

It's the only way.

Literally nothing wrong with it. It fits with the theme of learning bending from animals and spirits bringing balance to the world.

You mean an end to the discussion of energybending that was happening since S01? yes, really.

I still think the ending was cool

What discussion?

I just wished for a more lampshade of the Turtle itself, the library episode was a PERFECT opportunitty to give us two lines of exposition of the origin of bending with Lion Turtles.

Maybe have Iroh talk about some of it too.

For all the flak Korra gets, I still think the arc she goes through for the finale had more structure than the Lion turtle introducing a groundbreaking new power in the last few moments in ATLA.

It's just plain deus ex machima to get rid of the moral dilemma Aang was having. It would've been much better if he either actually had to kill the Fire Lord or alternatively had shown that he was willing to throw away his chance at victory just to preserve his beliefs.

they talk about that energy and how to use it in S01 (swamp episode, it's how Aang found Katara and Sokka), S02 (guru) and S03 (explaining another thing he can do with it).

This 2bh

>groundbreaking new power
1- it doesn't change anything
2- energybending was introduced before, in the swamp episode
3- Korra doesn't go to any 'arc', she does the exact same dumb shit, and in the end just do whatever people tell her to do.

>It's just plain deus ex machima
>deus ex
>not changing anything

he literally could just let Ozai imprisoned with bending.

While I think the energy bending was an ass-pull to keep Aang from killing anyone, I still think the overall finale was great.

Azula's descent into madness, the whole airship battle, Iroh and Zuko's reunion, etc. There was a lot of good payoff.

>it doesn't change anything
It nerfs their greatest threat without forcing Aang to kill, and allows Zuko to take the throne.

>energybending was introduced before
They didn't state that it can be used to remove someone's bending did they? I just remember them talking about how the trees connected everything.

>Korra doesn't go to any 'arc'
With Amon and Unalaq they simply died and the problem went away, but with Zaheer, she had an introspective discussion to move forward.

Rushed or not, the conflict with Kuvira is where she really stopped and listened to her enemy instead of readily resorting to force.

>Korra's Emergence.jpg

It ain't a kid's show without a nonviolent copout.

>It nerfs their greatest threat without forcing Aang to kill
Aand had him imprisoned in earth before energybending him. He wasn't going anywhere from that point. Watch that part again.

>They didn't state that it can be used to remove someone's bending did they
you don't need to explain everything a power does. Hell, Aang even used energybending before to find his friends.

>with Zaheer, she had an introspective discussion to move forward
again: she did the same dumb shit (like leaving without telling anyone), didn't learn anything and in the end just did whatever the fuck people told her to do.

>They didn't want Aang to have a bad end so they throw this shit out on the last minute
What I don't get was why couldn't they just have at least spent a couple of episodes of him trying to go to the spirit world to find a teacher or something?

I'm sure they're 3 or 4 episodes they could have easily skipped to do so. I mean, I don't exactly remember anyone going on about how great the Footloose episode was.

I'm sure they could have introduced the great Wang Fire in another episode

The ending was a load of horse shit
>Azula became too powerful
>better make her go crazy for no reasom

>Katara, water bending jesus, can't heal Anng
>but a rock can

>spend the entire season showing aang's struggle with killing Ozai
>lion turtle gives Aang the ability to not kill Ozai in the last minute

The thing is Korra gets her shit kicked in a lot. That's her character growth. And she never learns so she gets her shit kicked in again.

>>better make her go crazy for no reasom
Actually that one made sense, Azula was always fucking nuts.

>Aand had him imprisoned in earth before energybending him. He wasn't going anywhere from that point.
Bullshit, Ozai could have blasted out of there in an instant. Aang was just being all quick like and then he hit him with the Energy Bender.
We see him fuck up rocks with his fire earlier, there's no reason to think that he couldn't do it then.

I felt bad that I originally defended this.

Looking back at it, it was like telling someone with cancer that maybe that lump was just a simple wart.

It feels like the series really, really fell on it's face.

>Ozai could have blasted out of there in an instant
only if he blasted his hands

And if that wasn't enough Aang can literally engulf him in earth. There is no way for him to fight the avatar.

She did have issues, but not bat shit nuts.

>That entire episode with "muh original firebending" was completely pointless due to never being mentioned again and not affecting any significant change
>Zuko was still weaker than Azula, and only won because her crazy impaired her judgment
>Aang's predecessors flat out say that he should kill Ozai because he's not going to change
>Deus Ex Rockina

Why do people over the age of 8 like this show again?

> Hell, Aang even used energybending before to find his friends.
Well, yeah. Because they explain that he was able to use the trees and their connection throughout the swamp to feel where they were.

>didn't learn anything and in the end just did whatever the fuck people told her to do.
Korra learned that the world was going to keep turning with out without her, but that it wasn't a reason to give up on everything so much as it was a reality check for what being the Avatar meant in regards to learning and empathizing with others.

Ozai was beating Aang up really easily before he Deus ex Rock'd his way into the Avatar State.
And Aang wouldn't have buried Ozai because he didn't want to kill him.

The first time we saw her she was smiling as Zuko got his face burned, and in her actual introduction she got angry because a single hair came undone while she was practicing generating lightning. She crossed into the deep end before the show even started.

She threatened to kill one of her best friends if she didn't join her to stop her brother, didn't give to shits when she thought Iroh got fucked up and I'm probably forgetting a bunch of other worse shit.

She's Stalin if Stalin was a 17 year old girl whose dad was Hitler.

While I would have liked Zuko and Azula's fight to have continued uninterrupted, I thought her paranoia was a solid end to her arc.

She had reached the top, but the only people she had trusted at all had betrayed her, so she started seeing enemies everywhere. It didn't matter how powerful she had gotten if there was no one in the world she could trust.

>Because they explain that he was able to use the trees and their connection throughout the swamp to feel where they were
you didn't ignore what they said before that, about 'energy in all things' etc. etc. right? what Aang did was energybending.

>Korra learned that the world was going to keep turning with out without her, but that it wasn't a reason to give up on everything so much as it was a reality check for what being the Avatar meant in regards to learning and empathizing with others.
That's why she got mad when Tenzin didn't want her involved in S04 after she lost to Kuvira?

>Aang wouldn't have buried Ozai because he didn't want to kill him
he can bury all the way to his head, just so he can breathe. And the rock, it's another discussion. There are plenty of things people miss on that episode; the fact that Aang actually had an opening to kill Ozai without the avatar state; and the fact that Aang was only able not to kill Ozai because he learned through his journey to control the avatar state. If it was old-school avatar state Ozai would be dead. But anyway, the rock is a discussion to another time.


>That's why she got mad when Tenzin didn't want her involved in S04 after she lost to Kuvira?

It did seem kinda stupid that Tenzin wanted everyone to find her then once she's found ignore her.
Plus he relied on her earlier in 1, 2, and 3 to help them rescue Jinora (air family) so for him to not want her involved was both stupid parenting rearing its head and silly.

>and not affecting any significant change
Aside from letting Aang and Zuko firebend, you mean?
>Zuko was still weaker than Azula
No he wasn't, he would have beaten her eventually, retard-Katara put herself in danger and he went to protect her. Zuko lost the fight only because of her, not his sister being crazy.
>past Avatars
Is that really a complaint?
Always will be retarded.

>'energy in all things'
That doesn't lay much groundwork for it being the technique that would win the final battle.

>in S04
I honestly don't recall. Wasn't that before her talk with Zaheer and the whole discussion of how she needed to let go what happened to her?

>It did seem kinda stupid that Tenzin wanted everyone to find her then once she's found ignore her.
Tenzin had basically no presence in book 4 (which is disappointing because his and Korra's relationship was one of the best parts of the series) but I think he "ignored" her because he didn't want her to get hurt again. They really didn't do a good job addressing how the people around Korra felt and reacted to her being hurt, her recovery and then her return to Republic City. Not even Mako or Asami seemed particularly upset that she was missing.l


The entire moral dilemma was unnecessary. Aang could've just defeated him, not killed him, and put him in jail or whatever. He was dangerous because he was in charge of the fire nation, not because of his bending, even if he was one of the strongest in the world. There was literally no difference between taking away his bending and throwing him in jail.

The only reason to kill him anyway is for symbolic weight/"justice" but removing bending doesn't accomplish either so I honestly don't get it. S3 was good overall but the writers made a ton of stupid decisions. I also don't believe the ending ruins the show like a lot of people.

>They really didn't do a good job addressing how the people around Korra felt and reacted to her being hurt
Yeah, they gave Asami a moment to get pissed off that she ran off without saying anything, but not too much time for the others.

Maybe they might have had more time in the city if they didn't have to cut an episode.

The Swamp was season 2

Oh yeah, and Aang had no dilemma prior to the day of black sun. He knew he was going to face the firelord then, did it just not occur to him that he was supposed to defeat him?

>Yeah, they gave Asami a moment to get pissed off that she ran off without saying anything
It's shit like this that makes me wonder how any Asami fan could be genuinely happy about how things played out for. If the comics ever come out I assume we're going to get flashbacks about it but this is stuff that should have made it into the show, regardless of whether or not she was Korra's love interest.

>I honestly don't recall
She kind of goes ape-shit because Tenzin invited Wu to discuss the matter with the other leaders, but didn't invite Korra. She still thinks she must do something, even if she has no idea why she is fighting in the first place

We don't even need to go that far; the first thing Kuvira asks Korra is why she should stop, and to that Korra doesn't have a rebuttal. She simply has no interest other than "i'm the avatar, so i must do some shit". It's the same thing from other seasons. Actually, other seasons are even better than this. At least in S01/S02/S03 they make it obvious why she should be interested since it's all things she is connected to (bending, the south, her own being). In S04 people literally just tell her to stop Kuvira and she comply.

She didn't go ape-shit, she was just upset that a guy who was literally picked to be a puppet ruler was invited and she wasn't.

The point is, she thought she was important enough to be called for such meeting, because the avatar is involved in everything 'somehow'.

To be fair she was basically taught that shit growing up, like nearly every other Avatar before her.

The swamp episode was just Dagobah with rednecks.

interesting enough, i never thoght this was an issue with her personality. S01 Korra > all other seasons.

It made her do rash and reckless things because she thought that's what she was supposed to do as the Avatar, and she wasn't allowed to show weakness or fear.

That said, I do really miss book 1 Korra. The part with the gangsters in the first episode was a really great moment.

>Oh yeah, and Aang had no dilemma prior to the day of black sun. He knew he was going to face the firelord then, did it just not occur to him that he was supposed to defeat him?

"Fire Lord Ozai, you're powerless for the next 120 seconds! Surrender!"
"No. What are you gonna do, kill me?"

>The point is, she thought she was important enough to be called for such meeting, because the avatar is involved in everything 'somehow'.

The meeting was how some wanted to force Kuvira to step down since that was apparently the verbal agreement that Raiko had with her. Korra was coming in with information while we see Wu not taking anything seriously and Mako being there for no reason other than bodyguard when they already had standard bodyguards there.
It was just an excuse to get the group together again and even internal affairs can be an Avatar's thing much like how people wanted Kyoshi to act in her time or have Roku stop Sozin inside his own country.

>the first thing Kuvira asks Korra is why she should stop, and to that Korra doesn't have a rebuttal.
The first thing Kuvira says is "I think we both know that's not going to happen." And the rest of the conversation never has Kuvira ask Korra why. Kuvira simply ends up saying that Korra is just doing Suyin a favor.

That's because by the end of the season she went through a lot of shit and she learns something in the end.

But by the next season it seems like she forgets everything she learns and her doing the same mistakes start to get grating.

>That entire episode with "muh original firebending" was completely pointless due to never being mentioned again and not affecting any significant change
If we are talking about the origin of firebending episode, it was just neat backstory in general. There were times episodes just pushed on character development rather than story or power development, this was just one of those times. It made firebending seem magiestic and in general a non-thug based bending form that actually had a rich backstory and culture that was watered down by national patriotisim and propaganda.
>Zuko was still weaker than Azula, and only won because her crazy impaired her judgment
I mean yeah, the entire whole zuko arc wasn't about gaining power, it was about becoming a better person and growing into someone who isn't motivated by hate and a seat on the throne. It was basically "If zuko didn't change this was going to be him."
>Aang's predecessors flat out say that he should kill Ozai because he's not going to change
I don't know why this is a complaint honestly. They were right, and they saw things that a stubborn 12 year old who didn't want to lose his cultural idenitity in a land where no one else was like him didn't want to see.
>Deus Ex Rockina
You are right this was dumb but it was to meet an end to give happy end across the board without spending more story explaining how to get said power.

In reality, this show was just better due to the ride. Even with a deus ex machnia. con't

>Kuvira simply ends up saying that Korra is just doing Suyin a favor
isn't that what she is doing?

Doing Su a favor would be killing Kuvira.

Korra proposed a talk since Zaofu wasn't in "chaos" or "turmoil" so it didn't need to be united and freed from a Mad Max scenario. Suyin wanted Korra to Go Go Godzilla on Kuvira's forces.

The main point that I really wanted to make clear was just, you know the ending was a bit of a shitter with the deus ex machnia that came out of left field, just like season 1 of korra.

It was at the end of the ride they pulled this, and before this whole event, everything else was really enjoyable and a worthwhile ride. I really wouldn't let a dues ex machnia ruin an entire series that had amazing build up. Including with one that was just how it was going to end, rather than just deflating all the epic buildup and hype that was like season 1 korra.

I'm ranting at this point, but the ride was worth it is the main point. It was pretty great and I think you should try to look at it in a different light.

>Zaofu wasn't in "chaos" or "turmoil"
it wasn't paying taxes to the rest of the earth nation. It wanted to be it's own country. What should a nation do if one region wants to suddenly not be part of it?

I suck, meant for his as the con't.

>the ending was a bit of a shitter with the deus ex machnia
again: there was no deus ex.

At max. we call the rock thing a stretch, but even that was how Aang lost his powers, so it didn't came from nowhere.


Kuvira was fine with that back in season 3 when they weren't doing that back in season 3.

>Kuvira was fine with that back in season 3
Zaofu was part of the earth nation in S03.

Honestly the whole issue of whether or not Zaofu was obligated to rejoin the EK could have gone better if they gave a better reason besides Su just not wanting to do it because she was mad Kuvira ran off. Maybe reveal the shit about the labor camps and how Kuvira was trying to eliminate anyone who wasn't an earthbender/of EK descent from the country before all that.

>to get rid of the moral dilemma Aang was having
Hint: He probably would have left Ozai alive like Zuko did Azula. Taking his powers away was never about substituting instead of his death, taking away the powers of the Fire Lord was to keep people from trying to restart the war.
It wouldn't have been better because it would have taught kids that you shouldn't try to be creative, open to possibility, or hold on to your convictions.
He had already beaten the firelord meaning the war was over.


Also, just read the comics

No one, not even the other avatars spoke of the lion turtle before this point and what it was, or even offered to tell him "Yo try to find this living moving island beast that was the origin of all bending. He might know something."

He just accidentally ended up there in a huff and everything worked out. That's basically a dues ex machnia in my book.

I mean this is the definition.
"an unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation, especially as a contrived plot device in a play or novel."

So I don't know what else you would call this, but everything was hopeless for the kid, even his past lives told him "lol just kill him fgt." and then he magically learns hes on a spirit beast that was the one who granted everyone bending powers and gives him the knowledge/power of spirit bending.

There was no hint to this creatures existence, or anything that any viewer would have been able to see. This wasn't some great mystery that was to be revealed, it just happened.

>So I don't know what else you would call this, but everything was hopeless for the kid, even his past lives told him "lol just kill him fgt."
None of them ever told Aang to kill Ozai, they gave him vague advice that, depending on you personally interpreted it, could lend support to either side of the argument. Aang was frustrated because he didn't get a straight answer in addition to none of them telling him his views were justified.

The problem with that was how it didn't make sense in the first place. Either you are with us or against us, sure okay fine. But to literally not give other citizens of different descent a choice, those already living there?

So Kuvira was secretly hating a good portion of Zaofu before season 4 and a good portion of the people she interacted with and helped in 3?

>No one, not even the other avatars spoke of the lion turtle before this point
there was a draw of a lion turtle episodes before it. The energybending people talk even before that, and again: lion turtles didn't change anything about the outcome, so they are not deus ex (didn't 'save' Aang). It's not an "unexpected power or event SAVING a seemingly hopeless situation".

Her "PTSD recovery arc" was good for the first 4 episodes, then it just became stale and she kept jobbing for no reason until she finally decided to go to Zaheer.

Then instead of going full yip yip motherfucker on Kuvira she could only managed to fight her evenly in a 1 v 1 in the giant robot's control room.

>Then instead of going full yip yip motherfucker on Kuvira she could only managed to fight her evenly in a 1 v 1 in the giant robot's control room.
Pretty sure Korra deliberately avoided using the Avatar state on Kuvira personally because she actually wanted to try and talk her down, not beat her into submission.

>Azula became too powerful
Then how did she lose to Aang in the Drill and to Katara in Crossroads of Destiny?

>deliberately avoided
She actually tried to use it and failed because muh PTSD

>Then instead of going full yip yip motherfucker on Kuvira she could only managed to fight her evenly in a 1 v 1 in the giant robot's control room.

What would the others do then if Korra just did everything then? I mean, what you think this is the Legend of Korra or something?

Aang's group split up but since Korra's group always split up they decided to have them converge and work together because.

I meant in the final fight in the mecha. She went into the Avatar state like three times before then.

Because at that point the real, big issue was Kuvira's bigass robot destroying Republic City.

>What would the others do then if Korra just did everything then
Their own thing, hopefully
People absolutely loved when Bolin was Nuktuk and had his own adventure
The mako police thing didn't go well either because it was just back to more shipping bullshit
>mako is the best cop on the force
>cue the political bullshit that prevents the Chief from doing anything even though she's done plenty of risky things before
>"Let's not give the person who helped the avatar out the benefit of the doubt"

I'm glad they ditched the Avatar state as an instant win button in Korra.

One of my nitpicks with ATLA that Aang was able to simple demolish Ozai with it in the end rather than being forced to rely on his training.

>Because at that point the real, big issue was Kuvira's bigass robot destroying Republic City.

And once you are inside and you are the Avatar it just means taking out the head.
Blowing up the core could mean destroying EVERYTHING.
Taking out the canon is pointless since everything was already destroyed by that point. Just go for the head.

>People absolutely loved when Bolin was Nuktuk and had his own adventure

That ended up not mattering and only raised further questions.

Aang did beat Ozai with his training. He gained control of the Avatar State and took charge. Plus he could have killed Ozai earlier with his training in lightning redirection.

>That ended up not mattering and only raised further questions
I don't know how it raised further questions
But it was just for fun, it wasn't about it mattering

>Aang did beat Ozai with his training. He gained control of the Avatar State and took charge
But chiropractor rock unlocked the Avatar state for him, and not any of his training.

>Plus he could have killed Ozai earlier with his training in lightning redirection.
But he couldn't because he's too attached to his pacifism, so it's not like he chose to do it.

>But chiropractor rock unlocked the Avatar state for him, and not any of his training.
i think his point is that his journey is not meaningless. Without training Aang would have killed Ozai.

>it's not like he chose to do it
he decided to stand by his beliefs. That's called a choice. Just because your bloodlust demmands Aang to kill doesn't mean he has to.

>But chiropractor rock unlocked the Avatar state for him
Aang was constantly getting thrown around
Earlier in the season Katara said that there was a huge mass of chi that was blocking his flow, when she tried to unblock it it hurt Aang, so she didn't touch it after that
There were a bunch of sharp rocks jutting out of everywhere, the entire battlefield was a series of stone pillars
I don't know why you think that it didn't make any sense

>But he couldn't because he's too attached to his pacifism
Exactly, so it's not as if he was ever going to kill the firelord
When he beat him, he didn't deliver the final blow because he had won and ended the war

>pacifism means letting some faggot kill you

I hate this shit. Even pacifists will fight back if you're trying to kill them. Plus fucking lightening redirection isn't even actively fighting, it's just sending someone's attack back at them. Fucking stupid.

>he decided to stand by his beliefs. That's called a choice. Just because your bloodlust demmands Aang to kill doesn't mean he has to.

Nobody says he has to kill. People are just giving him more credit for not killing him than he deserves for that one moment and him saying "I guess I have to kill the fire lord" that one time.

He never really considered killing an option period, so it's not really like it was a huge struggle or anything.

>I don't know why you think that it didn't make any sense
You don't find it awfully convenient that on that battlefield with sharp rocks jutting everywhere, a rock managed to hit that exact blockage at exactly the time he needed?

>a rock managed to hit that exact blockage at exactly the time he needed
To be honest, he needed it from the very beginning
After he started losing and getting flung around through dozens of pillars, I'm surprised that it didn't happen sooner

The finale was pretty weak in some places but there was still a lot of good in it. Barring the asspull that was the deus ex rockina and energybending, which are pretty major, I thought it still had plenty of nice moments. The series as a whole was pretty good too. Korra on the other hand was just a clusterfuck of wasted potential.

Azula had a breakdown that's all.

The whole point of the scene was for the audience to find out she was a victim in Ozai's madness as well.

She wasn't a victim
She just kept choosing the wrong side
And it all started because she didn't feel normal or like her mother loved her enough

we get a ton of stuff about mothers' love throughout the series

The ending to the first season is ABSOLUTE bullshit, a recurring theme of the show.

If she actually had to deal with not having her powers then it would have actually been a really good season overall. Just being able to undo everything in the span of like, 5 minutes really cheapened the whole thing.

She didn't even know Airbending at that point. Imagine a Season 2 where she *only* has access to Airbending and has to rely on it and masters it.

>She wasn't a victim
>She just kept choosing the wrong side

Her whole character arc revolves around her not knowing any better. She has no idea what love is because she never experienced it. That's why she is a victim.

>That's why she is a victim
But that's not because of Ozai's plot
And while she didn't know any better, she made her decisions based on who she admired and not who cared for her

>The whole point of the scene was for the audience to find out she was a victim in Ozai's madness as well.
No, it was just to show that she was batshit. There's never a moment where she blames Ozai or where Zuko says something along the lines of how she was a victim too. Hell, not even the comics have said anything like that yet.

To add onto this
Azula was born stronger than most, so it makes sense that she developed a kind of complex about it
Seeking strength, she followed who she thought to be the strongest, most ambitious, and powerful

Wrong, she never chose who loved, she had a neglectful mother who doesn't give two shits about her so she was raised by a monster. You cannot pin the blame on her for how she was raised because she did not have any control over it.

But we can see she is the victim that is the tragedy behind it all. She doesn't know how to ask for help when she desperately needs it.

Again, there are times we see her wanting to be loved more than feared.

>she had a neglectful mother who doesn't give two shits about her so she was raised by a monster
Want to know how I know you're Scrapper?

>she had a neglectful mother who doesn't give two shits about her so she was raised by a monster
Her mother wasn't neglectful
She just didn't know how to connect with Azula

>there are times we see her wanting to be loved more than feared
But she more often rebukes love and acceptance than she does ask for it
She's an adult user, she knows what love is, she just doesn't value it as much as others

I just agree with him

>She just didn't know how to connect with Azula

And that's Ursa's fault for failing as a mother.

>She's an adult user, she knows what love is, she just doesn't value it as much as others

She is not an adult, she is just a child and she is trying to grasp this foreign concept and with no one to help her it's a vertical uphill battle.

Yeah, Gyatso killed like 20 Fire Nation soldiers

>I just agree with him
Then do us a favor and put a trip on so we can all filter you again Scrapper.

>it's a "Ursa is a malicious monster and she did everything wrong and it's all her fault" thread