How can I destroy America?

How can I destroy America?


Just post mutts.

You don't have to, it's already destroying itself kek

why is canada also on fire

Lol part of Mexico is burning but not some US states

This and its fun to watch.

I was going to post this

Mind your own business, our fire is none of yours.

That's because no one lives there.

Get them to invade you

>he doesn't want to see Canada burn


makes sense, ever been to the Sonora-Baja border? a 45°C day in the summer is considered "nice weather".

This makes me sad

honestly felt bad reading that
america needs to chill and love itself a bit more. not in the patriotic sense, but in the caring, self-healing sense

they're so severely divided their government literally can't function. you dont have to do shit

That was kind of the intent of our founding fathers when they created this place.
And we usually do best when the government is too divided to do anything.

it was the founding father's intent to create a government that doesn't function?

It wasn't built to be so militant but its been that way since day one, and its gotten us pretty far.

You need communism
As North Korea says

You didn't listen.

Yes, well to keep it permanently too fucked up to run the place into the ground quickly.
And we've been around running on the same framework for longer than almost anyone else and doing pretty good.

what is it with Americans and the founding fathers? its like, religious tier reverence. even the name "founding fathers" has a divine ring to it.

Indeed, we need communism.

Yeah we take it pretty seriously, what they did was ballsy and it started our everything

Unlearn the Ego
supress desire to fuck, feed, fight, flee.

Then we must love.



It will save them. Also, communism is impossible there as it's opposed their nation's fundamental principles.

Kill yourself. When your brain die, your conscious will cease to exist, as well as America along with it.

Please don't worry. :)
Germany is also same as America.