Daily Japanese Thread #1958.5

DJT is a language learning thread designed by and for those studying the Japanese language.

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Those of you doing sentence mining for flashcards, do you do other decks as well?
I've been starting to make a sentence deck for the past couple of months but thought I might add a purely vocab-based deck in there too just to speed things up a bit.
A few years ago I did Core2k + started on Core6k so I'll probably just continue with that.

How should I read .azw3 files on both my actual Kindle as well as the Android Kindle app? I tried converting them to .mobi and syncing them via the Kindle email feature but that broke a bunch of formatting stuff like vertical text and furigana.

>ITT: IQ < 120

It seems just copying the .azw3 files to the kindle folder on android works. It's just an inelegant solution since then it won't do Whispersync where it saves your position across devices.


your anime industry became such a cancer shame on you

>suddenly forgot everything

Here is an image for when this thread dies.

Normalfags are cancerous growth on Sup Forums. Fuck off somewhere else.

The Saga of Tanya the Evil is the last good anime I can think of, but on the other hand I'm really not that up to date anymore, I barely kept track of anime the last few years

Should be said more often. The DJT library guy has done an incredible service for everyone wanting to read novels. Round of applause for you if you're listening.

kek its literally the opposite, while 15-20 years back we were seen as weirdo to watch animes such as ninja scroll, evangelion, patlabor etc now its within popular western culture and nit seen as weurd as it was before to watch fucking pedi animus, youre from a degenerate generation yoy should know that.
everything is absolute shit

You know that effect (has a name but forgot about it) when you learn something new and then suddenly, you start seeing it more and more often? I'm having some episodes of that in Japanese. Some weeks ago, I asked about のくせに and now I start noticing it more on animes I rewatch.

I really fucking can't stand normalfags like you.
You've got millions of sites catering to your interests yet instead you ignore all that and come and shit up Sup Forums, where people just want to be left the fuck alone. I am part of the 「degenerate generation」which kept Sup Forums alive through the early/mid 2000s, along with many other anons here that little cunts like you are aggressively trying to force out.
Put a gun to your head and bullet the blue sky.

Baader-Meinhof and yeah, I experienced the same with 戻れない in anime OSTs after learning 戻る.

in early 2000's nobody cheered for pedo animus. no one. you degenerate pedo generation will stay virgin forever and hopefully well get rid of your cancerous minded """" people""""

I know those days. Seeing those matured cards just slip back into the "don't know these yet" pile is disheartening.

Still, never give up. Keep climbing that mountain.

What did the library guy do?

It's like that "Getting Over It" game where you accidentally go down back to the start. Well, unlike that, there's actually a purpose of gettiing on top of the mountain that is Japanese learning.


what are some quality vns with voice acting?

Danganronpa but only some portions are voiced.

yomichan is a fucking terrible app, why is this shit recommended

What's wrong with it? I used to use Rikaikun but now I use Yomichan, next to no difference. I think Rikai stopped working for some reason which is why I switched.

it doesn't work when I press shift half the time

when I open a LN in the browser (chrome) it doesn't recognize/do anything

Hm, not sure why that is.

You need to install a dictionary first. If you go to the extension options, it provides a link to a bunch of dictionaries on its site to download.

>You need to install a dictionary first. If you go to the extension options
I did that of course

forgot to mention, it works on websites like Sup Forums for example
but I'm having similar problems like I often have to hover above the text a bit

Are you trying to read a file from your computer? Go to "Manage Extensions" in Chrome and next to Yomichan, tick the box that says "Allow access to file URLs"

yea I'm retarded, thanks m8

No problem. I've seen people get stuck on that when trying to use it with subtitle files in browser.

Just to be sure, if you put your mouse over a word *then* hold Shift, you have to move your mouse slightly again for it to work. Just the way it is, I guess - you get used to it.

which 2k/6k deck should I start with?

The one recommended in the OP.

I'm confused. I started talking to a Japanese girl and we did sexting bullshit, eventually called and phonesexed, where I had to learn Japanese sex words because they don't teach it in school obviously. Did this two days in a row. Now suddenly she's being a bit rude and not flirting at all, where it was 100 now it's -10. Is this some kind of weird scam?

It is a scam called women.

Maybe it's "one of those days"? Try again later

No, it's divine punishment for having what most of us could only dream of.

Or it's just a case of women being women - that never changes, no matter what culture.

It's been about 4 days, so I'm just weirded out by the sudden change of personality I guess. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted

Are the Japanese versions of the Harry Potter books any good? I've heard some people swear by them but others have said the quality of translation isn't great (errors, odd word choices, etc.)

Judofag looking for translation help again.

Ippon seoi-nage translates to english as "Single-handed back throw" But what exactly does "seoi" mean, if anything on it's own?

Also I'm having difficulty with de-ashi-barai or sometimes called de-ashi-harai (出足払). I know ashi means foot, but I can't find a suitable translation for "de" or "deashi" and "harai/barai".

Together it translates into english as Advanced foot sweep. But in google translate I get "departure payment"

it's okay, but it has an sort of unnatural feeling to it

Why is harry potter always the default for reading translated books. Why waste your time reading trash in another language? Just read the news or something lol

Is it true that someone from here is bot flooding the Japanese generals?

I don't think so because it never gets mentioned here really, but the thread was unbearable long before the spammer anyway

It's just what some people in these threads are saying. Rumors, who knows.

take djt back Sup Forums 2018

Steins gate

It's a series lots of people enjoy; already knowing the story should make the Japanese version easier to follow. Plus it's aimed at children so I guess the language shouldn't be too complex? Are you really asking why people would rather read novels than boring, depressing news articles?

>did the N5 practice examination
>75% on both vocabulary and grammar (grammar would've been 80% but I ran out of time)

On track to reach N4 by July I guess.

Amusingly, hiragana-only questions are harder, without kanji I have no clue what the hell is going on, wasted 3 minutes trying to figure out what はこ meant before I realized it was 箱

I can make this happen using my Sup Forums skills user. My bots are the reason I always get dubs

Why would someone go on Sup Forums and tell lies?


Never read a VN before, thought I'd look at the DJT recommendations. Why is it just a wall of pictures of little girls? Is that down to the person who created the lists or is it indicative of VNs as a whole?

Most VNs are made for the standard user: young male kissless handholdless "forever alone ;_;" virgins.

The usual rec pics are are fucking memes anyway.
Just go to vndb and find something interesting.

Anyone know how to search for academic papers in Japanese?

maybe try google scholar and search with japanese words, don't know if you'll find something good though

I just use filetype:pdf on Google when I want linguistic papers.

A nice dictionary example sentence:

どいつもこいつもばかばっかりだ。 I'm surrounded by fuckwits!

that's a bit too strong as a translation though


背負い means "carrying on one's back", like someone walking around with a sack over their shoulder.

出足 is "sticking one's foot out", and 払う can mean "to sweep (away)" in addition to "pay".

thank you kindly

Can you help me get the meaning right, please?


The person is speaking about their creative works that they consider to be their children, by feeling I parse this phrase as something like

>The fact that I gave it my all from the bottom of my heart is what makes it my children, my works

But I don't understand the grammar in the 自分の子であり作品たり得る part too well. It seems that たり得る is something like であることが出来る or となることが出来る, but even so, how does this phrase work grammatically? Is it something like "自分の子である (they are my children) and also 作品たり得る (can be considered my works)"? My brain is in full meltdown mode, I just don't get it.

鏡よ鏡 正直過ぎるだろう!

Is that correctly transcribed? Isn't it 自分の子である作品?

I think,

can be considered my child or my work
my child =my work

sometimes japanese creator compare his/her work to his/her child

腹の立つときゃこの子を見やれ 仲のよいとき出来た子じゃ


No idea what's going on here but it looks like everything's broken terribly

whats your OS, Operation System?

Can I get reasons for not studying the following languages ? If possible both language and culture would be cool.
>Korean ? maybe

I'll try providing my own answer (take it for what you will). Both であり and たり are functioning as parallels, both in 連用形 form and are both part of 得る. You probably already know this, but 得る that follows the 連用形 of a verb can mean できる which is what verbs like あり得ない came from. たる is a 助動詞 pretty similar to である, but you can find the nuanced differences in a dictionary. That is why the line is translated like , "Exactly because it came from the bottom of my heart, I can treat it like my own child or work."
Hope I helped in some way.

Chinese is spoken in the most populated country on earth
Japanese is only spoken in japan and anime
Korean is feminist language and unnecessarily complicated
French is spoken not only in France but also all countries that once were french colonies
Spanish is widely spoken across the whole American continent and even in Europe

Win7 64, and Notepad is the only program giving me trouble.

I can paste Japanese text no problem, but when I press Enter to convert input, it gets fucked up.

You are going to give up anyways so don't even bother starting

I don't use window, though.
Character code of note pad might be bad.
how about "ANSI" instead of "utf-8" or "unicode"?

I have a .txt saved in ANSI and another in UTF, both give me the same problem.

I think a "security module" I installed for online banking is messing with things, it's the only explanation I can see.

>Korean is feminist language

>24 hour ban from Sup Forums for saying I used sage
Atleast it wasn't site wide so I don't have to be a filthy phone poster /blog

Also bump

>even in Europe

In Japan, some women are 17 years old forever, as we know
watch vids following
It's a ridiculous rumor
Only if I give sincerely as enough devotion to it as possible, it can be my child and my work.
Only if I make sincerely as many efforts as possible

ask her what's wrong, if she doesn't respond properly then just immediately delete her. she'll come crawling back if she wants to.



Apparently both Skyrim and the Bioshock series have full Japanese audio and subtitles on Steam. Anyone here tried them?


Is the guy complaining about wasting ten years or something?

was going the "2k words + grammar guide then read" route but got impatient around ~600.
it took several hours total (between a few days) to get through yotsuba understanding everything, but it was much more enjoyable.
is that expected for a total beginner or am I extra shit at this

>to get through yotsuba
do you mean the first volume?

Yes, all beginners are just as shit. Keep reading.

fuck oops. forgot to type "the first chapter"
not even the first volume lel

don't worry, as leaf-san already said pretty much everyone starts at a horribly slow pace

Is Yotsuba actually any good? I've seen it recommended often for beginners but is it actually enjoyable to read?

well, it has some slangy stuff here and there so it can be a bit off-putting at first, but on the other hand you have to get used to it anyway and there's more material (vocab list I think) and a lot of people can answer your questions
as for the genre, I mean it's SoL with a quirky little girl... if you like that stuff you should definitely go for it, but personally I only read a bit more than the first two volumes

Would you rather read some potentially uninteresting story about a little girl playing in the neighborhood, or a guaranteed borefest set of textbook sentences about John and his car keys?

I say beggars can't be choosers, go through at least the volumes you have a reading pack for. If you don't like it, the knowledge is already with you. If you like it, whip yourself 50 times for your arrogance.

It's pretty good, but keep in mind that reading at a snail's pace might completely destroy the pacing of a lighthearted SoL manga.

This fucking つく word is giving me the hardest time.


The hell does it mean here?

息をつく= take a breath; take a short break
It was in the dictionary.

Oh so it's saying they sorta sighed together?