Is Valiant good? Every once in a while I see people saying that it's better than the big two, but is it...

Is Valiant good? Every once in a while I see people saying that it's better than the big two, but is it? It's got that shitty writer from GL doing a book so it can't be that good, can it?

Some of it is, some of it isn't. What a shocker.

I mean the big 2 have lots of shitty writers.

Venditti rules at Valiant, surprisingly enough.

Venditti's X-O Manowar was pretty awesome, but now it's just OK. Much better than his GL, surprisingly. I'm also enjoying Wrath of the Eternal Warrior a lot, but it's mostly because of the art.

Good enough to stuff a ballot box.

Ivar, timewalker is good. It's a short serie, you should read it.

Archer and Armstrong was fun, Rai was an absolute blast, Imperium and Unity were good.

Really, it's all about taste: want Wolverine but with Deadpool's skillset? Bloodshot

Ninja British spy with gadgets Bond would envy? Ninjak

Cyber-Ninja in Neo-Japan where friend is foe and vice versa? Rai

Good guy team? Unity

Bad guy team that gets shit DONE? Imperium

Besides that, you have smaller stuff that ties into everything else going on: Ivar, Timewalker; Divinity; The Valiant; etc.

In short, look for something that interests you, start there, and branch out as you encounter more characters you want to know more about.


Valiant is basically what if DC and Marvel stopped pussy footing around and finally fucked with the toy box

I started reading Harbinger recently, finished the first arc, it was solid enough. I plan on going forward, HWars included, up until I reach the end.

It's just more consistently written capeshit. Don't hope for something great or out-of the box.

I was never interested in Valiant at all until I saw the WAR MOTHER preview which looked like some good shit to me, and also BRITANNIA also looked like some good shit.

So I went and picked up some stuff and it was honestly p. good. I'm looking forward to both of the above coming out.

It's mostly just ok, nothing special, but the VIDF will be here to tell you it's God's gift to comic books. I like Archer and Armstrong though.

Also this.

Isn't Faith a redditor? Why doesn't she support Bernie Sanders?

There's only ONE title from Valiant I haven't liked and it's Shadowman, writer couldn't get his shit together.

Also Eternal Warrior had some confusing runs, the one we're having right now is the fucking shit.

Literally the worst comics and fanbase.

I bet Sanders wants to shut down Unity.

I'm two years behind, so if they already shut down Unity don't tell me

I tried to get into mirage but stopped midway because it's so boring. does it pick up or is mirage just slow?

don't forget to read imperium, user.


Dysart is fucking great.
The first Shadowman writer was meh, but then Milligan fucking ruined everything.

Everything will work out just fine, senpai. Have no fear.
Yeah, it's slow as fuck. I guess they don't want to turn Shan into asskicking machine.

>Punisher but with Deadpool's skillset? Bloodshot

I'm starting to realize why im's liking bloodshot reborn the most right now is because how similar it is to punisher max.

Not really. I tried it out(XO Manowar, Eternal Warrior, Blodshot Reborn, Ninjak, Rai, The Valiant, The Death Defying Dr. Mirage). I only enjoyed the last two.

Mah nigga.

Try Quantum & Woody and A&A; if they don't convince you, then the Valiantverse is not for you.

I guess I was trying to incorporate the Government Black-OPs brainwashing/moral ambiguity aspect but yeah, he's closer to Punisher than Wolverine.

I'm already convinced.

The only Valiant book I've read is Ninjak and it fucking rules. It's like Deus Ex, if Deus Ex was an 80's action movie. Pretty sure the volume 1 tpb is less than 10 dollars too. Definitely worth your shekels.

Venditti quality work and the reason why he gets work for the big 2 is from his Valiant output you plebeian simpleton

Speaking of dark and edgy characters, i kinda like how most of the protags in Valiant have really bad traits and deeds.
>stanchek's a rapist
>harada's a single man genocide machine
>bloodshot's a child killer
>torque's a misogynist manchild
>woody's a racist

I still can't believe there's almost nothing about ninjak that's japanese and how they made it as it's no big deal.

They got like half the Harvey award nominations this year. Everyone with half a brain knows it's because of company-organized voting, but Valiant fan boys think it's because Valiant is so much better than every other company.

>company-organized voting


That user has a hateboner for Valiant, ignore him. Or even better, post panels of valiant books; it makes him angry.

I think Valiant gets away with Ninjak because of how aggressively Japanese Rai is.

That's what I like to think, anyway.

most valiantfags don't care, very obvious by how there's no mention of that until you did.

>most valiantfags don't care

Yeah, I would say most valiantfags are smart enough to know that awards are a meme. I couldn't care less if Valiant won an Oscar or a Nobel prize.

>Erica Henderson's Squirrel Girl nominated for an Eisner
>still discussing awards

I'd care enough to shitpost in a Valiant vs MCU thread if a valiant movie beat an MCU one, desu and since i mentioned movies, if the valiant movies are successful, how will it affect the books? will they turn out like marvel?

Maybe Bloodshot can beat the Punisher movies.

>Bloodshot vs Punisher shitflinging
as if isn't enough. it'd be a breath of fresh air, though, since the only time valiant ever gets a lively thread it's always has Faith on the OP.

It probably depends if all the movies are successful or just one or two. If it's the former then Valiant would shoot up in sales (although there's no way they'd catch up to the big 2 or even Image). But let's say Bloodshot is successful and the others bomb; then you might see Valiant become the Bloodshot universe, with a few Bloodshot titles and spinoffs running concurrently.

Either way, if any of the movies generate interest it will definitely be good for Valiant.


It's just a possible comparison... and Punisher movies didn't make a lot of money so it's not a huge achievement anyway.

I like both characters, you are allowed to do that you know?