Kill Six Billion Demons

>Mathangi ten Meti, Murder the Gods and Topple Their Thrones


aw shit here we go

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh boy, it's about to go down.


>You'll notice I changed who appears in the lower right hand of the last panel, this is to get to the kung fu faster
I didn't even notice! AW SHIT

What was the original?

From twitter

Damn, those soldier uniforms look spiffy. Abaddon certainly can into Rule of Cool.

> long rifles
> not shooting something 30 yards away

>guards have rifles
>chase down criminal instead

Do you really want to be the one that has to explain to Mottom that she can't do anything to Allison herself because someone shoot her?


Oh, mirror guy.

>The guards color scheme matches the palace
My diiiiiiiick

Shoot her in the leg and cut off her toes! Then put coals to her feet since feet can't get any more disgusting

act tough run like a bitch

who rooting for thorn knight here?

this is what I picture from Allison's point of view as she runs through the palace

>bottom right corner


>forty keks


Very Miyazaki.

I was thinking Jin-Roh


Emergency bumb

Any information about the print version already?

It's coming along

Shoulda caught her by now with VERY little effort. She runs like a retard. She's doing "same arm and leg forward, instead of "right/left arm forward, left/right leg back".

She's probably running at full tilt and it took some time for Mottom to alert the guards.



So what have White Chain and Juggsy been doing this whole time?

38 Forged in (You's), Bumps the Thread Occasionally in Hope of Discussion

>Tom Parkinson Morgan

My guess is that Juggsy won the bet and killed the girl, and white chain is moping about it as they move towards Allison's position. I think White Chain knows how utterly fucked he'd be if he chose to attack Juggernaut. You don't fuck with the monster truck rally announcer.

Drinking tea

my guess is that when white chain and allison meet up next, White Chain will try to convince her to surrender her power peacefully like she originally wanted, but allison will have already chosen king. This will naturally lead to drama and possibly kung fu

he's badass, does he appear in the book at all?

>My guess is that Juggsy won the bet and killed the girl
What. No. The bet is the one who gets to Allison's position first. Juggernaut wins if he gets to her and kills her before White Chain can and proceed with the original plan.

Trying to find their way in the palace

Best number of lines-to-character development so far in the story

I wonder what her intentions are? Does she want the key of kings herself? Regardless she will be important, she's on the prophecy mural in chapter 4

>That filename
But she does have a sword, you can see it in the first two panels.

Looks like a canteen to me.

That may not be a sword. It looks a bit different to me...

Not yet.

>possibly kung fu

It's that thing above the canteen.

fucking linux not having an image editor installed by default so I can fucking circle the damn thing

THERE we go.
Seriously, why cant ubuntu have some MSPaint tier little drawing tool installed by default?

Well it might be a little short, but it still looks like a sword to me.

>If you should meet God on the road ... that's a paddlin'

It's a blade and I'd bet it's probably her sword. Looks like she can project sharpness over distance.

just get gimp

I did, I was just complaining that it didn't come with something that I could use to do it by default.

>Mathangi “Maya” Mantra.

>Quick warmup sketch. Antagonist in Kill Six Billion demons, a habitually drunk, overweight, Mendicant (begging) Knight. An insanely powerful swordswoman with a burning hunger for revenge.

>Wields the Maybe Sword.

Hoooly shit, it's Allison running away and a Mendicant Knight watching.

Linux doesn't come with extraneous programs

>the Maybe Sword.

It's broken.


Or maybe it's not.

That could be a really nifty sword.

Does it have some connection to Meti's sword, which was broken during her fight with the Colossus of Jerkoff Springs? I see how it's apparent ability to cut without using its blade ties into Meti's "the greatest of swordsmen do not need swords to cut" philosophy. That and Maya's "fear the swordsman that wields no blade" schtick.

I'd still jump at the chance to give Mathangi a paddlin/receive one from her. Beggar Knights would probably be into that sort of thing, as a way of "broadening the spirit". I don't care that she's old and fat.

I was under the impression that they made a bet on who could get to the passed tea girl first (they were arguing over whether or not to kill her) since they were both so close. And then Juggs said he was leaving after dropping White Chain off. Also, Michael forbade him from interfering with White Chain's mission, which was to monitor Allison, gain her trust, and kill her if necessary. For now, Juggs isn't doing shit to Allison.

>refers to the pursuers as a "parade of fools"
My gut tells me she doesn't want the key, hell she's a Beggar Knight after all, someone who doesn't seem to aspire to royalty and therefore obtains it herself. Hard to tell right now what her intentions are.
She's just mad because she met Zoss at a bar one night and he never called her back. Now she's going after his successor.

>Aesma and the Red-Eyed King ends with Aesma saying "I think I'll get a dog"
>next story
>Aesma and The Three Doggos, and the HouseTraining She Never Gave Them

can't fucking wait

>I was under the impression that they made a bet on who could get to the passed tea girl first
Well, they weren't. Reread the page. I don't know how you ever misread it that badly or why Juggernaut would even make that bet. I don't think you were even in the thread that was made for that update; everyone there understood it perfectly well. If you're still harboring doubts, check out this ask too.
>Q: 6 Juggernaut seems like a pretty loose cannon considering that 6 killed Zoss, which fucked things up in the first place, and is now acting against orders again with 82. Is 6 plotting something over 2 Michael's head or just really, really, hot blooded?
>A: Juggernaut Star is impatient. He is one of the only beings in creation (Metatron being the other) that is able to hold the knowledge of the true nature of Zoss’ power and dominion. It’ll probably become clearer over the course of the comic why he’s doing what he’s doing, but I expect it’ll take a while for us to get there.
So no, it does not matter to Juggernaut that he's acting against orders AGAIN.

Here's the page again. Reread it and try to understand the flow of conversation. He's clearly not talking about tea girl.

>My gut tells me she doesn't want the key, hell she's a Beggar Knight after all, someone who doesn't seem to aspire to royalty and therefore obtains it herself. Hard to tell right now what her intentions are.
She calls them a parade of fools probably because they're only trying to get the key for money.

Meti is motivated by revenge. Possessing the key? Definitely gonna go a long way towards helping her GET revenge.

It's probably Schrodinger's sword. Its broken and not broken at the same time.

If I have to guess whenever Maya swings it, the sword is cutting everything in its wielder's path at every possible and impossible position and trajectory within that one swing. Maya simply needs to sheathe the sword to allow probability to normalize and all possible strokes to happen.

Get ready its never been more on.


>OP as fuck drunken muderhobo swordsman who uses a shattered blade as a main weapon

we /GOULTARD/ nao

Maybe she wants to proselytize to her? She keeps asking Allison what she thinks about death.

>crab piloting a helicopter
What anime is it from?

read the filename nyigguh

Abba just posted this

>really excited to introduce this character tomorrow


YEEYEYEYEYEEEYEYYEEAH! I'm excited. Allison fighting side by side with Maya. HELL YEAH

>I plug a chicken and scream Behold a man!

>If I have to guess whenever Maya swings it, the sword is cutting everything in its wielder's path at every possible and impossible position and trajectory within that one swing. Maya simply needs to sheathe the sword to allow probability to normalize and all possible strokes to happen.

Holy shit, that would be awesome, and even matches the pattern of cuts she left at the noodle stand.

Cripes, maya is here, the rest of the pursuers are probably close by, Juggs and White Chain are in a murder race, Mottom is about to go berserk any second now, Al-Yis_Un just used the Terrible Blade for the first time, the Benny Hill music is playing....

All that needs to happen is for Princess Blueberry and Cio to show up, holding hands and giggling.

This would literally be THE BEST THING EVER.

Diogenes is my philosophu.

If they can mass produce fire arms why does most warriors still use anything that isn't a gun?
Why isn't every warrior just some other form of a gun witch?!!

Updates, why can't they come fast enough?

Jagganoth hoards all technology his forces come across, especially military shit. Also, magical shit ain't nothing to fuck with.

An excerpt on the White Art
>The White Art is associated with changing the self or the self's perceptions. Common uses include dividing the universe to teleport short or long distances, divining hidden knowledge or casting your perception across dimensions, and aligning your soul (or atum) to physically transform your own body. Practitioners can shrug off bullets and blades like water, leap incredible distances, or see through twenty-foot thick walls. The White Art is extremely hard to master and rarely sees use except by grand masters and very powerful or prodigious sorcerors. It is rumored that the ultimate use of the White Art is to turn back time, but this has never been observed.
Not mentioned is the part about the Red-White Art being used to create super soldiers.

So apart from the fact that guns and other such "high" technology are regulated in Throne, any other badass in this universe can either ignore bullets completely or have bodies that can ignore it (either naturally or made that way). There are guns where the bullets have been enchanted to do a lot more damage, though. But yeah, it's probably hard to get guns outside of working for one of the Demiurges or if you've got your own special dealio going on.

>or if you've got your own special dealio going on.
That is to say, the Gun Witches or any other "special" person.

If you're some nobody shmuck, you're probably not going to be able to get your hands on any of that stuff.

Because those people train very hard and use magic that's kept to small communities. Plus swords are better.

Holy shit it's fucking happening

But that's the thing, guns makes it easier to kill and if something makes life easier then it is usually gets in demand

>Plus swords are better.
I'll admit, That got my /k/ommando side a bit mad

Here you fucking /k/ butt baby here's some shit to make you less mad


PS swords are better than guns

>But that's the thing, guns makes it easier to kill and if something makes life easier then it is usually gets in demand
Yes. And? Like I just told you, the guns are more useful for the lower, rank-and-file warriors and the only ones who can get reliable access to them are probably the Demiurges. Anyone OUTSIDE is either special enough to have better guns or don't need it at all, and it's scarce enough that some random nobody probably won't have have it at all. SO why are you telling me guns make it easier to kill stuff as if that relates at all to what I'm telling you about why guns aren't more prevalent?

holy fuck!

>Meti of Sinope
This comic just got 2,000% more BASED

>implying Jagganoth doesn't spend all of his spare time shitposting about moist nuggets on /k/

so that's how diogene got away with public masturbation and shitting and fucking animals

but I thought everyone in ancient greece was gay right?

Somehow this tab keeps getting closed.

>nobody drew that loli motom porn in the end

Your stupid tiny bullets are nothing when they can be cut with something as dull as a butter knife.

How does something like this even happen

Is that from Prince of Cats?

Dunno about that, but she's a Hellboy character.

I thought she was from BPRD exclusively


The true name of god. Inscribed upon the tome by which the path to royalty is revealed to us.