Can we have a Tank Girl thread?

Can we have a Tank Girl thread?

No. No one cares about Tank Girl anymore, unfortunately.

I tried watching the movie but couldn't finish it
too boring for me m8

the art style is killa diller thouh

I will admit it has been a long time since I read any Tank Girl. In some ways she seems like a relic of a bygone era. I remember them quite fondly however.

Anyone want to storytime? I'm sure someone has them downloaded. I'm more than happy to provide bumps.

The movie is utter shit. Just read the comics and you'll be fine.

Yes! Storyrtime!

Tank Girl just seems like the 'og' of 'alternative' girls without being quirky manchildren so I'm disappointed to have seen her fade into obscurity.

Maybe because of the popularity of characters like Harley Quinn she's sort of faded into obscurity.

Hewllet started The Gorillaz after the TG movie. I want to say he was burned out from that from his bad experience with it and moved onto something new. I am unsure just how popular The Gorillaz were back then but I guess he was just bored/tired of TG - like he gets with The Gorillaz. I know a new comic came out last year for Tank Girl but I haven't read it yet, and I've never seen Sup Forums talk about it.

Hewllet is pretty fickle when it comes to things. I have no comments on the Harley thing. Tank Girl has just been unique to me since she's not a 'sexy badass villian' and its rare to see just the plain ole' punk, trashy girl in media.

Yeah, I'd say the movie made him sore. At least we got the Gorrilaz out of it.

As for the comics, there's a few new ones like 21st Century Tank Girl and Two Girls, One Tank (came out very recently. As in 2016 recently).

>Tank Girl has just been unique to me since she's not a 'sexy badass villian' and its rare to see just the plain ole' punk, trashy girl in media.

God, how I'd love to see more punky stuff like Tank Girl, but it needs to be done right.




How did she not die?

I loved the fuck out of that movie. everyone says the comics are better, and i believe them and all, but.. I see no flaws in that movie, aside from the bit where it ran out of money and had to switch entirely to a comic montage. it was fucking tops.

When will these two fuck and make some kinda Kangaroo/Human hybrid babies?

Unless they did that already.

This is one of those things that's almost awesome, but due to various reasons is just complete garbage.

>various reasons
Reasons being?

>no tank girl gf
I don't know how to feel, i'm sad but also relieved.

Just find a regular girl and shave her head while she sleeps.

Does she need to be super filthy?

Depends on how low your standards are.

Figured tank girl is pretty filthy

Everyone is the damn comic's probably filthy as fuck.


Ironically the one playing Harley Quinn in SS, would be perfect as Tank Girl. Plus she's an Aussie.

I could very well see that happening. If Judge Dredd can get a decent movie then Tank Girl can as well.

I would love for someone like say George Miller on a Tank Girl movie. Basically MM meets the fucking Sex Pistols.

That would be totally awesome. With the same visual style as Fury Road and a really nice soundtrack it would be cool.

Something about that art style is addicting.


The perfect Tank Girl is in an animated movie. Why do people keep dreaming of live action Tank Girls? Its like trying to cast bugs bunny.

An animated movie would be nice. Don't know would be willing to tackle it if they can't get Jaime Hewlett himself to do the art.

> Why do people keep dreaming of live action Tank Girls?

Because it would nice to see someone try it.

>Because it would nice to see someone try it.

Boy do I have news for you.

Bumping with imges.

Next ish is 27th right?

Yup. Can't wait.

I'd fund the shit out of a Hewlett TG cartoon kickstarter thing. But we all know how those go.

>that clown nose

It can work. You just need people that are willing to commit and potential backers that give enough of a shit to fund it, and a lot of them.

Last one until pic related tho.

What does 'Gold' mean in this context?

Literal nazi gold.

We're getting at least one more series after Gold too.

>We're getting at least one more series after Gold too.

And after that is the end?


Dunno, doubt it. Titan seems happy with how its doing. Likely just the end of whatever this trilogy is. Then onto new stuff.

Then I guess was right about her being a relic, then. Such a shame. I was just getting into the comics.

Not quite what anyone expected.

That disgusting! Which issue?

eh Titans given her something of a revival. I can subsist on a 3 issue miniseries a year if it keeps up like this.

New guys an alright Hewlett replacement too.

exactly what I expected desu

Tank Girl: Apocalypse

This would make for a swell crossover.

I legit dont even know what the Tank Girl comic is even about.

Ive only seen the movie.

Outdated british pop culture references

If I was going to cross her over with someone it would be Judge Dredd. I don't even think you'd have to change the continuity of either comic.

>Dredd chasing after a cartoon physics tank on his little bike, perma-scowling all the way and dodging runaway cans of lager

Does Austrailia in the Dredd universe have a Mega-City, though?

punk is dead.
its a fashion statement every since the early 00's.
you only see it on kids that want to fit in or on retarded antifa protesters.

Doesn't even matter, Some creep commits some act of terrorism against the judges and runs out into the cursed earth. The Hall assigns Dredd to lead a team out to make sure this guy faces justice. While investigating they find out the guy's left the country headed for Australia. Wham, Bam runs into Tank Girl at some arms deal or whatever finds out she has info on the guy, highspeed highjinks ensue.

>Doesn't even matter, Some creep commits some act of terrorism against the judges and runs out into the cursed earth. The Hall assigns Dredd to lead a team out to make sure this guy faces justice. While investigating they find out the guy's left the country headed for Australia. Wham, Bam runs into Tank Girl at some arms deal or whatever finds out she has info on the guy, highspeed highjinks ensue.
Does all that happen before or after Dredd bumps into Mad Max?

The original comic is about weird British excess in the 90s, basically. The plot is more or less nonsensical, there's little-to-no continuity, wildly variable art style (even just from Jamie alone), and equally variable writing. It's "LOL SO RANDOM" humor way before "LOL SO RANDOM" humor got popular, but it's actually genuine and fueled by a lot of drugs and that weird 90s futurism/globalism/whatever that had popstars wearing silver spandex and bindis. It's loaded with out-of-date pop culture references, ugly humor that's too late to be punk, some uninspired metahumor, and a lot of half-realized ideas.

It's basically an exquisite corpse made by two retarded chavs who thought they were iconoclasts because they dropped acid.

It's kinda good too but also it's a product of its time. It's the ultimate "edgy kid" comic for teenagers of 1991 England.

Throw Taz in there too. For shits n giggles.

Punk will never die.

Dont worry, the worse everything gets the angrier people'll be.

We'll get back someday.

Yep, the Sydney-Melbourne Conurb, AKA Oz.

Thanks, Judge A. Thanks for the picture as well.

>we've got a bunch of mutant australian kangaroo men in this movie. Who do we cast?

>get Ice T on the phone ASAP!

My pleasure. Funny enough, the Tank Girl miniseries Skid Marks was originally published in the Judge Dredd Megazine, and both Jamie Hewlett and Rufus Dayglo have drawn strips in 2000AD.
Unfortunately, there's no actual Dredd/Tank Girl crossover team-up. Yet.

>My pleasure. Funny enough, the Tank Girl miniseries Skid Marks was originally published in the Judge Dredd Megazine, and both Jamie Hewlett and Rufus Dayglo have drawn strips in 2000AD.
Hm, the more you know, eh?


Missed opportunity.

hold on hey
This isn't Max but I'm stealing this idea and starting a screenplay now

Was there ever a Tank Girl/Gorrilaz crossover comic?

this is such an awesome design
shame she has never been used well
would a Tank Girl Go! show be blasphemous?
because an adult lol! so random XD humor show like that could be fun
get the guys from Superjail or Squidbillies to do it

I'm not sure a Tank Girl show would work as in have success, but it could be a fun ride.

>those pubes
I love that shit. I love how TG just doesn't give a fuck about what she wears (if she wears anything)

TG would kind of shine in a series of 5 minute whacky shorts.

Why does this make me feel as though someone ships the two of them?

Its just Gorillaz, not The Gorillaz.

Who's the blue chick?

Jinx from League of Legends. Basically a Tank Girl tribute.

But all anyone saw was Harley Quinn


>But all anyone saw was Harley Quinn

To this day I will never understand what the two of them have in common beyond being crazy and female. There's a lot more Harley x Jinx art than there is Jinx and TG, aka, the character responsible for Jinx's design.

Crazy, female, Harley dresses trashy now.

For most people all they know about Tank Girl is there was a movie called that once.

Well the newer version of Harley has short shorts and pale skin and colored hair in pigtails.

Harley is way more popular than Tank Girl. And the average Lol player doesn't know who or what Tank Girl is, plain and simple.

I still think that it's a bad comparison. It's like comparing a burger to a hotdog just because both have meat in them. I understand that most people would be reminded of Harley more but it wasn't the intent to make Jinx like Harley.

Booga is so cute.

Punk was never alive. It's always been marketed bands and fashion statements since day 0.

This thread is seriously lacking in love for Warwick Cadwell Johnson. Solid state tank girl is GOAT, and his interiors are some of the best in comics imo

He's like Jim Mahfood except actually good

d-did someone actually get paid to make that?

I'm actually kinda inspired
I feel like I can make it now

You'd be surprised how difficult it is to draw like this. It seems clunky and dashed off, but that's all highly intentional, and allows for great characterization as well as really dynamic action sequences like in

Was this the one where TG had to steal underwear? If so, that one was good.

The art style is supposed to be like that.

I liked the movie.

It had the balls to stick to the source material. They had the fucking kangaroo people. They tried. And the actress was alright.

Its tough to have strong edgy gurrrl in live action not come across as cringey as fuck.

Didn't she get impregnated by a TV or something?

I just realised that I really want to see Rupert Everton draw Tank Girl.

Huh? That happened?

Maybe I should watch it again. I have very vague memories of it.

She had a baby with her own tank.

Poor Booga literally got cucked by a vehicle.

Which one's that one from?

>She had a baby with her own tank.
How does one fuck a tank?

What comic are those two from?

The latest issue of Two Girls, One Tank. Came out a month ago, I think.