedious a shit

She's not wrong you know.

nice repost

It's very telling that you never answered these questions.

How so?

disappointed her son grew up straight. what IS this world coming to

>outline of the vulva specifically
serves you right

Gonna need to see some sources, user.

>all that detail


>tell my aunt and uncle the plot of my comic
>aunt: "is it a hentai?"
>"n... no..."
>aunt: "then who's going to bother?"

Yeah but if I wanted to make money doing shit that doesn't interest me, drawing porn's pretty far down the list.

>go to dinner at olive garden with dad
>waitress is asian
>Dad refers to her as "hentai over there"
bless his alcohol-soaked swollen neck

>photographs were invented in the 19th century
>confusing high resolution with HD
>not loving peach fuzz girly mustache
t. virgin-kun

>dat QT pimple tho

I had mentioned a while back trying my hand at a webcomic. if I did one, I think this is the character that I'd like to go with.

This is Vivian Baumgarter. It's a bit tricky to explain, but she's not the ghost or spirit of the dead person's bones. Rather, one day her consciousness popped into existence in the skeleton, waking up in a garden.

Despite being a completely new person, she new that the house and garden out to belong to her. When she checked the mailbox, she found letters addressed to the deceased owner, named Vivian Baumgarter. And since she thought it was her mailbox, she reasoned that that must be her name.

Personality-wise, she's very warm, caring and inquisitive, but she's over concerned about dealing with things from the previous persons life, such as friends, relatives, house and garden.

She is also unable to travel terribly far from her garden, unless she takes some part of it with her.

Also, it does not go unnoticed by everyone that she's a skeleton. It takes a lot for people to come to terms with that.

The story would mainly revolve around her learning about the first Vivian Baumgarter, and attempting to befriend others in the small town.

How does this sound as a concept? At the moment, it's a little bare-bones. What works? What doesnt? Any questions? Anything YOU personally would change?

Aww, thanks. It's a comedy but I try and make it genuinely interesting as well and use it's cartoony nature to work with more absurd ideas that would never work in a more realistic setting.

Depends on the area and species. Regular "stock" humans can traverse the outer skeleton with no ill effects other than an odd smell. However some of the colonies are completely submerged in bodily fluids and while some inhabitants need biologically grown respiration devices or undergo genetic engineering to survive, other species can breath without any kind of issue. It's a very widespread universe. There's an alien species or physical modification for everything to where almost any area can be inhabited. At it's state in the comic Mars is covered in so many thousands of layers of various living things that the surface is no longer visible and the planet now equals the size of earth. Because of all the living tissue present surrounding it's skeleton, the creature's consciousness now has a hypercomplex immobile "body" to inhabit again and is revered as a god to the people of mars since the entire planet is basically her body now. It speaks from it's giant skull which is also the capital city.

here's a rough doodle of what this looks like in general.

I like this idea. It's a unique take on a ghost story.

Sounds cute. You should do it.

Anyone here working on any nsfw comics or art?

Just... curious...

yeah I wasn't going to say it exactly but I feel like that's kind of not the kind of lore I would expect for something with this art style, and certainly not for a comedy. Not that it CAN'T work, just that it's going to be a little hard to bring up the lore without ruining the tone of any given page

Why was a person's skeleton just lying around in their garden?
Aside from that, it's neat.

I was just thinking it has been way too long since some casual nudity has happened. But I can't think of any specific reason it might..

I got a couple of furry pinup commission that i'm looking forward to drawing.

I'd definitely qualify Ennui GO! as nsfw. Working on the sunday strip now actually.


Ah yes, good to see you. How's the site and patreon going?

The site's doing alright. The subscribers are steadily ticking upward, which I'm very grateful for.

Patreon seems to have plateaued around 100 a month. There's just not enough eyes on the comic right now for it to grow.

Well my site gets quite a few traffic, maybe we can work out a partnership.

>tfw you want to make a comic but you can't draw so you trace off real life photos and people comment that your anatomy sucks

Maybe! What do you think, banner ad for banner ad?

Well it wont be talked about very directly, mostly shown and kept vague unless it's needed for the story, that way there's a sense of depth and history so it's kept alien. For example in the comic they get an odd job retrieving a component for a piece of machinery on mars which a character will remark is odd because mars doesn't use machinery, another will probably say something along the lines of "I hope this ones quick, last time I went there the rotting smell made me sick!" . It will then show them flying to the planet where you'll see the giant corpse on the surface without any kind of explanation because for the story to advance you don't really need it. They'll then encounter the person who contacted them, a man obsessed with ghosts who is scared about the corpse on mars getting possessed so suddenly. He will then talk about the creature in slightly more detail. that way the placing of the lore isn't out of place but it's still just on a need to know basis to keep some mystery to it.