/balk/ - Balkan Thread

Gazella edition


Other urls found in this thread:


>That pic
Well of course


>turks next to georgians instead of mongolians


watch this

wake up neetfag subhumans


Ce bine ca nu suntem balcani

Loltenia e 100% in Balcani

>tfw no trap to fuck >her boipucci and have >her fuck mine

Sex vuv dupe

Nu, loltenia e un zoo regional

why are greeks so turkish?


>why are greeks so greek
i dont understand

Bulgaria is unironically more Turk than Greeks

bruh, that wig is so obvious

they have turkish cuisine turkish words turkish face etc etc



>kelly education

greeks use this word too

>Τσάkι Τσαν

yes greeks and bulgarians are turks
maybe bulgarian are more turks but greeks are turks too

>Bulgaria is unironically more Greek than Greeks
>they have greek cuisine greek words greek face etc etc


Pro greek rapebaby untermensch

>ottoman leaders called themselves romans and despised being called turks
well then

Xheki Qan

they both share lydian features
but that doesnt mean greeks are turks

>ottoman leaders
some rapebaby elites*

Ottoman sultans aka leaders traced their heritage back to Oghuz himself and the last sultan's famous quote was "I'm the caliph of Muslims and Sultan of Ottoman Empire, but before anything else i'm the Khagan of Turks".

Also one of the 3 main titles of Ottoman sultans was Khagan. Others were Iranic and Arabic.


yeah, it's a sad story
I kinda feel bad for them

you sound upset


its not much different than today
>i am greek

I am Germanic

>that pic
balkanrapebabies baka.

etrak-ı bi idrak means "ignorant" "he who does not understand" or "he who is incapable of understanding". It is an insult directed towards nomadic Turks who refused to pay taxes, harassed settled population that paid taxes and turned farmlands into pasture lands for their sheep. And do you know who said this? Orhan I, a literal steppenigger from Turkmenistan.

For the other words, it's just S-E-E-T-H-I-N-G balkanrapebabies being assblasted about their superiors (Turks) who conquered them without losing 2 gorillion men.

You sound like a rapebaby. What's your heritage?


Deutsche Volksgenossen und Volksgenossinnen! Nationalsozialisten!

Als mich als Führer der stärksten Partei vor 12 Jahren der verewigte Reichspräsident von Hindenburg mit der Kanzlerschaft betraute, stand Deutschland im Inneren vor der gleichen Situation wie heute in weltpolitischer Hinsicht nach außen.

Nur sechs Jahre des Friedens sind uns seit dem 30. Januar 1933 vergönnt gewesen. In diesen sechs Jahren ist Ungeheueres geleistet und noch Größeres geplant worden; so vieles und so Gewaltiges, daß es aber erst recht den Neid unserer demokratischen, nichtskönnenden Umwelt erweckte.

Wie schwer auch die Krise im Augenblick sein mag, sie wird durch unseren unabänderlichen Willen, durch unsere Opferbereitschaft und durch unsere Fähigkeiten am Ende trotz alledem gemeistert werden. Wir werden auch diese Not überstehen. Es wird auch in diesem Kampf nicht Innerasien siegen, sondern Europa – und an der Spitze jene Nation, die seit eineinhalbtausend Jahren Europa als Vormacht gegen den Osten vertreten hat und in alle Zukunft vertreten wird: Unser Großdeutsches Reich, die deutsche Nation!

Wir Deutschen haben in diesem Ringen um Sein oder Nichtsein nur alles zu gewinnen. Denn der Verlust dieses Krieges würde ohnehin unser Ende sein. Die innerasiatische Barbarei würde über Europa kommen wie zu Zeiten der Hunnen oder der Mongolenstürme. Niemand weiß dies besser als der deutsche Soldat und die mit ihm verbündeten Nationen, die an der Front das Wesen der bolschewistischen Menschheitsbefreiung kennen lernten.

In diesem Kampfe wird am Ende die Wahrheit siegen! Sie aber ist bei uns!


>tfw no frenlo gf

Daily reminder that mblw is dead and we killed him

Good "morning" /balk/

>The hands

>wants to be a trap
>forgets about his *farmer genes

She is not a trap


what is wrong with her eyes? looks like multicultural make-up, but not quite


Tranlos and anime are degenerate and products of Jewish propaganda

gooooooood mirnbug blaak!

>inserts albanian_disapproval.jpg

Any plans for the day?


But it's true

Probably just going to stay at home and post here, maybe even read something. I think I've caught the flu and don't feel like doing anything productive. What about you?

Why don't you just kill yourself?You are a failure.Noody wants you to be alive even your father

thats not the weeb, the weeb left

Staying home and studying since I've been putting that off for a while now. Don't worry about the flu, it's a meme, just drink tea for 3 days and it's all good.

Would shoot/10

Aww, how caring of you! What is it that you are studying?

lmaoing @ gayreeks pretending to be ancient and shit

Yeah I am retarded I just get triggered by the imposter.

Why are you getting mad, user-tan?

kill all trannies

there is no way for him to put his dick in your mouth and make you shut up for a while

but I wanna

Boring shit tbhwyf

i know you "wanna"


teeeeeeeeeell meee

Greeks did what macedonians couldn't.

I live in a dream bubble where i kill all faggots and jews.Just likeI get mad because I can not do any physical harm to you

>unicredit BULLbank

Weebistics at Sup Forums university

that's me comin' for mah food. das rite wh*Te boi, feed me


expropriate their property and expel them asap

getting the feels again, damn what a film

Tell me more, user-kun.

this shit have to be subject of investigation but you know how things happen here

this is the proof that if you are a girl and retarded you only need to have operational tear glands to get dicked

Why? They operate here as well. Just pass in front of their HQ and there's tons of BG plated cars.

>10 stores in FYROM

Best film, I think I like it more than the original.

My crotch smells very lewd.. ;3

Hmm, good luck with your studying, onii-chan!

Watch it Papadopoulos...some of these stores might somehow find itself in flames...

take a shower

I think I like it more too, it's so rare for a sequel to be better than the original

You're my project for this semester btw


The greek dogs must leave.

I pumped out a lot of love juice outta me peepee yesteday

its a long story of how mutri make money laundering

>my cringy atheist friend keeps sending me atheistic memes

make fun of amurica

Call me a dreamer
Call me insane
I will survive the storm
I will take the pain

Will you need me to help you with said project then?


Yeah, I really need to get "inside" you to understand the essence of the subject.

Σkοπιανό Τσίπρας

Somebody shoot these two faggot tatars please