1. cunt

1. cunt
2. do you eat potato chips with chopsticks?



yeah i started doing that a while ago
it just the best option when you're on the computer and don't want to deal with stick greasy fingers all the time

No, I use hands. I eat the whole bag, then I lick my fingers clean then open it up to lick all the leftovers from the bag. Wasting food is a sin. Also the bag is plastic you should help in recycling by putting it in the can that collects it when you take out the trash.

i always buy three or more flavours of potato chips, then crush them to powder and mix them all together

then i eat it by licking my fingers and dipping them in the mixture

>be japanese
>must be rich to eat fucking chips
lmao at your nuclear plants

I can't eat chips one at a time, I have to stuff my mouth with at least 4 or 5 chips at a time to really apreciate the flavor


Is it too barbaric to pick potato chips with my fingers?

Hands, always wash them before touching anything else. I'm getting cracked skin on my hands because of washing them too much though, so I should probably try using chopsticks.

I pour them in my mouth from the bag because I cant fucking stand greasy fingers even for a few minutes

Please use a fork

I use おしぼり(oshibori towel) instead of chopsticks.
Eating potato chips with chopsticks is difficult to eat. :3

I don't eat chips at all.

What the fuck is wrong with you, subhuman?

I have never seen a person who eats potato with chopsticks

No, bit seems like an unironically good idea when I don't want to get my hands greasy

I eat them with a knife and a fork, like every self respecting European.

It's not normal in Japan

Japan is too picky
did you get the joke
too picky

Do you even have forks or spoons in Japan?

i dont eat potato chips because im not a fat fuck.
please lose weight and stop being a deadweight on society

>No, I use hands. I eat the whole bag, then I lick my fingers clean then open it up to lick all the leftovers from the bag. Wasting food is a sin.

Jesus Christ, I knew Romanians were poor, but I did not think they were literally starving

only uncivilized barbarians eat chips with bare hands

Seems like the A in Hungary doesn't fit anymore

>Greece is 7th
Im proud of it

if you behave nice, I'll share some paprikás and lecsó with you

Your food is terribly fat, fuck off. Ate on 3 different occasions your famous Csabai like in the afternoon. Felt sick in the stomach everytime around midnight